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But I still don't understand Just how your love can do what no one else can Got me lookin' so crazy right now Your got me lookin' so crazy right now  ( Your love) Got me lookin' so crazy right now Your touch got me lookin' so crazy right now(Your Touch) Crazy In Love ~ Beyonce

It was now Monday and I getting ready to go saying bye to Kirstie ,Avi and Kevin and Scott and others while they were getting medicine ready for me to take home with me. I was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that i get to go home and see my dad and my cat  Wyatt. I want to the cafeteria where everyone was eating breakfast and having small talk. I some food then went to sit down next Scott.

"Hey Mitchy." Scott said and gave me a small kiss on my lips when nobody was lookin

"Hey Scotty, Hey everyone." I said and took a bit of my bacon

"Hey Mitch, When are they letting you leave?" Kevin asked

"When they have my medicine ready and my dad gets here so it might be awhile Kev."I said

" Ok cool I guess do you have to go back in your room ?" Kevin asked

" I don't think so I think they might let me hang out doing whatever I would have to ask." I said

As soon as I said that Tori came out to and told me that my dad was here but my medicine was not ready yet but I could go talk with my dad. So that's what I did and told Scott and the others that I would be back. I walked down the hall with Tori and there by the doors sitting in a chair was my dad.

"Hi dad." I said walking up next to him

"Hi Mitch, How have you been?" Mike asked

"I'm doing good dad." I said giving him a hug

" Mitch's Medicine is not ready yet so you guys can go in his room and catch up on things and maybe introduce your dad to Scott because he had to go back in the room." Tori said

" Ok sure follow me dad." I said walking back to the room

" Mitchy !!!" Scott said and hugged me when I can in the room

" Scotty!!!" I said and hugged him back

" Scott this is my dad Mike." I said

" Hello sir." Scott said

"Hello Scott, How are you?" Mike asked

" Good sir." Scott said

" Dad, Scott was my room mate while i was here and we fell in love too and now he's my boyfriend." I said hoping my dad would not be to mad

" Ok I know Scott's a good kid just needed some help acting right." Mike said

"Ummm, How do you know Scott dad?" I asked

" He got into a fight with so boys making fun of him and I help him out of it and took him home. I didn't know his parents put him in here," Mike said

" Scott why did you tell me?" I asked

" I don't know I guess I just want you to like me and not think all I was, was a troublemaker because I'm more than that. Please don't be mad at me." Scott said with his head down

" Oh, Scott is ok I'm not mad I could never be mad with you I love you too much." I said giving Scott a hug and not a kiss like I wanted because my dad was still in the room.

"Thank You Mitchy, I love you too." Scott said

" Dad can I have some time alone with Scott before we leave?" I asked

" Yeah Mitch I just finish putting your stuff in the car." Mike said leaving

As soon as Mike was gone and I made sure Scott and I went to making out on his bed. Scott said he was sleepy so we cuddle on him bed. Scott was sleep for five minutes when Tori knocked on the door. I told her to come in.

"Hey Mitch it's time for you to go now." Tori said

"Ok do you think I should wake him and say goodbye or let him sleep I just don't want him to freak out. ?" I asked Tori

"How bout you write him a quick letter telling bye and you'll visit soon and just let him sleep." Tori said

"Ok." I said

I wrote a quick letter telling him that I love him so much and I see him soon and why I didn't wake him. I put the letter on the bed side stand where Scott could see it when he woke gave him a quick kiss on his forehead and leaving the room. Avi, Kirstie and Kevin was all outside the room ready to say bye. We said bye and that I will visit and write. I gave them all a hug and left to get in my dad's car. 

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