Stuck on the Island.

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~Maya's pov~
I shake Riley slightly to wake her up. "Riley, wakey, wakey, or no kissy, kissy." After I say that, she pops up and kisses me passionatly. My eyes widen and I kiss back. "We're going back home today." I tell her. "Yeah.." She sighs. "This has been a great vacation, besides, you know, but.." She starts kissing down my neck and takes my shirt off of me and starts sucking my nipples, making me moan slightly. She comes back up and kisses me passionatly, as I kiss back as passionatly. I feel her tongue enter my mouth, they begin to dance together. I pull away and take Riley's shirt off of her and start kissing down her neck and get to her brests and start sucking her nipples, causing her to moan slightly. I go back and kiss her passionatly. I then lay her down and pull down her shorts and go between her legs and start fingering her, making her moan louder. I then stick two fingers inside of her and pull them in and out and continue doing that, as I am, I stick my tongue inside of her. "M-Maya~" she moaned. I stick my tongue in deeper and begin licking her, making her moan louder. I smirk and look up at her and continue licking her. I then begin eating her. "M-MAYA~" she moaned out. I go back up and kiss her passionatly. "M-my turn." She said, breathless. She goes and starts kissing my brests then starts sucking my nipples, causing me to moan slightly. "Oh~" I moaned out. She then takes my shorts off of me and sticks her fingers in me and pulls them in and out as she starts eating me. "OH R-RILEY~" I moaned loudly. She then looks at me. "Eat me too." She said seductivly. With that, she got up and I fully layed on the bed and got ontop of me, with her head between my legs, my head between hers. Just then, she starts eating me intently, causing me to moan. I also start eating her too. We continue eating eachother for a couple minutes, then Riley stops and comes up a little, she starts sucking my nipples once again, as I suck hers also. She then stops, causing me to stop also and comes up and kisses me passionatly, as I kiss back. I smile. "Great last day.." Riley smiles wide. "Yeah." She says happily. "We should get dressed." I tell her. "Already?" She says jokingly. "Yes Riley, already." She sighs. "Alright." We both get dressed and get everything packed that we brought, Riley leaves the room and comes back with everything you get free from the bathroom and stuffs it into the suitcase. "I'm surprised you got to it first." I joked. She smiles and rolls her eyes. "Hmm.." I go into the kitchen to see if there's anything we could bring back with us, I get as much food as I can carry and go and stuff it into the suit case. "You ready?" I ask. She sighs. "No. I wanna' stay here alone with you.." I go and wrap my arm around her. "I know, princess, but we have to go back." She sighs sadly. "Okay.." I smile. "C'mon, cheer up!" I kiss her gently, she kisses back. "We still have eachother." She finally smiles and wraps her arm around me. "I'm ready." She interlocks arms with me as we leave the hotel and go to the receptionist and give back the key. "Thank you for your stay!" She said as she took the key. Riley and I look around for the private jet. I sigh. "It's not here." Riley says sadly. It then lands infront of us. "Well.." I start. "Yes it is." I say enthusiastically. The pilot guy opens the door to let us on. We get on and sit next to eachother. We go on our way back home. I fall asleep on the way. "Maya! Get up!!" I heard Riley yell. "Mph.." Is all I say. She begins shaking me. "Wake up!!!" She yelled at me. I wake up. "I'm up, I'm up." "The jet is going down!!!!" Riley yelled at me, causing my eyes to widen. "Wha- what do we do?!?" I say shocked and scared. "Buckle up and prepare for impact!" She told me, holding onto me for her life, as I held onto her also. I suddenly black out. I wake up later and rub my head. "Wha-.." I look around. "Where am I?" I look over at Riley and she's been cut across her face and she's about to fall out of her seat and faceplant into the ground. "Riley.." I say sadly. I then unbuckle my seat belt and fall onto the ground, I feel a serious pain in my arm. "AUGH.." I yelled from the pain. I look down and my arm is all scratched up and bleeding and looks like it's bent the wrong way. My eyes widen. I try to walk, and my ankle starts aching. "Seriously?" I choak out. I have a broken arm and a sprained ankle. Riley then wakes up and her eyes widen. "What happened?!" I sigh. "We crashed.." I told her. "No, what happened to you?" She asked shocked. "Don't know.." She then notices that she's still buckled up, and she'll fall on the ground if she unbuckles. "I'll catch you." I tell her. "But, won't it hurt?" She asked sympathetically. "I can handle it." I replied. "Okay.." She unbuckles, I try to catch her, as soon as she lands on me, I fall onto the ground, with her ontop of me. "AUUGH!" I yelped. Riley's eyes widen as she gets off of me. "I'm so sorry! Maya, are you okay?" She asked, shocked and sympathetically. "I could ask you the same.." I tell her, making her confused. "What do you mean?" I get something that can show her reflection and show her. Her eyes widen. "What happened?!" She asked shocked. "Don't know.." I sigh. "I have to get up, don't I?" I try to get up, but I just fall back down. Riley helps me back up, I put my arm around her for support. "Thanks.." I tell her. "No problem." She replied. My eyes widen. "What are we gonna' do?!" Riley looks at me worried. "Uhh.. OH! I'll just call my parents!" She said reaching into her pocket. Her eyes widen. "Where's my phone?!" She says worriedly. I see it. "Oh! There it is!" I say running to pick it up. I stop running from my ankle hurting. "Ngh.." I growl. "Maya! Don't hurt yourself! I'll get it." Riley tells me and walks and picks up her phone, her eyes widen. "What's wrong?" She shows me the front of her phone, there is no front of her phone. The front of her phone is all broken, there's no way to use it. My eyes widen. "Wait! My phone!" I say, pulling my phone out. My eyes widen. "What's wrong? Is it broken too?!" I sigh and show her. Her eyes widen. I sigh. Then my eyes widen. "Wait!! Farkle! He can come get us!" I smile slightly and call him. "Sorry! Farkle couldn't make it to the phone too busy with ma' ladies!" It then beeps. I roll my eyes and begin speaking. "Farkle! Riley and I need your help! We're stuck on an island! Please come get us!!"
~Corey's pov~
"Riley's comming home today!" I say happily. "And Maya." Topanga added. "Yeah, yeah, and Maya." Topanga glares at me. "You need to appreciate Maya more. She's done nothing but care for our daughter. You told me she was going to break up with her so she wouldn't hurt her. She just wants the best for Riley, like us." I sigh. "Yeah.." We then go to wake up Auggie and go to the kitchen, Topanga makes us oatmeal. I eat and go off to school. "Bye!" "Bye daddy!" "Bye hunny!" I went to school, Farkle wasn't there. "What? Where's Farkle? He never misses school. Even when he does, he has his camra thing here." Lucas raises his hand. "I think he's a home sir, he hasn't answered any of my messages or calls." He explained.
~Lucas' pov~
I look at my phone, I have a missed call from Maya. I raise my hand. "Yes, Lucas?" "Maya called me, can I call her back?" He looks at me fore a second and sighs. "Alright.." He finally answers. I go out into the hall and call Maya back. "Bucky! Riley and I are stuck on an island and we have no way to get back!!! You have to find a way to come get us!!" My eyes widen. "Okay, what?" I was confused. "Just put Farkle on." "He's not here. "WHAT?!?" She sounded shocked. "Uhh.. I'll go to his house and call you when I get there!" She sighs. "Alright, but hurry!!" I leave the school and go to Farkle's house. When I get there, his father's on the porch. "Hello, Mr.. Minkus.." I hold back my laugh and walk up to him. "Is Farkle here? I really need to talk to him, it's urgent." "I'm sorry, but he's grounded." I sigh. "Please, sir. My friends are in serious trouble, and they need Farkle." He raises an eyebrow. "The ladies running after him?" I roll my eyes. "Yes sir. Them." He gets up and opens the door. "Thank you, sir." I say and go up to Farkle's room. "Lucas? What are you doing here?" He asked confused. "No questions, just listen." I then call Maya and put it on speaker. "You get Farkle?" She asked. "Yeah. Here he is." I hand him my phone. "Lady." He says in his flirtatious tone. I roll my eyes. "Farkle, I need you to come and get me and Riley, you can figure out where we are with your tracking watch thing." "Will do!" He gives me back my phone. "Well, I guess I'll come with to make sure you two are-" the phone beeps as if she hang up, because she did. I sigh. "Guess she doesn't want me to come.. I can understand why." I go back down stairs. "Dad, I need my watch back! I have to go get Riley and Maya!" He sighs. "Alright." And hands it to him he leaves, as I follow, but I go the other way to go back home. He looks back at me. "Aren't you comming?" I sigh and look down. "Maya doesn't want me to.." He looks at me sympathetically. "Why not?" He asked, concerned. "I.. Almost let her die...." His eyes widen. "What?! Why?" I sigh and look down. "I was jealous of her for being with Riley.. But Riley saved her." I explained. "Wow.. Well, bye!" He then runs in the opposite direction. I sigh and walk back home.
~Maya's pov~
I look at Riley as she looks at me excitedly. "We're going home!" She runs and hugs me tightly. "AGH.. Careful.." She let's go. "I'm sorry, princess." She kisses my arm gently. Then she kisses me gently, as I kiss back. "What are we supposed to do until he gets here?" I asked. "We should just stay here." Riley replied. "Aren't you curious of what's on the island?" I asked. "Well, yeah, but.. Won't it hurt you?" I look down at my leg. "You can support me." She sighs. "Maya.." I sigh. "Riley, don't worry about me, you won't let me get hurt, I know you won't." "I know.. But.." She sighs. And interlocks arms with me. "Alright, lets go." She says. "Alright." I say happily and hold onto her for support. I look around. "How do we get out of here?" I ask confused. "This way." She points twards the door, that's broken off of the hims. We go out of the jet and look around. "Wow.." I look out at the ocean. "It's beautiful out here." I say as I sit down in the sand. Riley sits down next to me and lays her head on my shoulder. "I thought you wanted to look around." She told me as she looks at me. "I know, but it's beautiful out here.. And we have time.. It'll take a couple hours for him to get here. Right now, I want to enjoy this peaceful moment together." I look at her and kiss her gently, as she kisses back. She then gets up. "What'cha doin' princess?" I asked. She smiles wide. "You'll see!" I roll my eyes and avert my focus back on the ocean. "Maya, look!" I turn around, but I can't see it fully. "Help me up, Riles." She walks over to me and helps me up. "Thank you princess." She smiles wide and walks me over to a Hart made in the sand from her finger with an "R+M" in it. I look at her and smile. "I got the idea from the love of my life." She lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her. "I love you, Maya." I smile wide. "I love you too, Riley." Then suddenly, I feel my phone vibrating. I pull it out, it's Farkle. "We have a slight problem with the helicopter.." My eyes widen. "So you can't come get us?!?" I say shocked and scared. "Well, not now.. But in a few days." My mouth widens. "WHAT?!?! WE HAVE TO GET BACK!!!!" "Maya I'm sorry! I'll come as soon as I can! Please, calm down. You're strong, you and Riley can do it together." I calm down a bit and look at Riley. She looks worried. I hang up and look at Riley worriedly. "What's wrong?" She asked. I sigh. "Farkle can't come get us today.. We'll be stuck out here for a couple of days.. I can't last with a broken arm and twisted ankle, Riley!" "Don't worry, you're stong. I believe you can." She then gently grabs my arm and kisses it gently. She then gets on her knees and leans down and kisses my ankle gently and gets back up. "Feel better?" She smiles wide. I roll my eyes and kiss her gently as she kisses back. "Yeah you crazy.. But what are we supposed to do?" "Didn't you bring a whole bunch of food? We can eat that and just stay in what's left of the jet." Riley suggested. "Oh, yeah." Riley comes to my side and wraps her arm around me as I wrap my arm back around her for support. We go back into the jet and Riley sits me down on a chair on the ground then looks through the jet to find our luggage. "Maya.." She looks at me worriedly, causing me to worry a little. "I can't find our luggage!" My eyes widen. "WHAT?!? How are we gonna' survive??!?" I was growing slightly scared. She comes and puts her hands on my shoulders and holds me at arms length. "It's only a couple days. We could live 21 days with only water if we had to, granted we'd feel weak, but we'll survive, Maya. I promise." She places her hand on my cheek, leans down and kisses my forhead gently, calming me down. "Thank you, Riles." I sigh and get up. "We should at least look around to see if we can find anything.." Riley supports me. "Alright, but not too far from the crash. We want somewhere safe we could stay, that's here." Riley told me. I salute to her. "Sir, yes sir!" I say jokingly as we go out of the jet. "Where first?" I ask. Riley points twards the forest. "That way!" I sigh. "Okay. Whatever you want, princess." We walk in that direction and go into the forest, slowly looking around for anything that could hurt us. "No sight of any-" I notice something in the distance and start going that way so Riley will know to come. "What? Why'd you change direction?" She asked. "I see something.." I whisper. "Just help me over there.." I told her. We got to it, but there were leaves and branches infront of it. I start moving them out of the way as Riley helps. It was just a really weird looking branch, from the top of a cliff-like ditch. Riley looses her footing and falls. My eyes widen. "RILEY!!!!!"

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