The dream.

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~Riley's pov~
"I should write her a song!" I thought. My eyes widen and I smile wide because I like the idea. "Wait, what time is it?" I ask myself. I get my phone and see that it's 8:30. My eyes widen. I shake Maya. "Maya!!! Wake up!! We're late for school!!" I notice she's not moving. My eyes widen. "Maya?! MAYA!!!!" I begin crying intently. "No! No, no, nO!!!! YOU CAN'T BE DEAD!!!!!!! NOO!!!" I hug her tightly. "How did this happen?! MAYA!! M-maybe my parents will know what happened.." I choaked out. I left my room and went into the living room. "Mom, da-.." I notice they're not here. "What?" I look around the whole house. 'No one's here but me and Maya.. But Maya's..' I begin crying again. "Wait! Maybe it's not too late! M-maybe, I can call 911!" I pull out my phone and diall 911. Ring. Ring. Riiiiing. No answer. "What?! Maybe I should look around, not just the house." I'm about to leave, I remeber Maya's still on my bed. "Maya! I can't leave her here! But I'm not strong enough to carry her.." I look around the house to see if there's something I could use so I won't have to carry Maya. "Do we have a wheel barrel somethere?" I look around the house. "Dang.. What am I supposed to do?!" I go back into my room and roll Maya off of my bed. I grab her arms and pull them as hard as I can, I almost get her fully off of the ground then I leave. "Hello? Any one here?" I asked as I looked around, making sure someone wasn't. I look down and sigh. "It's just you and me, Maya." I continue looking around and carrying her. I get out of the apartment building, usually I see a whole bunch of cars going and people calling for taxies and stuff. None of that. "What is going on?" After I asked that, I feel moving on my back. I gasp from fear, drop Maya, and jump up a little. I turn around and look at Maya. "Aww man-.." I sighed. I pick her up again and continue walking. I get an idea. "Maybe I should go to the night hawk diner!" I said as I pulled Maya there. I walk in and I see my mom, dad, and Auggie, Farkle, and Lucas. And, of course, Maya's mom. "Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one that was still here besides Maya!" I said excitedly. Everyone had a menu in their face. "Uhh.. Guys?" They all turn their heads slowly and they all have that scary face again. I gasp, and tears form in my eyes from fear. I turn around and try to leave, the door's locked, and I suddenly don't feel anything on my back anymore. My eyes widen. "Maya?! MAYA!!" I don't see her anywhere on the floor. I begin crying. "MAYA!!!!!" I yelled once again. I back into a wall and slide my back onto the wall until I hit the floor and bury my face into my knees. "You can't escape us." I hear in the most terrifiying voice ever. I scream loudly and start weeping. "MAYYYYAAAA!!" I scream hoping she'll come to the rescue.
~Maya's pov~
I wake up to Riley crying my name. I shake her to try to wake her up. "Riley, Riley wake up." She just keeps crying my name. "Riley!" I say a little louder. "Why isn't she waking up?!" I get up and go to her parents room and go to Topanga's side and shake her a little. She wakes up. "Huh?" She says tiredly. "I'm sorry to wake you up, Topanga, but Riley's freaking out and she won't wake up!" I explained. "What?!" She said shocked. She got up fast and came to her room. When we get in there, Riley's still crying but not crying my name anymore. Her mom tries to wake her up like she does for school. Nothing. She doesn't wake up. "We have to do something!" Her mom takes out her phone and calls 911. "Hello? Yes, my daughter is crying in her sleep and she won't wake up! Okay. Thank you." I look at her worriedly. "They're sending an ambulence." "Hmm. Didn't think they'd do that.. But hey, I'm glad they are." "I should go wake Corey and Auggie so they can come with us." Topanga says and leaves the room. I look at Riley worriedly and kiss her forehead. "Don't worry, Riley, it's just a dream.. This dream you'll wake up from.. I can promise you that." Topanga, Corey and Auggie come in here, worried about Riley. "She finally stopped crying, but she's still not waking up." I told them after they came in. The ambulence people get here and take her on a gurney and carry her out to the ambulence. "Can we get on too?" Topanga asked. They looked at us. "Only one other person at a time." I look down sadly thinking Topanga and Corey would want one of them to get on with her. Topanga lays her hand on my shoulder and looks at me and smiles. "You go. We'll drive." I smile wide. "Thank you!" I get on the ambulence with them and just stare at Riley's sleeping body. "Do you think you know what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "She's too scared from the dream to wake up. Until something good happens in it, she won't wake up." My eyes widen. "What?!" She begins crying my name again. I look at her and almost cry myself. The doctor looks at me. "Who's Maya?" He asks. "I am.." I told him. "If there's a way we could get you into her dream, we'll get you in there with her to wake her up." We get to the hospital, they take her out, I follow them. They take her to an examination room. I don't leave her side. "We'll be right back. We need to see if we have the technology to get you into her dream." I just continue staring at Riley's sleeping body, not saying anything, but nodding to what the doctor said. They get back a couple minutes later with a weird machine looking thing. "We have to connect this thing to both of your heads. Then you can go to sleep, find her and wake her up." They hook the things up to both of our heads. I get on the hospital bed with Riley and fall asleep. I wake up in her bed. "Huh? Am I in her dream?" I asked confused. I'm the only one in her bed. I get up and look around the house. "She's not here- where could she be?!" I sigh. I leave the apartment building and look around everywhere for her. I see night hawk diner down the street, so I go over there. I try to go in, but it's locked. "What?!" I look in the window and see Riley. My eyes widen. "Riley's surronded by her loved ones but me! She looks terrified!" I hear her yelling my name. I look around to try to think of a way to get in there. I see a pretty big sized rock and smirk.
~Riley's pov~
I'm crying into my knees, hoping for Maya to come and save me. "MAYA!! PLEASE MAYA!!!!!" I continue yelling, thinking she'll come faster. Then the window behind me breaks and I'm picked up. I lift my head from my knees and see that it's Maya. "MAYA!!!" I yelled happy and wrap my arms around her. She smiles at me. "I'm so glad I found you, Riley!" She said as she set me down and hugged me tightly. I kiss her passionatly, she kisses back just as passionatly. I wake up next to Maya in a hospital. "Wha-" I'm super confused. Maya wakes up and hugs me tightly. "Riley, I'm so glad you're okay!" I hug her back. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "You wouldn't wake up from that dream, you were too scared to. So I went in there to save you. And I did." I smile wide. "Aww, Maya!!" I kiss her gently, she kisses back. Her parents come in. "Wh-" Topanga stops when she sees Riley's awake. Her and Corer run to hug her. "Oh I'm so glad you're awake, hunny!" Topanga says. Corey looks at the doctor. "Thank you." The doctor smiles. "It wasn't my doing, but this girl." He lays his hand on Maya's shoulder. His eyes widen. "Maya, you woke her up? How?!" She point at the machine. "The machine did it. She kept crying and yelling my name, he figured since she was crying my name, that I should go and save her." I look at her and smile gently. "I wouldn't want it any other way." I said and leaned in to hug her. She hugs back. Corey looks at her and smiles. "I'm proud of you, Maya. You care so much for my daughter you'd even go into a dream for her. You'd do anything for her, wouldn't you?" She looks at me then at my dad. And smiles. "Of course." She wraps her arm around me and continues. "I love her so much. I don't want anything bad happening to her." I smile and kiss her gently. She kisses back. "I'm glad my daughter's dating someone who cares about her that much." "Well, she is my princess." I smile. "And she's my knght in shining armor." She smiles back. I lay my head on her shoulder. She lays her head on mine. "It's not everyday you see someone who cares so much about someone else to do anything for them." The doctor spoke up. Maya and I smile. "It's everyday for us." The doctor looks at my mom and dad. "You don't have to pay for the bill.. I'll take care of it." Corey and Topanga's eyes widen. "Are you sure?" He smiles. "Yeah. Like I said, it's not everyday you see love like theirs. It touched me. So you guys can go." Maya and I smile and get off the bed and get in my parents car and we go back to my house. After we get back we go to my room. "It was weird.. It all seemed so real.." I explained to Maya. She looks at me concerned. "Remeber last night when you heard that voice on the way back here?" "Yeah." I replied. "It must have gotten into your head, trying to keep you from waking up, but it obviously didn't know about me. I'll do anything for you, princess Riley." I smile and kiss her gently. She kisses back. "Thank you, my knight in shining armor." We lay back down as we were before, her arms around me, my arms around her waist, our bodies pressed against eachother's. After she falls asleep, I get up gently, so I won't wake her. I leave my room and go into the living room. "Writing her a song is a good idea." I said to myself. I get a note pad and a pen. "What do I like about her?" I smile and start writing down what I like about her. "She cares, she's beautiful, she saves me when I'm the damsel in destress. And.. I love her.." I scribbled all that down on the notepad. "Hmm.. What can I do with this?" I start writing the song. I smile. "It's not the best song, but it's how I really feel." After I finish writing it, I go and lay back down like we were before I went to the living room. I kiss her forehead gently and fall asleep. The next morning, Maya wakes me up. I smile at her. "Good morning the princess of beauty." I told her. She smiles and blushes a little. "Good morning my sweet princess." She told me and leaned down to kiss me gently. I kiss her back. I get up and change in my closet. I come out and Maya's in her bra and underwear, she hasn't finished changing yet. Both of us blush deep red. I go back into the closet for a few minutes and come back out. She's dressed now. "We should do something tonight.." I told her seductivly. She smiles wide. "Okay." She says happily. We interlock arms and walk to the living room, eat breakfast and go to school.
~After school, Maya's pov~
We come back to Riley's and go to her room. I sit down on her bed. "Hey Maya, do you remeber that guitar I gave you?" I smile. "Yeah. I use it a lot." "Can I borrow it for a little bit?" She asked. "Sure. What for?" She smiles. "You'll see." We go to my house and get the guitar. "Do you know how to play?" I ask. She smirks and grabs the guitar. She starts playing. I smile. "You're pretty good." She smiles back. "Let's go back to my house." She said. "Sure." We go back to the apartment and go into her room. I sit down. "Wait here." She told me and left the room.
~Riley's pov~
"Wait here." I told Maya then went into the living room and grabbed the notebook I wrote the song for Maya in. I turn to that page and tear it out. I start playing the guitar and walk to my room and start singing,

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