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Got me hopin' you page me right now your kiss, Got me hopin' you save me right now, Lookin' so crazy in love got me lookin' got me lookin' so crazy in love, Got me lookin' so crazy right now, Your love got me lookin' so crazy right now ( Your Love) Crazy In Love~ Beyonce

Mitch P.V.O

When I got home from school I had a mail waiting for me it was a letter from Scott I ripped it open to read it as soon possible he wort me telling how good he was doing so he could get out of that hell whole so we could be together again and how he loved me and he also told me how Avi and Kirstie they were good and I was happy about that hopefully they would all get out at the same time but I don't think that is going to happen. I was still happy to hear from my baby. I wonder if he would be out so he could see me graduate from school because I was surprise I was even graduating seeing  how long I was out of school.
So that's what I wrote Scott back about just to let him know what I was doing until he got out. After I was done I cooked dinner and feed Wyatt.

I wanted to see Scott really bad I couldn't wait for Scott to get out. That was it I was going to take a road trip to see him.On my way to stay with Kevin. I was taking some of my things over to Kevin and staying for a week then coming back home until I get my diploma in my hand. My dad was cool with all this and he was going to help me by watching Wyatt and with money and the car. I was leaving in the morning and would be there in like a week.

In the morning I ate some eggs and then packed all what I was taking to Kevin's in the car my dad had already left for work but he left me the car keys and some money and i was to call him every night until I got there. I said good bye to wyatt and headed north.

I drove all that day until maybe 2 am then I found a hotel to sleep at and called my dad and told him just in case something happened to me. Before I had got to the hotel i picked me up something to eat so I ate showered and watched until I fell asleep.

I woke up at 8 in the morning washed up got coffee and started driving with only about four hours of sleep but I was fine to drive. I drove and sang to the radio until I wanted food in me. So I pulled over and got some MacDonalds and called Kevin and my dad to let them know where i was at and that I should be at Kevin's in 7 days maybe less. Then I got back on the rode and just jammed out to the radio and drive and think about my Scottie.

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