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Got me lookin' so crazy, my baby I'm not myself lately I'm foolish, I don't do this I've been playing myself Baby I don't care Cuz your love got the best of me And baby you're makin'a fool of me you got me sprung and I don't care who sees Crazy In Love ~ Beyonce

I was now home for about a month and happy but missing Scott and my friends so much. Sometimes I would be thinking about missing them and be crying and don't even know it until my dad would tell me if he was around. I was back in school and doing some what good I was just wearing hoodies to cover up and I would listen to music when I could without getting caught. As long I was making good grades they wouldn't tell my dad nothing which was good because might send me back which was not all that bad I would be with Scotty and my friends again but I didn't want to go back I want them out with me. At lunch instead of eating I wrote Scott, Kirstie, Avi and Kevin letters so I could send them when I got home.

I slowly got threw the rest of the school day happy to be home. When I got home I feed Wyatt and had some honey bbq chips and sent the letters off. Then I did my homework and watched some T.V until my dad came home. When my dad came home he sent me to the store while he got dinner started. I knew how to drive because my dad taught me and I got my driver's license but he sent me to Florida before I could get a car. So my dad gave his keys to his car and a list for things to get and some money. When I got to the store I got a cart and started to go in the store but some boys were sitting outside the store just talking and laughing. I was scared to walk past them because I didn't want them to make fun of me or try and fight me. But I did it because I was done with people making fun of me and bullying me because I'm gay so what I like guys get over it. I walked right past them, they were talking stuff about me like how I had a purse, and like how I was wearing a girl's shirt and whatever but I didn't care and I went right in the store right past them. I was so proud of myself for not breaking down and running away. I know Scott, Kirstie, Avi and Kevin would be proud of me and my dad when I tell him.

I walked around getting everything off the list when I went down one lane with the hair dye I was just looking for now but I think I want to dye my hair one day I don't know what color tho. I finished getting the things and went to check out I got me a snickers while checking out. I grabbed the bags and went out the store hopping that those guys left and was not still hanging out in front of the store. Like really who does that. They were still out there but I made it to the car safe. I put the stuff in the back and got in the car and went on way home.

When I got home I took everything out the car and put it in the kitchen for my dad and gave him his keys back and the left over change. I went up to my room and got on my laptop. I got on Twitter for a little bit then I got on my facebook. I saw I got a friend request and when I saw who it was I flipped out it was Kevin and that meant he was out too now. I'm so happy I accepted it right away so I could talk was him. Kevin was not on now so I just played some games on my facebook and listened to music on youtube.

After awhile my dad called me down for dinner so I logged out of my facebook and shutdown my laptop and went down stairs.

" Mmmm, It smells good dad." I said coming down

" Yeah well it's your fav, Spaghetti." Mike said

" Yessss!" I said

I feed wyatt then made me a plate and got me some sweet tea and sat down at the table with my dad. I told my dad about my dad at school and about what happened at the store and what I did. He said that was proud of me and happy that i'm doing so much better now. We talked some more and I went for another plate of Spaghetti and some more tea when I was done eating I helped my dad clean up and put the leftovers up. Then went up to my room to just chill because I was to full to do anything. I cracked my door so wyatt could come in if he went and got back on my laptop and logged back in my facebook hopping Kevin was on so I could talk with him I missed Kevin and everyone so much. I was playing a game when Kevin messaged me.

Kevin: Hey Mitchy How have you been doing? I miss you so much

Mitch: Hey Kev I'm good you? I miss you so much too I'm happy you're out. When did they let you go home?

Kevin: I'm doing good too and Thanks I'm happy to be out even tho I miss Kirstie, Avi and Scott. They let me out about a week ago.

Mitch: Yeah same, so where are you living now?

Kevin: In Kentucky with my parents but I thinking and moving to Los Angeles soon.

Mitch: Cool I always want to go there and maybe live there if I like it

Kevin: Well how bout when I move there you can come see me and stay if you like it

Mitch: Really?

Kevin: Yes, and it would give us time to get caught up in person

Mitch: Alright sounds good to me Kev

Kevin: I knew it would

Mitch: How was Scott doing before you left?

Kevin: He was doing really well even with you gone but he told me if I talk with you to tell that he loves you so much and miss you

Mitch: Awww I love him and miss him so much I hope he gets out soon all of them.

Kevin: Me too

Mitch: Oh I just wrote y'all a letter and put it in the mail but I guess you won't get yours

Kevin: I guess not but we can talk on here tho

Mitch: Yeah , I'm getting sleepy I'll talk with you tomorrow

Kevin: Ok Goodnight Mitchy

Mitch: Goodnight Kevin

I logged out my facebook and shutdown my laptop and put it on my desk then got ready for bed I was to sleepy to take a shower so I was going to in the morning. I got in boxers and was going to shut my door but wyatt ran in at the last minute like he knew it was bed time. I shut my door locking wyatt in my room and get in bed right when my head hit my pillow and I closed my eyes I was out.  

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