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                                                                                     Scott's P.V.O 

 So I was in the craft room doing a puzzle to keep myself busy until Mitch came when I called in to see my doctor. I didn't know why because it wasn't time for me to see him and plus I didnt need to but I went anyways.

That's whent he let me talk to somebody one the phone.

" Hello?" I said

" Scotty I'm goning to be alittle late picking you up because I go into a car crash were i broke my arm." Mitch said

" Ok, Mitchy I hope your arm feels better." I said starting to cry not because he was goning to be late but because my baby was hurt. 

" Its ok Scotty im coming ill just be late and Kevin should be there when you get out to help you and stay with you until I get there so dont cry my love." Mitch said

" And, im not crying because of that im crying because your hurt and I can't be with you to help." I said

" Awww I'll be fine Scotty just know that I love you and I'll be there soon as I can." Mitch said

" Alright I love you see you soon." I said

" Love you too, bye baby."


After getting off the phone with Mitch my asked if I was ok and what was going on. So I told him and he talked with me then sent me to my room to relax and calm down. So that what I did and I fell asleep not even eatting dinner.

A/N So this next chaper might be the last with scott and mitch together. I want it to be but we'll see what happens

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