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                                                                              Scott's PVO

Such a funny thing for me to try to explain  How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame - Crazy In Love - Beyonce' 

" So Scott are you feeling OK? Are you sick?" Toddrick asked me when I went back into his office for the second time to day. 

" A little sad and I don't feel sick why?" I said 

" Just want to know why you didn't go to lunch to day." Toddrick said 

" Just didn't feel like eating." I said 

" You want to talk about anything with me you and it's just between me and you Scott." Toddrick said 

" OK." I said and I told about how I miss my family but my dog Blue more. 

When we were done talking Tori took my to the game room. I saw Mitch and his friends and sadly waved to them. I sat down next to Mitch and put my head down I just didn't feel like talking at all. 

" Hey Scott, Whats up man?" Kevin asked me 

I shook my head to tell him nothing and put my head back down.

" Are you OK Scott ?" Mitch asked me 

I shrugged my shoulders I really didn't if i was not but i knew I was depressed me and my parents thought this place so going to help but I only been here a couple weeks. Avi and Kevin played thier game and Mitch and Kristin talked and I just sat there watching Avi and Kevin play until we had to go back to our rooms. 

When we got back to our room Mitch tried talking to me but I just didn't feel like it.

" Did I do something wrong why are you not talking to me?" Mitch asked me

" No you did nothing wrong It's me I just sad and don't feel like talking to anyone right now sorry." I told him

" Will you can talk to me about anything and I want tell anyone unless you talk about hurting your self." Mitch said 

" Thank you but I think I'm going to sleep until dinner or something or do you want me to stay up with you." I said 

" No you can sleep." Mitch said 

I closed me eyes and went to sleep. I don't know how long I was sleep but I woke up to someone knocking on the door and Mitch yelling for them to come in. It was Josh I guess Stan was not here today. 

" Hey guys it's time for meds and dinner." Josh said quitly when he came in I guess he saw that I was try to sleep.

" I will take my meds but I don't want to eat." Mitch told Josh 

" Mitch your Dr. told me that you had to eat something even if it was i little." Josh said 

" I DO NOT WANT TO EAT." Mitch yelled that Josh 

" Mitch I don't want to eat too but if i eat a little will you eat some too please?" I asked him getting up form my bed 

" But I don't want to." Mitch said 

" I know but you need to get better , We need to get better if I help you will you help me we can do this as friends?" I said hoping to help 

" Yeah I guess we can do this together I do want to get out of here." Mitch said 

" Thank you." I said and hugged him 

Mitch hugged me back then we took our meds and Josh took us to eat dinner even if we didn't want to.

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