No more.

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~a couple days later, Riley's pov~
"I love you, Maya." I kiss her passionatly as she kisses back. "I love you too, Riley." Maya then looks down kind of sadly. "Maya, what's wrong?" I asked sympathetically. "It's just-.." She looks back up at me and continues. "It's nothing.. I shouldn't be sad." She smiles slightly, "I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world, I'm living with her. Why am I even sad?" I look at her seductivly. "I can fix that." I say as I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling our bodies together, also grabbing her butt. I kiss her passionatly as she kisses back. She then wraps her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. I then lick her lip slightly, causing her to part her lips slightly. I then slide my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues start dancing together. They melt together as one. I start playing with her tongue. As I am, I slip my hand into her underwear and start fingering her, causing her to moan slightly. I then start kissing her jaw line and down her neck, causing her to moan a little louder. I then take her shirt off of her and immediately take her bra off of her and start sucking her nipples. She then takes my shirt and bra off of me, I start kissing her breasts and go down her stomach. Before I take her pants off, I start kissing her hip bone. I then go back up and kiss her passionatly as I unbutton her pants, sliding them down. I then go down between her legs, sticking my fingures into her and pulling them out, continue doing that, I stick my tongue inside of her, causing her to moan loud. "Ohh~" she moaned out. I smirk as I begin eating her. Causing her to moan louder. "R-RIley~" she then cums out. I lick up all her juices, go back up and kiss her passionatly. She kisses back as passionatly. She then goes down to my nipples and starts sucking them and kissing my breasts, causing me to moan slightly. She then starts kissing down my stomach, I then feel her hand unbuttoning my pants, she the sticks her hand in my pants, just feeling me through my underwear. She comes back up and kisses me passionatly, as I feel her finger go into me, fingering me, causing me to moan slightly, but my moans are muffles by her kissing. She then slides my pants off of me, goes between my legs and kisses my underwear. She then slides my underwear off, sticking her tongue inside of me. "Maayyyaaa~" I moan out as she starts eating me. As she does, I come, she licks up all my juices, comes back up and kisses me passionatly, with me kissing back. She then lays down. I go down between her legs, we begin scissoring eachother. Causing us both to moan loudly. Maya then crawls to me, and kisses me passionatly as I kiss back. She then leans on the head board of my bed, I lay my head on her chest, falling asleep like that. When I wake up, Maya's arms are wrapped around me with our naked bodies pressed together. I smile warmly and kiss her forehead gently. I then get up and get dressed, and leave my room. When I go into the living room, I immediately see Topanga with an angry Corey. He gets up. "YOU!!" He yelled at me. I back away defensivly. "Y-yeah.. I-it's me.. Your daughter.." I stuttered out, scared of what he's gonna' do. "Corey, calm down." Topanga spoke up. He glares at her. "Calm down?" He said through grit teeth. "CALM DOWN?!?" He yelled. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN! OUR DAUGHTER SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS!!!! SHE'S ONLY-" Topanga then interrupts him. "I know. But it's for the best-" his eyes widen angrily as he interrupts her this time. "For the best?.. HOW IS IT FOR THE BEST, TOPANGA!?!?" He then walks up to me. "This time," he says through grit teeth. "This time, I mean it, and nothing will change my mind." Tears start to form in my eyes, knowing what he's gonna' say. "You and Maya can't be together anymore. And thiS TIME, I MEAN IT!!! No exceptions!!" He yelled, causing tears to flood down my face. "Now go tell Maya, before I do." He said sternly. I keep crying as I go to my room, when I get in there, Maya's awake, and half dressed with her bra and underwear on. I close the door, upon seeing me cry, she immediately runs over to me, hugging me tightly, comforting me. I hang onto her as if my life depended on it, as I cry intently on her shoulder. Once it dies down a bit, I pull away and wipe the tears from my eyes. Maya then wipes the remaining tears I missed. She looks at me with sympathy. "Riley what's wrong?" "Y-you won't like it.." I stuttered out. That being hard enough to say alone. She looks into my eyes. "Riley, please, please tell me." She practicly begged. "W-we can't.." I stop for a second, taking a deep breath, wiping the tears forming in my eyes away. "We can't be together anymore.. No exceptions.." I choaked out, trying to choak back tears. "Riley-.." I can hear the anger in her voice, but it soon fades. "Riley, do you trust me?" I look back up at her. "More than anyone." "Then.." She sighs and continues. "Then let's leave.. Let's not be here anymore. With your parents to judge us or tell us we can't be togethef anymore." With her saying that, my eyes immediately widen. "M-Maya we can't do that!" I said, obviously shocked. "Riley, hear me out, okay? If we left, your dad wouldn't make us break up.. We'd still be able to be together and do anything we want.. Riley, I love you so much. I don't want to have to break up with you.." I look at her with sympathy. "We could.. Pretend we're not?.." I suggested, my voice getting a little high with the last part. "Riley, he'd eventually find out.. I-.." She stops for a second. She grabs my hands and looks into my eyes. "Riley, I love you so much.. I've always loved you Riley. Will you.." She takes a deep breath and continues. "Will you marry me?" She pulls out a beautiful blue diamond ring. My eyes widen as I smile wide and wrap my arms around her. "MAYA!!" I yelled excitedly as I kissed her passionatly, but my happiness soon faded away. "But.. We can't be together.." I whisper choaked out. She puts her hands on my shoulders, holding me at arms length. "We can just leave, Riley. We can have Farkle take us somewhere, we can start a new. We can be together, no one can stop us." She looks into my eyes and grabs my hands. "Riley, think about it." I think for a second, then look her up and down, admiring her body. I kiss her passionatly, her kissing back. As we're kissing, I hear someone walking towards my room. My eyes widen, and pull away as fast as I can. "Get out!" I whisper yelled. "My dad's comming!" Her eyes also widen. She looks around for her clothes. She puts them on quickly and runs out of the window as fast as humanly possible. I quickly run to sit on my bed, making myself cry again. As soon as I start crying again, my dad comes in. "Is she gone?" He asks angrily. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Y-yeah.." I stuttered sadly. "Good. You can still be friends, but you can not, and I repeate, CAN NOT be alone with her. No matter what happens. Me or mom have to be with you two at all times." I get a tissue, wiping my nose, I nod in agreement. "Good. I'm trusting you now, alright?" I roll my eyes, without him seeing. "Okay." I fake smile, reassuring him. He leaves my room, closing the door behind him. I then start packing clothes and stuff to take with me to leave. Maya comes back into my room. "Hey cutie." She flirted. I smile wide, go over and kiss her passionatly, with her kissing back. Just then, I hear my door open. I quickly pull away thinking it's my dad, Maya jumps out the window onto the fire escape right outside of it. I sigh with relief seeing who it is. "It's just Auggie." I called out to Maya. She comes back in, rubbing her head. "Seriously?" I go over to her, kissing her head gently. "I'm sorry my princess." I whispered in her ear. "Riley, why are you packing?" Auggie asked. My eyes widen as I go to Auggie, squatting down, put my hand on his shoulder. "Well, dad said I couldn't be with Maya anymore, but I love her so much, so I'm leaving." His eyes widen. "But Riley!" He said, pouting. "I'm sorry, Auggie, I just want to be with her.. Please understand that, Auggie." I see tears form in his eyes. "Don't leave, Riley. Please." He begged. It kills me to see him this upset. I don't know to say. I then notice his expression turns hopeful. "Atleast let me come with." He asks hopefully, slightly smiling. I look over at Maya with a worried look. She then comes over, crouching down. "Auggie, you should stay here, with your parents. You'll see Riley again, I promise." Auggie looks down sadly. "Okay.." The look on his face and the sadness in his voice just kills me. I go and hug him tightly, kissing his cheek. "Don't worry, you'll see me again, please be strong.. For me?" He smiles slightly. "Okay." "Just don't tell mom and dad, okay?" He nods in agreement. I smile. "Good." He then leaves my room, closing the door. I look at Maya. "Let's go." I follow her out the window with our stuff. Then my eyes widen. "Wait!" I said, quickly going back into my room, putting a coupke pillows under the blanket in my bed, making it look like I'm there to buy us some more time. I then go back out the window. "Have any idea where to go?" I asked. "Well.. Let's just go to Farkle's and discuss it there.. So we can go somewhere to start anew." I nodded my head in agreement, following her to Farkle's.
~Maya's pov~
I knock on Farkle's door. Nothing. I sigh and turn to Riley. "I guess we have to go to-" I'm interrupted by Farkle opening the door. "Ladies." He said in his flirtatious tone, causing me to roll my eyes. "What are you doing with a suitcase?" He asked, looking at Riley. She then looks to me as to tell me to tell him. I sigh and look back at Farkle. "You see, Riley and I want to get away. Her dad told us we had to break up, this time, to exceptions. So, we left so we could be together." His eyes widen. "You guys ran away?!" He asked, obviously shocked. "You heard right. Can we come in?" He rubs the back of his neck. "Well.." His voice goes high. "C'mon Farkle, we have no where else to go." I look at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please." I practicly begged. "Okay, okay." He moves out of the way, letting us in. I go in as Riley follows. Farkle leads us to his room, surprised, I see Lucas on his bed. "What'r you doin' here Bucky?!" I asked kinda' shocked. "Just uhh.. Hanging with Farkle." I glare at him, knowing what he was actually doing there. I spin around to look at Farkle. "We need a new start, Farkle." "Woah, woah, wait." Lucas got my attention. "What do you mean by "a new start"?" I sigh. "It's a long story.." I then turn back to Farkle. "Farkle please, take me and Riley somewhere since you have a helicopter.. We need a new start Farkle, please." Riley comes over to me, wraping her arm around me, causing me to smile. "Please Farkle.." She asked with puppy dog eyes. He sighs. "Alright.. Where do you wanna' go?" He asked, sounding a little annoyed. I look at Riley. "Your call." She smiles wide as her eyes begin to sparkle from excitement. "Paris!!" She said excitedly. "Riley, I don't think-" Farkle interrupted Lucas. "Can't go that far in a helicopter.. Sorry Riley.." She sighs. "Awe man!" She said upset. She then turns to me hopefully. "Can we go in a plain!" She asked, hopefully excited. "Uhh.. I don't think so, Riley. We don't have any money.." She lights up as she pulls out a credit card. "But I do!" She grabs my hand, pulling me out of the Minkus house, with our stuff, leaving Farkle and Lucas confused. "Riley we can't just go to Paris!" I blurted out, causing her to immediately stop in her tracks. She looks at me sadly. "But- why not?.." She asked sadly with puppy dog eyes. "Because we don't speak French-" "FINALLY!" She yells, "somebody who can't speak French like me!" She starts to blush as she sinks down a little from embarrassment. "Continue.." She half whispered. "How much money do you have?" I asked. "$500." I sigh. "We can't speak French, and you really think $500 is enough to go to Paris?" She sighs and looks down sadly. "No. I guess not.." "But," I get her attention, so she'd look back up at me. "We could go somewhere closer.." I smirked, looking st a confused Riley. I roll my eyes, grab her hand. "Oh come on!"
~Later, Riley's pov~
"Maya where are you taking us?!" I was so confused. I just wanted to know what she had in mind. Before I knew it, we were at an unfamiliar house, Maya knocking on the door. "Maya, where are we?.." I asked, kinda' scared. Just then, Regina opened the door, smiling wide. "Maya! Riley!" She then hugs Maya as she hugs back. Regina just waves at me. I'm so confused. "Why are you two here? I'm not upset about it. It's a nice surprise to see you two here, but why?" "Can we come in?" Maya adked. "Of course!" Regina beamed with happiness, I didn't like it. I feel like something's still off about her.. Either that, or I'm just jealous.. I'm probably just jealous. She leads us to her room. Maya sits on her bed, I sit next to her, if I was any closer to her, I'd be sitting on her lap, though, I wouldn't mind that at all. "So, what brings you two here?" Regina sat next to Maya on the other side, pretty close to her. I glare at Regina, not being noticed, though I thought. When I looked at Maya, she was looking at me, as if she was annoyed. "S-sorry.." I stuttered under my breath only loud enough for Maya to hear. She rolls her eyes as she turns to Regina, explaining what happened, and that we're engaged now. She beams with happiness when she hears we're engaged. "Let me see the rings!!!!" She said excitedly. I extend my hand, showing her the ring. She smiles wide and fangirl squeels. "It's beautiful!!!!" I don't know about you, but this all seems like an act to me. It just looks fake to me, don't say I'm jealous. I have that gut feeling, it's never been wrong. I smile wide, feeling prideful, "I know, my amazing girlfriend got it for me!" She turns to me, and kisses me passionatly as I kiss back. When we pull away, I see Regina quickly smile, as if she hadn't stopped. Okay, I really don't like her. "Hey, Regina," Maya spoke up, "do you think it'd be alright if Riley and I stayed her a couple days?.." She then smiles wider then I've ever seen her smile. "Of course!!!!" She said, super excited. "Actually," I spoke up. "Could you just give us a ride somewhere?" Her happiness then deflates like a balloon. "Oh.. Y-yeah.." She said sadly. "Uhh.. Where to?" She asked. I look at Maya. "Uhh.. Florida. You cool with that Riley?" Regina's eyes widen. "I can't drive all the way to Florida, but I can get you two plane tickets and drive you to the airport." I look at Maya hopefully. "Paris!" I ask hopefully. She looks at Regina. "Paris?" She asked. "I can't do other countries. So, Florida?" Maya nods. Regina flashes a thumbs up, "I'll have the tickets a bit later today wait here." She leaves the room. I look at Maya and smile. She leans in and kisses me passionatly as I kiss back as passionatly. As we're kissing, Regina comes back in the room. "Ready?" She asks. I look at Maya and smile then back to Regina. "Ready." I agreed. She drove us to the airport. "Promise me one thing." She tells me. "Uhh.. Sure, anything." She smiles. "Promise you'll be back to visit." I smile. "Promise." I then hug her as she hugs back. "Well, I guess this is goodby-" she interrupts me. "I don't like goodbyes.. They mean I won't see you again. See ya' later?" I smile. "See you later." Maya and I then go into the airport, go through security and whatever else we do and get onto the airplane. Maya and I sit together, I sitting by the window, she sitting in the middle. Noone on the end, so we're basicly alone. Then the stuardess comes by, telling everyone to turn off all electronic devices. Maya and I do as she says and turn off our phones. The plane then begins going into the air. Then I look out the window, watching the people and buildings dissapear as we get higher. When we're finally above the clouds, I turn to Maya. "Well, this is it.. The start of our new lives together." She smiles. "It is." She agreed. I then lay my head on her shoulder, falling asleep. After we arrive, Maya wakes me up. "Riley, wake up. Time to start our new lives together." We gather our stuff, get off the plane, and leave the airport. We go to a hotel to stay for a couple days. After we're at the hotel for a while, Maya speaks up, "I'm gonna' go look for a job." She told me, making me upset. "But we won't be able to spend as much time together.." I said sadly. "Riley, we're on our own.. We have responsibilities now." I look down sadly. "I don't want responsibilities.." I said under my breath, Maya barely able to hear. She then sits down next to me, wrapping her arm around me. "I'm sorry, Riley.."

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