Girl meets Hart.

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~Riley's pov~
That morning started off like any other. I woke up, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. Maya came in through my window. "Hey Maya." I smiled at her. "Hey Riles." She smiled back that beautiful smile. "Now let's get breakfast," I said. Maya grabs my hand and pulls me. "What is it Maya?" "I don't want breakfast today." I look at her concerned. "Why not?" She sits down. "I'm just not hungry." I sit down next to her. She looks down. 'She looks so cute when she's upset.' I thought. "Maya, what's wrong? You never skip out on breakfast.. Well, my mom never lets you skip out on breakfast." "It's nothing.."
I grab her hands, causing her to look at me. I look into her beautiful eyes. "Maya, you can tell me anything, you know that." She looks away. "It's just-" my mom comes into my room. "Breakfast is ready. Are you two comming?" Maya gets up. "Yeah." I get up and follow them to the kitchen.
We eat breakfast then Maya and I go to school. "Ladies." Farkle says to Maya and I. "Sup Farkle." Maya says. "Hi Farkle." I say in my normal tone. "Mr. Matthews, sir, can we not have a lesson today? I have big plans, I need all the time I can get." Farkle says after my dad gets in class. "Farkle, you always want to learn. What are these big plans you have?" Farkle smiles. "Secret. May I be excused." "Fine." Farkle leaves the class room. "Today, we're going to talk about something a bit different, peer pressure." Lucas raises his hand. "Uhm, Mr. Matthews, sir, this is History class." "Oh why not. We always only have life lessons in this class anyway. It was just a matter of time before he would teach us this." Maya added. "Why do you have to have a lesson on this? We already know about peer pressure." I added. "Because, as you grow older, preer pressure will be tougher to handle. I just want to protect you for the future." "Really, Matthews? I think we can handle some peer pressure." Maya says. "Well too bad." My dad said back to her.
~After school~
Maya and I are in the subway about to go back to my house. I look at Maya. "Maya, are you okay? You've been acting weird since this morning." She looks at me and smiles, but I can tell it's fake. "It's nothing." I look at her with puppy dog eyes. "Maya, please." She sighs. "Alright.. But, not now. At the window." I smile and put my arm around her. "Got it." She puts her arm back around me. We get back to my house. "Hey mom, dad." I say after we walk through the door. "Hey, I'm here too!" Auggie added. I smile and give him a slight noogie. "Hey Auggie." "Riley, can I talk to you for a second?" I get confused. "Sure dad. Wait, am I introuble. What did I do? I was just with Maya." He laughes a little. "Riley calm down, you didn't do anything wrong. I just want to talk to my daughter, spend some time with you." I look at him and smile. "Really?" I snap back into reality. "Dad, what do you really want?" "Fine. Look Riley, remeber what I said about peer pressure." I sigh. "Dad, we went over this, I'm old enough to know how to avoid it." "I know, I know, but I just want you to get this, you don't ever have to do what is told to you by others, you have a choice, don't feel like you have to listen to them to do something." "Why are you telling me this? Usually your life lesson is for something that will happen. Nothing's happened. I won't give in to peer pressure dad, I'll follow my hart." He smiles and hugs me. "That's a good girl." "I'm not a dog, dad." He smiles. "I know." Then he leaves the room. Maya comes in a couple seconds later and comes and sits next to me by my window. "So, what's wrong?" I asked Maya. She looks down. "It's-.. Hard, Riley." I grab her hand, causing her to look at me. "What is?" She sighs. "Everything. Life's just- hard. I want to tell you-" interrupting her, Farkle comes in. "Ladies." Maya gets mad at him. "Farkle." She says madly and grabs the collar of his shirt. He smiles. "What have I done to deserve this affection?" "What did you hear?" "Nothing, nothing!" Then his watch repeats what Maya said to me. She takes the watch off of his wrist and smashes it under her feet. He smiles and pulls out another one. "Get out." Maya said. "This is my time with Riley, Farkle.. I need to tell her something." He goes near the window. "Sure. I'm sorry I did that. It was insensitive of me. See you two monday." He leaves. "Riley, there's alot.. Of stuff that I've been feeling recently, and, I don't understand alot of those feelings.." She looks away. I get confused. "What do you mean?" She sighs. "That's just it, I don't know what I mean.. I don't know what I feel.. It's weird. Like, this feeling everytime I get near this person.. My heart starts to pound, I get butterflies in my stomach.. I don't understand it, Riley." My eyes widen. "I feel the same way!" I realize what I said and blush a little. "I-I mean, you know, I get those same feelings for someone too.. You have a crush, Maya." Her eyes widen. "I have a.. Crush? That's weird.. I don't get crushes." I smile and put my hand on her shoulder. "Everyone does, Maya. Even you." She looks into my eyes. "But it's who it is I'm worried about!" I look into her beautiful eyes. "Why? Are you scared they won't like you back? You're a wonderful girl, Maya. And if they can't see that, they don't deserve someone as beautiful as you." Maya smiles. "Thanks Riles." And hugs me. I look at her for a second, "Maya, if I tell you who my crush is, will you tell me who yours is?" I smile wide. She looks away and blushes a little. "Well-.." I interrupt her. "Maya, if you don't want to tell me, you don't have to. But I'm still going to tell you who my crush is." She looks a little sad. "Great." She said kind of sarcastically. I smile. "It's you, Maya." She looks up at me kind of confused. "What's m- Riley, do you know what you just said? What about Ranger Rick?" I smile wider. "Of course I know what I just said." A thought comes to my head, causing me to get a little dissappointed. "Wait, do you not like me back?" I begin getting sad. Maya's eyes widen. "You knew that I liked you?" I smile slightly and giggle a little. "Yeah.." She puts her hand on my shoulder. "And you didn't tell me you knew?" I smiled wider. "Nope. I wanted to wait to see where it would go." I glanced at her lips for a second and bit my lip and smirked. I lean in to kiss Maya.
~Maya's pov~
Riley leans in and kisses me. I kiss back. Once she pulls away, I feel a smile creep upon my lips. "You just kissed me, Riley." She blushes and smiles. "Did you like it? Oh of course you liked it, you're smiling!" I took this oppertunity to joke around, "How do you know, I could be smiling because of how cute you are." I flirted. She blushes more. "I love you, Maya." I smile and kiss her gently. "I love you too, Riley." Topanga comes into Riley's room. "Dinner's ready." She leaves the room. I look at Riley.
~Riley's pov~
Maya looks at me. "Let's go." I grab her hand and she grabs mine. We sit next to eachother like usual, but we sat a little closer than usual. Corey just looks at us. "Is there something wrong, dad?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No. Not at all." Maya and I finish our dinner and go back to my room. "So Maya.. What are you thinking of doing?.." I sit down on my bed and pat next to me so she can sit down. She sits down and smiles. "Well, I was thinking, maybe.." She leans in and kisses me gently. I kiss back. "Is that it?" I joked and leaned in a kissed her passionatly. She kissed back just as passionatly. I wrap my arms around her neck, as she wraps her arms around my waist. As we're kissing, I feel her tongue on my lips, I part my lips to allow her tongue's entry. As we're kissing, I hear my door open. I pull away as fast as I can, with my arms still around her neck, and her arms still around my waist. It's Topanga she gasps when she sees us. "What were you two doing?!" We let go of eachother. "We were just.. Hugging, mom." She looks at me. "Riley, tell me the truth." I sigh. "Window." I tell her. She smiles wide. "Really? Me!" I smile back at her. "Yeah." Maya, Topanga and I go sit at the window. I sit in the middle of them. I take a deep breath. "Mom.. Maya and I.. Are kinda'.. Together now." I grab Maya's hand and hold it up. "Oh. Well, I don't know what to say this is so new to me." I look at my mom worriedly. "Am I going to get in trouble?" Topanga smiles. "Of course not, honey. You're my daughter, and I still love you. No matter who you date." I hug her. "Thanks mom. Can we not tell dad yet? I'm not really ready for him to know yet.." "Oh, of course. Whenever you're ready." I smile. "Okay. Thanks mom." She leaves the room. I sigh with relief. "That was close.." Maya glared at me. "Close? Dude, you just told your mom, you're sitting on her lap they only way you'd be closer is if you were her!" I roll my eyes. "Okay, Maya, I get it. But she basicly saw us kissing. I wasn't going to not tell her." "Well, you wanna' watch a movie?" I smile wide. "Yeah." We go to the living room, "So, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked Maya. She smirks. "How about.." She looks for a second and grabs one. "The scream!" She smiled deviously. My eyes widen. "But that's.. A scary movie." "Congradulations Sherlock, you figured it out!" I giggle a little. "Alright, alright. But only if you comfort me." She smiles and puts her arm around me. "Why would I not?" She puts the movie in, I sit down on the couch, she goes and turns all the lights off and comes and sits down next to me. She looks at me and smiles. "You ready, Riles." I smile back. "As ready as I'll ever be." The movie begins to play, I'm scared out of my mind just knowing it's a horror movie. Maya wraps her arm around me to comfort me. I move closer to her, laying my head on her shoulder, and wrapping my arms around her waist. Not too far into the movie, I fall asleep like that. I wake up the next morning with Maya laying on the couch with me, cuddling me. As I wake up more, I hear mom, dad, and Auggie in the kitchen. I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up. I shake Maya to try to wake her up. "Maya. Maya, wake up." "Uhmph.." She says. I keep shaking her. "Maya wake up." She wakes up and smiles. "Oh hey Riley, you're a beautiful sight to see." I smile back. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Maya sits up and kisses me. My eyes widen and I pull away. "What's wrong, Riles?" I point to Corey. She turns around and looks. "Oh.." She rubs the back of her neck. "G-good morning Mr. Matthews.. I didn't know you were in here.."

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