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                                                           SCOTT'S PVO

Stan told me I could stay in the clothes I was wearing just for today. I just lay in my new bed thinking I couldn't stop thinking about Mitch.His pretty brown eyes and brown hair and OH MY his lips they looked so soft I want to kiss them. I didn't have to see a doctor until tomorrow so I fell asleep think about Mitch because I didn't want ti think about leaving my family or Blue I would just start crying again. I don't know how long I was sleeping but when I woke up Mitch was singing something but I don't know what.

" Hey, You might want to get ready for dinner." Mitch said when he saw I was awake

" OK, Thank you." I said getting up to go to the bathroom.

" Your Welcome." he said

I took a shower and went to go put a uniform on but I forgot to bring one in with me so I warped a towel around me and walked out the bathroom.

" Sorry I forgot my uniform." I said

" It's OK you are new you are going to need sometime." Mitch said looking me up and down.

" Thank You." I said getting my uniform and going back in the bathroom

When I came back out I lay back in my bed until someone came to get us for dinner. I was almost asleep when Stan came in.

" Grassi, Hoying come on dinner time." Stan said

Grassi I heard that name somewhere but I counlldn't  figure out at that time I was to hungry. We follow Stan to the lunch / dinner room I saw Tori on the way.

" Hi Tori." I said and winked at her. I though she was pretty but Mitch was more.

" Hi Scott." She said shaking her head

When we got there we in line I got some chicken a brownie and Dr.Pepper to drink and Mitch just got a salad and a water and sat down with his friends. I looked around to find some were to sit I saw this guy tall and blond and brown eyes he almost looked like me and he was sitting with another guy he was normal height dark red hair with a beard and light brown eyes. They were laughing so I went to got sit by them but someone that was sitting at Mitch's table called me over to sit.

" Hi I'm Kevin sit with us." He said smiling

" OK, I'm Scott." said waving to the other people sitting at the table. They waved back but Mith didn't even look up. 

" Hi Mitch." I said sitting down he look up and waved

"So you know Mitch." The guy sat next asked I was scared he had a deep voice

" Yes I'm his roommate." I said

" Cool, I'm Avi that is Kevin, kirstie." Avi said

" Cool , Nice meeting yall." I said

We ate and talked then went back to our rooms.

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