You can't do this.

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~Maya's pov~
It's been a couple hours since Riley's been knocked out. After I saw she was knocked out, I picked her up and layed her on the bed and stayed in there with her until she wakes up. I just stare at her unconscious body. "I love you, Riley." I whisper as I lean to kiss her forehead. A couple more minutes pass of me anxiously waiting for her to wake up, as I'm waiting I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out. I got a text from Lucas. "Hey babe, can't wait 'til you get back. 😘" I get mad. "Leave me alone, Riley's hurt." I replied. "What happened?" "I said leave me alone! I don't want to be distracted when she wakes up!" I throw my phone on the floor and avert my focus back on Riley. As I do, I notice her eyes open slightly. I get excited. "Riley!!" I said excitedly. She opens her eyes fully and rubs her head. "Huh?.. Where am I?" She asked rubbing her head. "And why does my head hurt so bad?" "We're on vacation in Hawaii.. Remeber?" Just then, a horrifying thought comes to mind. 'What if she lost her memory? What if she doesn't remeber anything we did together?!' Tears begin to form in my eyes. She looks at me with sympathy. "What's wrong?" She asked sincerely. "Do you know who I am?" I asked, tears rolling down my cheek. "Well.." She says, causing me to cry much harder than before. She hugs me tightly and kisses me gently. "Of course I remeber you, my princess." I sigh with relief. "Oh my gosh, you crazy, never scare me like that again!!!!" I hug her tightly and kiss her passionatly as she kisses back. "How could I forget the love of my life?" She asked, causing me to smile wide. "Oh Riley! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hurt you! I just wanted to have some fun." I look down sadly. "I'm sorry.." She puts her finger under my chin and makes me look back up at her. "Don't apologize. It was an accident, unlike this.." She leans in and kisses me passionatly, as I kiss back as passionatly. "Oh I'm so glad you didn't forget everything!" She smiles. "Me too, I would've lost the memories of the most amazing person in the world." She kisses me gently, as I kiss back.
~A couple days later, Corey's pov~
I come into the classroom and there's a flatscreen in here. Assuming it's Farkle's, I look at him. "Farkle why is this here?" "Why do you assume it's my doing?" He asked. I just look at him. "Good assumption." He tells me as he stands up. "What is it for?" I asked. "A presentation." He said. "I didn't asign a project, Farkle." He smiles. "I know." He comes up to my desk and flips my name tag around to say "Farkle" so I go and sit in his desk. He gets the remote to the tv and turns it on, it shows a picture of Riley and Maya on it, kissing. "What is thi-" Lucas started, but Farkle interrupted. "This is about Riley Matthews and Maya Hart, who, have eachother's Harts." He changes the slide to the picture Topanga took before they went on their date. "Stop!" Lucas says angrily and gets up. "What-" Farkle starts, but Lucas interrupts. "They don't have eachother's Harts! Maya said she liked me! We're even going on a date when she gets back! She doesn't like Riley anymore!" Farkle and I get confused. "It didn't seem like it when I visited them Sunday." Lucas gets in Farkle's face. "They let YOU visit but not ME!?" Farkle backs down a little. "They didn't really let me visit, I just kinda' popped by to see them.." I get up. "Lucas, that's enough. Sit down." I told him sternly. He looks at Farkle. "Where are they?" He asked sternly. Farkle backs down and tells him. "They're in Hawaii!! Please, let me finish my presentation, now." He smiles. "Will do." And leaves the class.
~Lucas' pov~
"I'm going to Hawaii." I said angrily as I left the school. I went to the airport and left for Hawaii right away. I have to sit in coach, I usually sit in first class, it's not too bad though, except for thr excessive crying of a baby and an obnoxious kid kicking my seat. Other than that, it's not too bad. After I get there, I call Farkle. "Where are they staying?" I asked, he tells me and I go to the hotel they're staying in. "Hey, what room are Riley Matthews and Maya Hart staying in?" I asked the receptionist. "Room 269." I smile at her. "Okay, thanks." I go find the room and knock on the door.
~Riley's pov~
"You wanna'.." I wrap my arms around Maya's neck and kiss her passionatly. She kisses back and wraps her arms around my waist, pulling our bodies together. I wrap my legs around her waist, she grabs my butt, holding me up. I stick my tongue out and lick her lips so she'll part them, she does, allowing my entry. Our tongues begin dancing together. As we're kissing, there's a knock on the door. "Aww seriously?!" Maya says upset and goes to the door to open it as I follow. She opens it. Our eyes widen. "Lucas!?!?" We say shocked in unicent. "Yeah. Farkle told me where you guys were since Maya didn't." He glared at her, he then smiles wide. "So Maya, how about that date?" He asked. She looks at me worried as I look back. "Well, I would, but I'm not really ready for our date.. I was expecting it to be tomorrow after we got back from vacation.." He looks at her suspiciously. "And! She's spending some time with her best friend!" I added as I wrapped my arm around her. She does the same. "Yeah! I just wanted to spend some time with my best friend!" She spoke. "But you said you didn't like her.." She sighs. "She's still my best friend, dude." I smile wide. "Yeah." I say happily. "Well, since I'm here, let's hang out together!" He said as he walked in. "Wai-.." I sigh. "Lucas, how did you even get here?" Maya asked. "I flew here." He told her. "Are you sure you didn't take 'yer horse!" She joked, making me giggle slightly. He laughs slightly and wraps his arm around her. I start getting jealous. 'Don't touch my girl.' I thought angrily. Maya takes his arm from around her. "So cowboy, what do you wanna' do?" She asked. "I wanna' go to the beach." "Bu-" I spoke up, but Lucas interrupted me. "We're going to the beach." He said sternly as he looked at me. Maya wraps her arm around me. "You don't talk to my girl like that." She stood up for me, causing me to smile and stare at her lovingly. "You're right. I'm sorry, milady." He said, bowing jokingly. I start getting jealous again. 'She's milady.' I thought. "Riles, let's go change into our bathing suits.." Maya said walking to the bathroom. "Right." I said following her. "Wait, you two are changing infront of eachother?" Lucas asked. Maya and I look at eachother. "Uhh, yeah. We're best friends." Lucas walks over to Maya. "How about you change infront of me?" She backs up a little. "How about no cowboy." She replied. He sighs and rolls his eyes. "You'll change infront of her but not me? Really?!" He said upset. "Yes." She said as we walked into the bathroom. I follow her into the bathroom, right after I shut the door, I kiss Maya passionatly. She kisses back. We take our clothes off, I can't help but to start sucking Maya's nipples. "R-Riley~.." She moaned slightly. I stopped. "Right.." I said dissapointedly. We get into our bathing suits and leave the bathroom. Lucas looks mad. Maya and I look at eachother confused. "Uhh.."
~Lucas' pov~
Maya and Riley go into the bathroom together, causing me to get jealous. "Ugh.. Maya's mine, Riley! You're not taking her away from me again.." I growled. I then change into my bathing suit as I do, I suddenly hear "R-Riley~.." I get enraged. "What. The. Fuck." Is all I managed to say. Then Riley and Maya come out of the bathroom and look at eachother. "Stop looking at her!" I said angrily. "Who?" Maya asked. "Riley. Stop looking at Maya. She loves me. Not you." Riley walks up to me and gets in my face. "Oh reall-" Maya grabs my shoulder and pulls me away from him. "Calm down you guys. I love you both." Maya says, putting her arm around Riley. "My best friend," 'Don't fuckin' touch that bitch..' I thought angrily. "And my.. Cowboy." She hesitated a little. I wrap my arm around her. "So, let's go to the beach." I say. I can see Riley gets a little upset, causing me to smirk, but she doesn't see. I see Maya looking at Riley, so I kiss her cheek, making Riley even more jealous. Maya looks at me shocked and feels her cheek. "You.. Kissed my cheek." She said shocked. "Yeah. Of course. Why not?" I replied.
~Riley's pov~
Lucas wraps his arm around Maya, making me jealous. 'Stop touching her.' I thought angrily. "So let's go to the beach." Lucas says. I look at Maya as she looks back at me, as she's looking at me, Lucas kisses her cheek, making me absolutly furious. 'She's my girl. I'm the only one who kisses her anywhere..' I start to growl a little bit. Maya looks at me, eyes wide. Lucas looks at me confused, but it looks like he's trying not to smile. "You.. Kissed my cheek." Maya finally said. He smiles. "Yeah. Of course. Why not?" He replied. 'Why not? Maybe because SHE'S MY GIRL!!!!' I thought, glaring at Lucas. Just then, Maya wraps her arm around me to calm me down, it works, I calm down. Then we all go to the beach. As we're finding a place to relax, I see that guy from the last time Maya and I were here. My eyes widen and I elbow Maya. She looks at me and I point in his direction. Her eyes widen. "Oh no.." She says. Then the guy approaches us. "Hey haven't seen you lovlies recently." He looks at Lucas. "Who's this?" He glares at him. "I'm her boyfriend." He looks at Maya and smiles. She fake smiles back, I can tell it's fake. I get jealous again. 'She's my girlfriend you-' "But you two told me-" Maya interrupts him. "Haha.. Yeah, we told you that, and it's true! But, you know, I- love- him.." She choaked on the last part. He looks at us confused. "Uhh.. Okay.. We'll, I'ma go.." He walks away. We walk to the spot we were at before and set the stuff up. I'm about to go get in the water Maya catches up with me and grabs my hand, and the Hart with "M+R" is still in it. Lucas walks up to us and sees the Hart. He glares and me and Maya. "What's that?" He asked, sounding a little mad. "It must've been someone else that did that, right Riles?" She nudges me. "Oh, yeah.. Right." I smile at her. She smiles back. He then notices that we're holding hands. "Are you sure it wasn't you two?" Maya glances at me. "Nope. Why don't you believe me Bucky Mc Boing Boing?" He sighs. "I believe you, but why are you two holding hands." We let go of eachother's hands and we rub the back our necks. "Well, uhh, you see.." Then that guy from before comes and interrupts us. "They're doing it for me. I thought they looked cute together the last time they came, so they promised they'd act like they were dating for me." Maya and I sigh with relief. Lucas looks at him for a second. "Uhh.. Okay." "And we're best friends, we always do that." Maya added. "Let's go in the water!" I said excitedly as I ran twards the water. Maya followed and we got in the water together. We go pretty far out into the ocean. "I'm sorry, Maya.. I got you into this just because I wanted to get back at Lucas for saying what he did." She sighs. "It's to-" she's cut off by a huge wave. We both go under, I come back up, but I don't see Maya. My eyes widen. "Maya? MAYA!!" I look around for her. "Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. I can't believe this happened! What do I do?!" I see Lucas comming into the water, but he's still super close to the shore. "LUCAS!!!!" I yell to him. He's too far, he didn't hear me. "Oh no! What do I do?!?" Just then, I see Maya under the water. "MAYA!" I say as I go under the water to rescue her. She keeps sinking faster than I can swim. I keep swiming for her. I almost catch her, when I someone grabs my leg and pulls me back up. "Riley, are you okay?" Lucas asked. "NOO!! MAYA'S SINKING! I HAVE TO SAVE HER!!!!" I go back under, but Lucas pulls me back up. "No. You're not saving her. No one is." I look at him angrily and shocked. "But you love her!" I go back under, he pulls me back up. "I LOVE HER!!" I yell at him and push him away and go back under, swimming like I've never swam before. I swim faster than she's sinking, I reach her and grab her hand as I feel someone grab my leg and pull me up. I pull Maya up. "You don't deserve her. You we're gonna' let her die." I said to Lucas coldly. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "But Riley-" I interrupt him and pull my shoulder away. "No. Goodbye Lucas." I said swimming away from him. I finally make it back to the shore with Maya and lay her down. "I've done this before, I can do it again." I tell myself as someone comes and pushes me out of the way. "I'm a lifeguard. I'm CPR certified." He said as he was leaning to put his lips onto Mayas. "Don't you dare touch your lips to hers. She's mine. I'll save her." I said, pushing him away from Maya. I layed her on her side and hit her back slightly, making water come out of her mouth. Then I put my lips onto hers, giving her CPR. She starts coughing and breaths again. She opens her eyes slowly. "You saved me again.. Thank you." She said as she put her hand on my face and sat up and kissed me gently as I kissed back. Lucas finally makes it to the shore. "Maya! I'm so glad you're alright! I tried to save you, but Riley had to do it to look like a hero!" He lied. I get up and walk up to him, gettin in his face. "Oh no, you're not going to lie to my girl like that you big fat lier! You tried and tried to stop me from saving her. You we're gonna' just let her die, but you have another thing comming to you, pretty boy!" Just then, I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Maya. "Riley, I'll take care of it." She told me, causing me to back away from Lucas.
~Maya's pov~
I smile slightly, trying to hide my anger. "How stupid do you think I am? Just because I'm a straight D student, doesn't mean I can't tell when someone lies to me. I've been lied to all my life. You just wanted to let me die. Why would you do that if you love me? Because you actually love Riley and you were just using me to make her jealous, well, she was only jealous of you, not me." His eyes widen. "How'd you know that?!" He was shocked. I smile. "I told you, I'm not as dumb as you think I am Ranger Rick." I interlock arms with Riley. "Let's go, my princess." I look back at Lucas and flash a devious smile at him.
~Lucas' pov~
Maya flashes a devious smile at me, making me angry. "She was mine. I almost had her! But she was pulled away from me, AGAIN!! I can't take this! I give up! I'm going back home." With that, I went back home.
~Maya's pov~
We go back to the hotel and change and stuff. "You saved me again. How could I repay you?" She looks at me seductivly. "Maybe.." She interrupts her talking by kissing me passionatly. I kiss her back as passionatly. "I'm just glad you're alright, Maya.. It seems like bad things keep happening to us is a normal thing now.." Riley said. "Yeah, I guess so." I sit down on the bed. Riley sits next to me. "Just promise me, we won't let anyone get in between us." Riley said. I smile wide. "Of course not my princess."

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