Unwanted company.

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~Maya's pov~
I look down and think for a second. I sigh and look back up at Riley. "Why do you like me?" I asked. She looks at me shocked and confused. "What do you mean?" I sigh. "I mean, why did you ever get a crush on me? I'm nothing special. There are so many other people who are so much better than me and right for you." She looks at me with sympathy. "I've always loved you, Maya. You want to know the reason I started liking you?" That gets my attention. I look back up at her. "It's because no matter what happened, no matter what people told you, you always were there for me. You've stayed with me through everything.. Even when I was hurting you before.. I know how strongly you feel about certain things, I've seen the real you, and I love you anyway." I smile and tears start to form in my eyes. I hug her tightly. She hugs back, comforting me. A single tear rolls down my face. We pull away and Riley wipes the tear from my face. "Don't worry, you won't lose me, ever." She told me. "Thank you Riles. I'm glad to know that I won't lose someone else I love and that loves me back." She smiles, but it soon fades. "About Lucas, I have a plan to get back at him." She smiles deviously, making me smile. "Wow, Riles. It must be a great plan, your devious smile is showing." She starts tapping her fingers together and she smiles wider. "Oh, I know." Just then, she explains the plan to me. As she's explaining it, I smile wide. "Can't wait." I say after she finishes explaining. "Me neither." She agreed and continued smiling deviously. "He'll learn not to mess with us after this!" A thought comes to head, making my eyes widen. "Wait.. What if this is just fake. What if he's faking me out, knowing I'd show you so he and Farkle can do something to us." Riley thinks for a second. "He wouldn't-.." Her eyes widen. I just look at her. "He would." I say. I see she starts getting angry. "How ya' doin'?" I asked. Then my phone buzzed, it's Farkle. "Oh where? I can come visit you guys! My dad has a helicopter!" I roll my eyes. "Riley and I are alone. Let it be." I texted him back. "Oh c'mon! I miss you guys like crazy! Just tell me. Please?" He pleaded through text. "Sorry nerd brain." I texted back. He doesn't text back. I look at Riley and smile. "Next time someone texts me, I'm ignoring it." I kiss her gently. She kisses back and smiles. I get an idea. "Let's go to the beach." I suggested. Riley smiles. "Alright." She said happily. We went into the suitcase and grabbed our bathing suits and changed. "Let's go!" I said, grabbing Riley's hand. "Let's go." Riley smiles and agrees. We walk to the beach and find a place where there's not alot of people. I grab a blanket. Riley grabs one side, I grab the other and we lay it down on the sand. This random guy approaches us. Riley and I look at eachother. "Hey, I was wondering if either of you two lovlies had any tanning lotion." I look through my bag. "Uhh.. Here." I hand him some. "Thanks." He says as he starts lathering himself in it. "Could one of you lovely ladies put some on my back?" Riley and I look at eachother. "I will." I lean in to Riley. "I don't trust him." I whispered in her ear then went and put some on his back. After I finish, he smiles at me. "Hey, do you wanna' maybe.. Go out sometime?" He asked me. "I KNEW IT!" I blurted out. I start blushing from embarrassment. "I-I mean, sorry I'm taken!" I say pridefully. He gets a little upset. "Oh.. I understand, but would you mind telling me who?" He asked politely. "Not at all!" I wrap my arm around Riley and look at her and smile wide. She smiles back and we kiss eachother passionatly. We pull away and he rubs the back of his neck. "I'm.. I'm sorry.. But, thank you for your time though.." He walks away awkwardly. Riley smiles wide and walks over near the water and plops down and starts playing in the sand. I smile at her adorableness and begin stairing at her playing in the sand. "C'mon Maya! We can make something together!" Riley says, snapping me back into reality. I smile and go and sit down next to Riley. "What do you wanna' make?" I asked. "I don't know.. I was hoping you had an idea." I smile. "I do.. But I want it to be a surprise." I tell her. "Oh c'mon!" She looks at me with puppy dog eyes. "Nope. Go play in the water you adorable." I tell her and kiss her gently. She kisses back and gets up and runs and gets in the water. I stare at her for a couple seconds then avert my attention to the sand and begin forming what I try to make in a shape of a Hart. After I finish, I carefully use my finger to write "M+R" in the Hart. I smile wide. "Riles!" I yell, getting her attention. She runs over to me and sits down next to me. She looks at me and smiles wide, she then hugs me tightly. "Awwww!! Maya!!!!" I blush slightly and she kisses my cheek. I smile. "That's so cute.. You're so cute. I love you." Riley told me, making me smile wide. "I love you too." We kiss eachother gently. We continue playing in the sand and water and stuff, we. Finish and go back to the hotel. "I need to clean myself off!" I said as soon as we walked into the room. "Yeah, me too." I look at Riley and smile seductivly. She does also. "Since we're covered in sand, let's shower then we can get into the jacuzzi." I suggested, causing Riley to smile wide. She ran to the bathroom, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. We get into the shower together with our bathing suits still on, Riley looks at me seductivly, pushes me against the wall and kisses me passionatly. I kiss her back and wrap my arms around her neck, deepening the kiss. She wraps her arms around my waist, pulling our bodies together. As we're kissing, I untie Riley's bikini top and it falls off of her. I pull away and start sucking her nipples, causing her to moan slightly. I smirk and she unties my bikini top as I'm sucking her nipples, causing it to fall off of me. I continue kissing her passionatly. I pick her up, she wraps her legs around my waist, I grab her butt and carry her to the jacuzzi. I pull away and turn the water on and Riley quickly throws herself back at me and we continue kissing eachother passionatly with our bodies pressed together. As we're kissing, I put Riley back down and I feel her hands go under my bikini bottoms, feeling my butt. I feel her other hand going inbetween my legs and she starts fingering me, causing me to moan slightly. She steps into the jacuzzi and pulls me in with her and kisses me passionatly. She turns the water off and turns on the bubbles and pulls me down and kisses me passionatly. I kiss her back as passionatly and wrap my arms around her neck. She then starts kissing my breasts and sucking my nipples. Making me moan a little. She pulls away and we just stare at eachother for a couple minutes. "You're so beautiful." Riley finally spoke up. I smile. "You are too.. I love you, Riles." "I love you too, Maya." She kisses me gently, I kiss back. "Maybe.." I start, Riley understands and turns off the jets and unplugs the drain to let the water go out of the jacuzzi tub. "Yeah." We get out, dry off and get dressed. "So, what do you wanna' do?" I asked. "Movie?" Riley suggested. "Sure, why not?" I agreed we went and plopped down on the couch, flipping through the movie channels to see what's on. As I'm flipping, I see Pitch Perfect's on, and it just started. I light up. "Let's watch this!" I say excitedly. "Okay." Riley agreed as she leaned on me, I wrapping my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. As we're watching the movie, I sing along with the songs I know, including the whole riff off. The movie finishes, and as if on que, someone knocks on the door. "Who is it?" No answer, but just another knock. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Alright. Hold on Riles." I go and answer it. My eyes widen. "Lady." Farkle says. I get mad and pick him up by the collar of his shirt. "What are you doing here?" I said angrily. Riley comes in and her eyes widen. "Farkle?! How did you find us!?" She said angrily and shocked. I let him down and he puts out his arm, showing us his watch. "Riley and Maya are 2 feet away." I smile slightly to hide my anger. I try to take his watch off of him, but it shockes me. "This is my last one, you're not getting this one." He said smiling. "Farkle, I told you, this is my time alone with Riley!" I said angrily. He smiles slightly. "I just wanted to see the women I love. And you two have been spending time together non stop since you've started dating. I've been forced to hang out with Lucas all the time, but hey, he's really cool and stuff.." I sigh and roll my eyes and look at Riley. "We should let him hang out with us today since it's Sunday." I cross my arms. "Fine.." I growled. "But only today!" I added. He smiles wide and comes in and puts his arm around us. "So what do you two want to do!" He asked. I roll my eyes. "Be alone with Riley.." I say under my breath. Riley looks at me and smiles that beautiful, beautiful smile of hers, calming me down. "I know! Let's go to the beach!" Farkle said excitedly. Riley and I pull away from Farkle's arms. "We were already at the beach today.." I told him. "Oh well, how abouutt.. The mall?" Riley suggested. I smile. "Okay." Farkle and I agreed. Riley and I interlock arms and we leave the hotel as Farkle follows. "Do you know where the mall is?" Riley asked me and Farkle. "No." Farkle answered. "Nah." I answered. "I'll ask the lady." Farkle puts his arm infront of me to stop me. "I'll ask. I have a way with ladies." He starts walking over there. "Farkle-" Riley tried to stop him. "Just leave him." I put my hand on her shoulder and say. She sighs. "Alright.." "Hey Hawaiin lady. Do you know where the mall is?" She points in the direction of the mall. "Bye Hawaiin lady." He came back over to us. "Follow me!" He said while pointing in the direction of the mall. Riley rolls her eyes, as I sigh. We follow him and we arrive at the mall. "Wow. This is a nice mall." I say looking around in awe. "Yeah.." Riley says in awe. We start walking around the mall to see what stores they have here. As were walking, I see the stores I would normally see at our mall, but bigger with more of an option of stuff. I look around for a second. "Where's Farkle?" I asked looking around. He comes behind me and taps my shoulder. I turn around. "Boo!" I smile and roll my eyes. "Was I supposed to be scared?" "I will scare you one day, Maya Hart. I will!" He said confidently. I cross my arms and smile. "I don't get scared." I tell him. "You also don't get crushes." Riley spoke up, causing me to glare at her. "C'mon Riles, really?" I roll my eyes. Then this really strong looking guy comes and approaches Riley and I. "Hey, you two are hot." He told us. I get a little mad. "Oh c'mon! Are there any nice guys besides Farkle?" Riley looks at me. "There was that guy from the beach." "Yeah, but he was weird." The guy just looks at us, confused. "Wait, I saw you two at the beach. I tried to show off but you two just payed attention to eachother, even when you were alone you just stared at eachother. Why? You two are hot. And so am I focus on me!" He said pridefully. Riley and I look at eachother and I smirk. I lean in a kiss her passionatly, as does she. "Oh, you two are like, lesbian. But you're so hot! C'mon, you can be bi for a strong, tough man like myself, unlike that twig over there." He points at Farkle. "Leave Farkle alone!" I say angrily. "I'm not bothering him, I'm just saying if you had a friend like me, you'd be bi. Just sayin'." I interlock arms with Riley and Farkle and we walk away from him. "Hey! Wait up!" He said following us. I lean twards Riley. "Even the jerks here aren't as jerky like back home." Then another guy walks infront of us. "Hey." He tried to sound masculine. I roll my eyes. "Really? Another one!" I say annoyed. Then the other guy catches up to us. I sigh and face palm. "You two are cute." The new guy told us. I smile wide. "Oh, we know." Then the other guy gets mad. "Hey! I saw them first!! Go away! They're mine!" I look at Riley and Farkle. Then the two guys start physically fighting eachother. Riley, Farkle and I see this as an oppertunity to sneak out of the mall, so we do. "Why do so many guys like us? It's annoying.." I say. "Because you two are beautiful, you're the day and night, the sun and moon, and angel and demon. You two are love." Farkle says, causing me to smile. "Awe, Farkle.." I say. "Thank you Farkle." Riley says. "I'm gonna' go back home. It took a while to get here in a helicopter, longer than expected. Can't miss school!!" He said as he left us. I look at Riley. "What'cha wanna' do?" I asked. "Uhh.. Don't know." She replied. "Let's just go back to the hotel." I suggested. "Okay." We start walking, Riley suddenly stops. "How about the park! We can see what kind of park they have here!" She said excitedly. I roll my eyes and smile and kiss her gently. "That's why I love you." She smiles wide. "I love you too." We kiss eachother gently. We go to the nearest park to us. It has a lake, and a huge jungle jim, like the one in recess! "Woah.. It's old rusty!" I say excitedly. Riley looks at me confused. "Oh, right, before your time." I look up a picture and show her. Her eyes widen. "Wow. That's like, exactly the same." I smile wide. "I know. Now let's go!" I start climbing up the ladder and go across the monkey bars and get to the top. "I am the queen of the world!!" I yell. Riley climbs up and interlocks arms. "You're my queen." She whispers in my ear, causing me to blush slightly. I kiss her passionatly as she kisses back. I look down. "Wow, this is higher than I thought." "Yeah.." Riley agrees. "Let's go down the giant slide!" Riley said excitedly. "Okay." We went to the slide, Riley went first, as I soon followed. "Well that was fun." I say sarcastically, but mean it. Riley glares at me. "It was fun, Maya!" She says. "I know.. I didn't mean to sound sarcastic.. My bad.." We continue playing around and stuff and go back to the hotel. I jump onto the bed. I smile and stand up on the bed and start jumping on it. "Woo! C'mon Riley, this is fun!" "Okay!" I stopped and put my hand out so she can get onto the bed with me, so gets on and we start jumping on it. "Woo! This is awesome!" Riley said excitedly. We continue jumping on the bed, but as we are, I accidently bump into Riley and she falls off of the bed and hits her head on the bedside table. My eyes widen. "RILEY!!!!" I quickly get off of the bed and go to her side. I pull her up to me a little bit. She's knocked out. I start to tear up. "Riley, please be okay.."

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