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Got me hopin' you page me right now your kiss Got me hopin' you save me right now Lookin' so crazy in love Got me lookin' Got me lookin' so crazy in love Got me lookin' so crazy, my baby i'm not myself lately I'm foolish I don't do this I've been playin' myself Baby i don't care Crazy In Love ~Beyonce

When I woke up I was not cuddling Mitch no more he was gone he left me and didn't even wake me to say goodbye I started to cry beause I feel hurt like he was mad at me and didn't love me. Then I saw a letter on the bed sidestand I wiped my tears and read it

Dear Scott,

I did not wake you to say goodbye because this is not a goodbye. I will see you again and we will be together plus I realy didn't want you to lose it and they have to put you on lock down so I wort this for you. Please keep it together and keep take your meds and talking so they can let you go to. I love you Scotty and I'll visit really soon.

Love, Mitchy 

I was so happy that Mitch wrote this for me so I knew he still loved me and always will. I put the letter down and wiped the tears that I didn't know I had I held my head in my hands for a while trying to calm down and stop crying.

" Scott are you alright?" The voice said coming from my door

I jumped a little not knowing how it was because the nurses and doctors knock before coming in our room unless we are losing it and really need to 5get in.

"Shit you scared me Tori and yeah i'm alright." I said

" Sorry I knock three time and you didn't answer me so I just came in." Tori said

" It's fine did you need something?" I asked

" Oh yeah it's time for meds and lunch." Tori said

" Ok can i use the bathroom real fast?" I asked

"Yeah I'll wait here." Tori said

"Thanks." I said and went into the bathroom

I pulled myself together and went pee before coming out. When I came out Tori was sitting on Mitch's old bed I think she was missing him too and was missing him even more and it hasn't even been a whole day.

" Are they going to give me a new roommate?" I asked Tori

" I really don't know sweetheart." Tori said

Tori took me to the meds station so I could take them than to the cafeteria for lunch. I really didn't even want to eat with out my Mitchy there but I did because he would want me to. I sat with Avi, Kirstie and Kevin but didn't talk to them I just hi and sat quietly and thought about if they were going to give me a new roommate or let stay in there alone. I really didn't want one but I guess I would know more tomorrow. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Kirstie tapped me.

" Yeah?" I said

" Scott we know you miss Mitch but you need to eat and talk with people and act like you got some scents or they might never let you out of here." Kirstie said

" Yeah I know kit." I said

"So how are y'all doing?" I asked then took a bit out of my pizza

" I'm doing much better keeping myself in cortal and not beating on stuff to make noise or doing other things." Kevin said

" That great Kev." I said

" I'm doing better too with my anger." Avi said

"Cool man." I said

" If you can't look at me and see I'm doing better then somethings is wrong with you." Kirstie said

" I see you lookin great kit." I said laughing

" How about you Scott?" Kevin asked

" Well I'm getting there, I'm happy that y'all are doing good." I said

I finished my food before they said we all had to get back to your rooms. Tori walked me back to my room and I went in and sat on my bed for a while then I got bored so I decided to read one of the books Mitch left behind. I got to chapter three when I heard a knock on my door.

" Come in." I said

" Hey Scott, It's free time so I gonna leave your door open so you can come out if you want. Or keep reading scents this is the first time I seen you read." Alex said

" Yeah I really don't like reading but Mitch really seemed to like and he left it I was bored and wanted to see what it was about ." I said

" Well ok would you like me to leave your door open then?" Alex asked

" Yes please." I said

Alex left to go do whatever and I got back to reading. I read for a little longer before Avi, kirstie and Kevin came to my room. I was so into the book that I didn't even see them. Avi came in and sat next to me on my bed which made me jump a little and lose my place in the book.

" What are you reading Scotty?" Avi asked 

"Shit, I was reading How To Kill A Mockingbird until y'all showed up."I said

" Awww sorry Scotty we just wanted to hang with you." Kirstie said

" It's alright kit I'll finish reading tonight, so what's up?" I said

" Do you want to play a game with us or go outside and just sit and talk and enjoy the outside?" Kevin asked

" How bout we see if we can play a game outside." I said

" Ok sounds fun, let's go ask Tori to see if it's ok." Kevin said

We all went to talk with Tori to see and she said to was ok and she will go out with us to play and make sure we all play nice. So that what we did for about an hour. 

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