I promise.

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~The next day, Maya's pov~
"UGH! I don't want to go to school!" I complained. "Oh c'mon, Maya. It's Friday! You can do it!" Riley said happily. I roll my eyes. "Riley, you don't understand, that jerk Kevin will bother us again like everyday. I'll be humilated because he'll make me mad again. I can't take it Riley." She looks at me with puppy dog eyes, "Maya please, you're stronger than his words. You don't have to let them get to you.. Maya please, I don't want to go a day with out you." She pleaded. I roll my eyes. "Fine." Them I wrap my arm around her and continue. "But only for you." She smiled at me, causing me to smile back. We ate breakfast and went to school. We arrive and go to history class and sit in our normal seats. Kevin walks in without hitting on me or Riley. Riley and I look at eachother confused. I turn the other way to look at him. "Hey, you alright?" I asked. "What's it to ya'! You know you don't care!" He said angrily. Riley gets up. "We do care." Riley said. "I only speak the truth. I don't hide anything. Obviously I do care, just not that much.. But I do." He looks down. "You two.. Love eachother, right?" He asked. We both smile wide and wrap our arms around eachother. "Yeah." "What's it like?" He asked. Riley and I were confused. "What do you mean?" Riley asked. "I mean, what is it like to have someone that you love, love you back?" "Have you never had anyone love you back before?" Riley started to have sympathy for him. "No. Not even my mom. I've never known real love. That's why I treated you two like I did when I first met you guys.. I'm sorry.." He told us. "Dude.." Is all I said. "I'm sorry.. For being mean to you before.." He told us. "No, we should be sorry.. Well yeah, you should be sorry too, but we're sorry too." I said. He starts laughing a little. "Hey, what's so funny?" Riley asked. I begin to think he used a made up story for our sympathy. He bursts out into histarical laughter. I get mad. I pick him up by his collor. "You little-" Riley puts her hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "calm down, my sweet princess.." She whisperd softly, calming me down. I set him back down. "No, let her get mad at me. I want to see what she can do." He smirked. I turned the other way so I wouldn't do what he wanted me to. Riley comes and kisses my cheek. "I'm proud of you." I smile and steal a kiss from her. Causing her to smile back. "Oh c'mon, don't ruin a good thing, babe!" He put his hand on my shoulder. I just keep ignoring him. "Don't sink down to his level." Lucas told me. "I'm trying. He just deserves what I want to give to him." I growled. "That's what he wants you to do. You don't need another detention with him." My eyes widen. "I do." I look at Riley. "Riley, we both need to get detention and get Kevin into detention!" She looks at me shocked and confused. "What?! Why?!" I smirk. "I have an idea.." I get up and walk to Kevin's desk. "Hey babe, you leaving your little girlfriend for me? Though, I'd rather take the other one because she's super hot, but you'll do." I glare at him angrily. I shake it off and fake smile at him. "Let's take a walk." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the classroom. "Okay, I know you're trying to make me mad, you've succeeded, but I'm not going to sink down to your level and do anything to you. I promised Riley." He puts his hand on his chest. "Who, me?" He asked sarcastically. I roll my eyes. "Look, I don't like you, I never will." "Is that supposed to make me happy?" I cross my arms. "I'm surprised it didn't." "Playing hard to get? That turns me on so much." I pick him up by the collar of his shirt. "Why don't you know how to treat a girl? Why do you have to treat me and Riley like this? Why do you have to be such a jerk?!" I got mad at him. "Because you two are hot. What am I supposed to do?" I glare at him. "Listen you stupid douche bag, Riley isn't hot, she's beautiful. Your just jealous that she's with me and not you. You keep trying so hard to take her away from me, newsflash, she won't do that to me." He smirks. "She might not, but you will." I get mad and put my fist infront of his face as I'm holding him up. "What do you mean. And don't give me the wrong answer." I told him sternly. He opened his mouth to speak, but I punched him anyway. "WRONG ANSWER!" I yelled at him. "NEVER TALK TO ME OR RILEY AGAIN!!!!" I throw him on the ground hard. Everyone in the class room comes out and sees him on the ground and looks at me. "Maya, you have detention." Mr. Matthews said to me. "If she gets detention, I get it with her!" Riley spoke up, causing me to smile. "You didn't do anything wrong." He told her. She gets a little mad and comes and interlocks arms with me. "Did you forget everything she's done for me? She stood up for me when I wasn't even there. She came into my dream just so I would wake up! If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be awake right now! I'd still fear for my life!" She stood up for me, causing me to blush a little. "Thanks Riles." She kisses my cheek. "You're not just my knight, your my princess too." She told me. I smile. Her dad looks at her. "So you want detention with Maya? Alright. You got it." He told her then went back into the class room everyone else did too but me and Riley. I look down at Kevin. "What are we gonna' do about him?" I asked. "Let's take him to the nurse." Riley said. I roll my eyes. "Alright.." I pick him up and carry him to the nurse's office. "What happened to him?" She asked. Riley and I look at eachother. "He- fell." I said. "Okay. Now get back to class." Riley and I intertwine fingers and go back to class and sit at our desks.
~detention, Maya's pov~
"Thanks for stickin' up for me like that, Riles.. But you didn't have to do that since Kevin's not h-" "DID SOMEBODY SAY KEVIN!!!!" He walked in and yelled. Riley and I's eyes widen. "Joy." I said sarcastically. "Kevin," Corey spoke up, "You don't have detention. Get out." "I can be in detention with these two hotties if I wanna' old man." Kevin smirked. Corey walked to Kevin and grabs his arm and pulls him out then comes back in and closes the door. "Can I talk to you girls about something?" Riley and I look at eachother. "Sure. What is it?" "Well," he started, "Topanga gave me some interesting news the other day." Riley and I look at eachother a little nervously. "Uhh.." We said in unicent. "Did you two.." At that moment, Riley and I died. We both knew what he was talking about. "Yes sir, we did." Riley said and looked down sadly, waiting to be yelled at. "I apreciate you telling the truth, Riley, but you two are too young for that." I didn't want Riley to get into trouble. "It was my fault, sir. I pressured her into it.." Riley looks at me shocked. "No dad, she didn't. I wanted to do it just as much as she did, if not more. I just-.. I'm sorry.." He sighs. "I knew you would do it one day, but I just wish it wasn't so soon." Riley looked at him hopefully. "So, you're not mad at us?" She asked hopefully. "No. I'm not.. I'm just-" I interupt him. "Stop. Don't say you're dissapointed, alright. You don't have to be. We're just human and we have wants.. We just fufilled our wants.. For now." I spoke up. He sighs. "Alright. Detention over." He's about to leave he stops. "You two comming?" He asked. "No. We're good here." Riley said as she looked at me. He left the room then Riley comes and kisses me passionatly. I kiss back as passionatly. Then we go back to her apartment. "Dad, do you happen to be in a bad mood, today?" Riley asked Corey. "What makes you think that?" "Just by the way you acted at school today.." He just looks at her. "I wasn't mad until you told me what you and Maya did." She looks at him with puppy dog eyes. "Dad.." Is all she said. "Riley, you're grounded. Maya, get out. You're not going to get the chance to do that again." Riley and I get upset. "But da-" he interrupts her. "No buts. Go to your room. Now." She looks down sadly then goes to her room. He looks at me. "Why did you do that? She didn't do anything wrong!" I told him. "Listen, you're confused and upset, but I want to do something for Riley." I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" "I want to make up to Riley for yelling at her before for dating you.." I look at him intreged. "What do you have in mind?" He explains everything to me. I smile wide. "Got it." I think for a second. "Wait, but she has to be alone tonight." He smiles. "You go "sneak" into her room, and I won't come and check up on you guys so she won't have to sleep alone." I smile, but it soon fades. "Wait what am I supposed to say if she wants to obey you?" "Just tell her not to worry about it." I smile wide. "Got it. Kay, bye now." I go out of the apartment building and climb up the fire escape and come in through Riley's window. "How ya' doin' honey?" I said after I came in. Riley smiles wide and comes and hug me. "Maya!" I wrap my arms around her in a hug. She kisses me passionatly. I kiss her back. "I love you so much. I couldn't stand to leave you alone tonight, my sweet princess." She smiles and blushes a little. "Aww, Maya!" She hugs me tightly. I kiss her forehead. "I don't want my sweet princess to be alone." She smiles. "Maya you are so sweet. I don't want my princess to be alone either." She told me, making me smile. "I've been alone all my life, Riles." I told her. "That's why I don't want you to be alone anymore. You deserve someone who loves you, and you've found her." I smile and tears form in my eyes. I hug her tightly. "Aww, Riley.. I love you so much. I never want to lose you." A tear rolls down my cheek and she wipes it away with her thumb then she kisses me gently. I smile. "Thank you so much, Riley. No one has really ever cared about me before like you do." She hugs me tightly. I hug her back. "I care about you so much, Maya. I never want anyone to treat you like you used to be. I love you too much." I sit down and look down sadly. "Riley, can I be honest with you.." I asked. She sits down next to me and wraps her arm around me to comfort me. "Of course." She replied. I took a deep breath. "Well.." I sigh. "This is so hard to say, Riley.." Tears began forming in my eyes and she looked at me with sympathy. "Riley, I was going to break up with you a couple days ago.. I just didn't want you to get hurt of introuble because of me.. But your dad talked me out of it. I'm so glad that he did I should have never even thought that. I was trying to keep you from getting hurt by almost hurting you myself.. I'm sorry.." She doesn't say anything for a couple minutes then she smiles. "Then I'm glad we're still together too." She hugs me tightly and doesn't let go for a couple minutes. She starts crying on my shoulder a little. "So, you're not mad or upset with me?" I asked. "Of course not, you wanted the best for me, but you didn't realize the best for me is you. And the best for you is me, Maya. I know that, and you know that too." I smile as tears of happiness form in my eyes. And I hug Riley tightly. "Thank you so much." I kissed her passionatly. She kisses back. "What do you want to do?" Riley asked. "Wanna' see a movie?" I suggested. "Sure." Riley agreed. "Out the window." I said as I followed Riley out. "You have a cute butt." I told her after we came out the window, causing her to blush. "Oh.. Th-thank you." I kiss her gently and wrap my arm around her, as she does the same. We go to the theater. "What movie do you want to see?" I questioned. "Uhh.." She looks at all the movie choices. "How abouuut.. The Spongebob Movie!" She said excitedly. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Two for the spongebob movie please." I pay and get the tickets. "Enjoy your movie." They said. "Thanks, you too." I realize what I said and laughed. "Thanks, enjoy your day!" I said proudly, hoping they didn't notice what I said. I grab Riley's hand and we get popcorn and go to our theater for the spongebob movie. Surprisingly, we're the only ones in there. We go to the very top. I sit in the middle of the row and Riley sits on my left. She lays her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her. Soon enough the previews come on then the movie starts playing. I have to admit, I laugh a couple times. I enjoyed it. The movie's over, popcorn's gone. I'm about to get up to leave, Riley grabs my hand and pulls me back down in my seat and kisses me passionatly. "I have been waiting to do that since the movie started. We've never gone that long without kissing before." She grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me in for another passionate kiss. I kiss her back just as passionatly. We're in there for a couple minutes, the credits are over and Riley and I are still kissing eachother. "HEY!" Someone yelled at us. We pull away. "GET OUT!" He yelled. We got up and left. "What do you want to do now?" I asked. She looks at me seductivly. "Stuff." She said seductivly. I start to blush. "O-okay.." I said happily. We went back to her apartment and went back to her room. As soon as she closes the door, she puts her arm around my waist, pulls me in and kisses me passionatly. I kiss her back just as passionatly. I suddenly feel her tongue, wanting to enter my mouth. I allow her tongues entry. Our tongues dance on eachother's. I take her shirt off of her and continue kissing her. I pick her up and carry her over to her bed and lay her down. I start kissing her neck and go down. I unhook her bra and begin licking her nipples, causing her to moan a little. I continue licking them and bite then a little, causing her to moan louder. I kiss down her stomach and unbutton her jeans and start kissing on her underwear. I come back up and continue kissing her passionatly. She takes my shirt and bra off of me and starts sucking my nipples. I moan a little. She takes my pants off of me. I go back down and take her underwear off of her and throw them aside. I stick my fingers in and start pulling them in and out, causing her to moan. I stick my tongue in and start licking it as I continue pulling my fingers in and out of her. I pull my fingers out and stick my tongue in deeper. "Oh Maya~" she moaned. I smirked. "You taste good." I said and continued licking her. Not too long, I begin eating her intently. Causing her to moan even louder. "M-MAY-MAYA!!~" she moaned. I go up and kiss her passionatly. She kisses back passionatly as she starts feeling me. I moan a little. I go back down between her legs and continue eating her. "MAYA~" she continues moaning my name. I go back up and kiss her once more. She pins me to the bed and starts sucking my nipples once more, causing me to moan. She kisses down my stomach and stick her tongue in me, making me moan louder. She starts licking inside me. "Riley~" I moaned out. Soon enough, she starts eating me. "R-RILEY!~" I moaned as she ate me. She comes back up and kisses me once again. She goes back down between my legs and continues eating me and she starts eating me more intently. "Oh RILEY~" I moaned. Then her dad bursts through the door and Riley stops and my eyes widen.
~Corey's pov~
I hear this noise that sounds like moaning. I get a little mad. "Really? They're doing it now?!?" I said a little mad. "Corey, just calm down." I look at Topanga. "I can't, Topanga." "MAYA~" I heard Riley moan. "That's it-" Topanga grabs my arm. "Corey, stop. Just leave them be." I look at her, a little upset. "How are you okay with this?! They're only kids! I have to stop this, right now!" She doesn't let go of my arm. "Topanga please, you have to listen to me." She looks down and sighs. "R-RILEY!~" I pull my arm from her grip. And go twards Riley's room, angry. Topanga tackles me and pins me to the ground. "Get off of me!" I yelled at her. "No! I can't let you take this away from them!" My eyes widen. "Take what away from them?!" "Their relationship." I get Topanga off of me. "This shouldn't be apart of their realtionship yet!" I got off of the ground and walk to Riley's room. "Oh RILEY~" I heard Maya moan, making me mad. I burst through the door. "Get dressed. NOW." I said angrily. Then shut the door.
~Riley's pov~
"Maya, I'm sorry.." I look down sadly. "Don't be sad.." She told me. "Let's just do what you dad said and get dressed." "But first.." I go and kiss her passionatly. "C'mon, Riley.." I sigh. "Alright." We both get dressed then I open the door. I look down sadly. "Promise me that you won't do that again." "I promise." "I'm trusting you, Riley." My dad told me. "I know.. I promise...." I said kind of sadly. "I trust you." He repeated then left my room. I look at Maya and sigh. "Let's just go to sleep.." Maya suggested. I think for a second. "Let's go somewhere." I said. "Like where?" Maya asked. I think for a second and smile. I grab her hand. "Let's go to the park." She smiles. "Alright." We go out the window and walk to the park. "The sun's gonna' go down soon." I pointed out. Maya looks at me and smiles. "Romantic." She says. I smile. We get to the park and see two swings next to eachother open. I smile. "C'mon, let's go swing!" I said excitedly. Maya rolls her eyes and smiles. "Sure." She agreed. I pulled her to the swings excitedly. We started swinging, we held eachother's hands as were swinging, making us swing at the same time. We keep getting higher and higher, then Maya jumps off, pulling me with her. I close my eyes tight, waiting for my face to slam into the ground, but it never does. I open one eye slightly and I notice Maya caught me. I open both of my eyes and look into Maya's beautiful eyes and smile. "Thanks for catching me." I blushed a little. "Are you kidding, I wouldn't let my princess fall on her beautiful face!" She said and kissed my forehead then put me down. I look around and see a seesaw. I grab Maya's arm and pull her to it she sits on one side, and I go to the other. Right now, I'm on the ground. I push up and she goes down. "Woo!" She yelled excitedly. And she pushes up, making me go down. I scream. I notice that Maya's holding back a laugh. "Hey! Not funny!" I told her. "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at your adorableness." She said smiling. I roll my eyes and push up, catching her off guard. "Woah!" She almost falls off, but grab on at the last second. "Oh my goodness, Maya, I'm sorry!" "It's alright, don't worry about it.. Hey, the suns starting to set, wanna' watch the sunset?" I smile wide. "Of course!" She gets off and lets it down slowly for me. She holds out her hand offering to help me up. I grab it and pull myself up. We go up on the highest point on the jungle jim to watch it. I lay my head on Maya's shoulder, and she lays her head on mine and wraps her arm around me. We just sit there in silence and watch the beautiful sunset. After the sun's gone down, I look at Maya. "Wanna' kiss?" She smiles. "Yeah." She says. I get up. "You have to catch me first!" I said running across that bridge thing and went down the slide. She chased me as I playfully ran away. I ran over to the mary go round thing and was on the oppisite side of it. She gets on it and I smile. "Hold on." I said as I started spinning it as fast as I could. Then I ran under the jungle jim, hiding from Maya. I watched as she tried to get her balance back, I keep giggling. "You're so cute Maya!" I said while she was still dizzy, but comming in my direction. I went ontop of the jungle jim and hid from her up there. I didn't see her anymore. "Wha-" "BOO!!" Maya comes up behind me and scares me. I scream and she starts laughing histaricaly. "You should've seen the look on your face!" She kept laughing. I blush from embarrassment. After she stops laughing she smiles. "You owe me a kiss." She told me. I roll my eyes and smile and kiss her gently. She kisses back. "Wanna' go down the slide?" She asked. I smile. "Yeah." I said. She sits down on the slide. "What'r you waiting for? Get on my lap, you silly." She told me. "Oh, okay." I go and sit down on her lap and we go down the slide together. We ended up topaling over eachother after we got to the end and we started laughing. "You know, this is fun. We never just have fun anymore. But, this is fun." Maya says. I smile wide and hug her. "I'm glad I got to spend it with you." I added she smiles. "Aww, Riles." She hugs me tightly. I hug back. I check my phone to see what time it is. My eyes widen. "Hey Maya, maybe we should go back to my apartment.. It's almost twelve." Her eyes widen. "My house is closer. Let's just go there." She suggested. "Okay." I agreed. We interlocked arms and walked to her house. We get there and her mom's sleeping on the couch. We're careful so we won't wake her up. We go into her room. Maya looks at me and smirks. "We're at my house, we could do stuff and no one can stop us." Maya said seductivly. I rub the back of my neck. "Well.. I'm good for now.... And I did promise my dad.." She rolls her eyes. "Alright. But we can atleast.." She comes up behind me, wraps her arms around me and starts kissing my neck. I turn my head so she can kiss me. She kisses me, and I kiss back. "Let's go ahead and sleep.." I suggested. She sighs. "Alright." We both change and lay down in Maya's bed. She's by the wall, while I'm on the outside. She wraps her arms around me and I wrap my arms around her waist, pressing our bodies together once again. "Goodnight, my knight in shining armor." I kiss her goodnight, she kisses back. "Goodnight my sweet, sweet princess." We fall asleep.

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