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                                                            Scott's  P.O.V

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM NOW." Scott yelled at his sister

For no reason he just did not  want his sister in his room but that was no reason to yell at her. As he had been in a bad mood for the past couple of days. He just wanted to sleep he had lack of energy and he was not interest in things. But i guess that what happens when you have Bipolar and your medication is not really helping. Some days he was happy and hyper and did not sleep as much. But today all he wanted to do was sleep because he was up most of the night.

When Scott woke up later that day he went to go find his sister to say sorry. He found her in her room playing with their dog Blue. Blue was blue nose pit-bull puppy she was gray with a white chest and white toes and gray-blue eyes. 

" Hey , Lauren?" He said

"Yeah, Scott?" She said

" I'm so sorry for yelling at you I have been having problems and I shouldn't be taking out on you." He told Lauren

" It's OK Scott I'm hear for you if you need me and so is Blue and Leah and mom and dad." She said

" I know thank you. " Scott said

" I love you" Lauren told Scott

" I love you too" Scott said

Scott went to the kitchen to get him something to eat ,he feed Blue while he was in there. He was making a sandwich when his dad came home for work.

" Hey son , How are you doing?" His dad asked Scott

" Good dad , Would you like a sandwich ?" Scott asked his dad

" I would love one , Were is your sisters?" His said

" In Lauren is in her room getting ready for work I think and Leah is at her friends house." Scott said

Lauren worked at pizza place so sometimes she would bring home free pizza she got and Scott loved it because he loved pizza. When Scott was done with his sandwich he went for a walk. He was walking when a group of boys started missing with him and calling names and hitting on him. He tried to calm down and walk away but that didn't work so he beat the shit out all four of them someone must of called the police because the next thing he knew he was in handcuffs. He was hurt bad but not as bad as the boys. Scott was in the back seat of the police car laughing and crying at the same time.

" Are you OK ? What is your name so I can you home and talk to your parents?" The policeman asked Scott

" I'm good and my name is Scott Hoying." Scott said still laughing and crying

The officer looked up Scott's address in his computer. Scott didn't know why he was laughing , he was crying because he hurt a little and he was scared what his parents would say. When they got to Scott's house the officer got out and let Scott out of the handcuff they walk up to the door the officer knocks on the door Scott has his head down but is still laughing.His dad answers the door.

"Hello, Are you Mr. Hoying ?" The officer asked

" Yes, Scott are you OK what happened? Why are you laughing this is not funny you are hurt?" My Dad said

The officer told my dad everything.

" OK, Thank you officer Grassi." My Dad said taking me inside and shut the door .

" Can I go to my room to calm down please?" Scott asked his dad

" Yeah me and your mom will be in there later to talk." Rick told Scott

Scott went into his room and shut the door went into his bathroom to take some pain medicine and  listened to Beyonce' on his iPod until he fell asleep an hour later there was a knock at his door.It was his Mom and Dad to talk.

" Hey Scott , Are you feeling better now?" His Mom asked

" Yeah a little." Scott said

" Scott me and your mom are sending you to Florida to get some help. Look Scott we love you and we don't wont to do this but you need it." His Dad said

Scott started to crying his Mom hugged for and good while and Scott finely spoke.

" I understand when I'm I going." Scott said

" Lauren is going to take you down there you guys leave Friday." His Dad said

(Ok I Think I fixed all the typos)

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