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Cuz Baby you got me, baby you got me so crazy baby Got me lookin' so crazy right now Your love got me lookin' so crazy right now ( Your Love) Got me lookin' so crazy right now Your touch got me lookin' so crazy right now ( Your Touch) Beyonce~ Crazy In Love  

                                                                    Scott's P.V.O

     I was sitting at desk in my room writing to the love of my life Mitch and Kevin to see how he was doing scents he got out of this hell whole. I missed him both of them so much. I hope I get to see them soon. The way it looks I just might be I have been good and taking my meds without fight and I have been talking a lot more well trying too anyways. I think Avi is getting out pretty soon too he's doing much better. Kirstie is too she eating a lot more and you can tell because all the weight she's gained. I was almost done writing when Tori came and got me to take my medicine and lunch. I really did want to I just wanted to finish writing Mitch and Kevin.  

 I just went with Tori without fight I never fight with her anyways because I like her she nice. We went to the nurses station I took my pills then we headed to the cafeteria for lunch. I really didn't want to eat but I ate anyways for her and my friends not much but I did. I talked with Kirstie and Avi for a little bit then asked to go back to my room.

      Once I was back in my room I finished writing to Mitch and Kevin and gave it to Tori so she could send to off for me. Then I lay in my bed and read a book that I needed to finish and get it bad to Avi. I must have fell asleep reading the book because the next thing I knew Avi and Kirstie was at my door waking me to hang out with them. I guess it was free time. I got up and put on my slides and when to hang with them not sure what we were going to do. We ended up going outside to chill and Kristie had here art pad so she could do some drawing, while me and Avi just talked about stuff. We stayed out there for an hour until we had to go back in our rooms and sit there until dinner. When I got back to my room I saw that someones stuff was on the other bed. I was getting a new roommate that was just great I didn't want one. I lay on my bed to finish reading when Avi and Tori came in my room.

"Hey Tori,Hey Avi whats up?" I said

"Avi is your new roommate Scott that's who's stuff in on that bed." Tori said 

I thanked God for giving me a roommate that I was friends with. 

"Thank God It's just you Av I was scared they were giving me a new guy I didn't know." I said 

" Sorry I wanted to surprise you man that's why I didn't say nothing I had Tori start moving some of my stuff in here while we were outside. " Avi said 

"Well you sure did surprise me man." I said 

"But your post to be getting out soon right so why change rooms now?" I said 

" I don't know ask Tori that." Avi said sitting on his bed 

" Well Tori ?" I asked 

" Well Scott, I think the doctor put him in here just because he'll leave soon and I have a good feeling when you see the doctor tomorrow he'll tell you the same thing." Tori said 

" Really??!!" I said 

"Yes Scott he things your doing great and so do all of us to were you can go home." Tori said 

"OMG!!! Thank you so much." I hugged Tori but I didn't know I was crying until Tori and Avi said something. 

Tori also told me that my family made an appoument too come see my tomorrow too that what great because I missed them so much too. That made me so happy to think i'll be getting out soon so I could see my baby and I would see my family too. I had a smile on my face the whole night and went to sleep with it on.  

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