Dream Vacation?

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"Hello? Riley Matthews?" A guy with a deep voice and a really weird accent said. "Yeah.. I'm Riley.." I said hesitently. "Well congradulations Riley! You won a trip for two to anywhere in the world!!!!!" You get to stay in a five star hotel in the niceset sweet and you get a week alone with who ever you choose. You get a private jet to go there!" His voice went to very excited after he said well. My eyes widen. "What! Really! That's awesome!! Maya, you and I can go anywhere in the world we want for a week and we'll be flown there in a private jet!!!!" I told her excitedly. She looks at me suspiciously. "Riley, you didn't even enter anything." She finally said. "So.." She smile wide. "We should go back packing around Europe!" Maya said excitedly. I smile. "How about somewhere romantic.. Like Paris." I suggest and start acting like I'm drinking coffee. Maya rolls her eyes. "This again?" She sighs. "Let's go to Hawaii.. I feel like that'd be better." I look at her with puppy dog eyes. She looks away. "Noooo! That's not gonna' work on me this time! Please, Riley, can we go to Hawaii, my princess?" I smile. "Okay, we'll go to Hawaii." I get back on the phone. "I wanna' go to Hawaii." I told the man. "Alright! We'll have the private jet pick you and who ever you're bringing with you up tomorrow." My eyes widen. "Wait! Tomorrow!?!" He hung up before I finished that. I look at Maya. "We're being picked up tomorrow!" I said panicked. Her eyes widen. "What?! Tomorrow?!" I sigh. "I know.." "You're dad won't go with it. There's n-" I interrupt her. "Don't say that! You don't know." "He won't. We both know it." I sigh. "I'm still gonna' ask.." I leave my room before she gets a chance to reply. I find my dad in the living room and I go give him his phone back. "So, what was that all about?" "Well, the guy told me that I won a trip for two to anywhere in the world! And that me and who ever I choose get to go there in a private jet!!!!" I told him excitedly. "So, can I go, can I go, can I go?! Please!!!!!" I pleaded while jumping up and down excitedly. He smiles. "Alright, alright calm down. You can go." He laughed a little while saying that. I hug him tightly. "Thank you!!!" I pull away and start walking to my room. "By the way I'm taking Maya and we're leaving tomorrow!" I run to my room so he won't argue with me. When I got to my room, I saw that Maya changed out of what she was wearing. "Hey! We weren't done with our reject fashion show!" She rolls her eyes. "Well, I changed the rules." She said. I cross my arms. "Whatever." "So? Can we go?" Maya asked. "We can go!!!!" I said excitedly. Her eyes widen and she smiles. "That's awesome!" My eyes widen. "We gotta' pack!" "Riley, I don't have enough clothes for the week." She told me. "Then, let's go to your house to get some, and your suitcase too."
She looks down. "Riley.. I don't have a suitcase.." I smile wide. "Then we can share one!" "What if we wear eachother's clothes?" She asked. "Then we wear eachother's clothes. Is that a bad thing?" I asked. "No." She replied. "Now let's go!" She follows me out the window and we go to her house. We walk in and he mom'e in the kitchen. "Oh.. Mom.." Maya said not so enthusiastically. "Hi.. Maya.." Her mom said not so enthusiastically back to her. She looks at me. "Hello, Riley. What are you doing here?" She asked. "Hi Mrs. Hart." "Riley won this thing for her and one other person to go anywhere in the world, long story short, we're leaving tomorrow and we need to pack." She explained. "Okay.." Then I follow Maya to her room and she starts stuffing clothes into a bag until it's about to burst. "Kay, let's go." She said as I followed her out. "Bye mom." Maya said after she shut the door. We're walking back to my house and she looks down. "Hey, Riles, can you hold on a second? I forgot something."
~Maya's pov~
I run back inside my house and run and hug my mom. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you too, Maya." Then I go back out to Riley. "What'd you forget?" She asked. I smile. "To tell my mom I love her." She smiles wide. "Aww, Maya!" She kisses my cheek, causing me to blush and smile. "I hope you're saving some of that love for me." She said afterwards. I smile. "Of course." I kiss her passionatly. She kisses back passionatly. When we pull away, people are staring at us. "Yeah, I know we're hot, take a picture, it'll last longer." I kiss Riley again and people actually take pictures, but some walk away absolutly discusted. And I don't even care. We go back to Riley's house and go back to her room. She gets her suit case and begin packing. Soon later, we finish. "You wanna'.. Do something? Likee.." She said seductivly. I smile, but it soon fades. "We should wait until tomorrow.. When we'll be alone." I suggested. She rolls her eyes and grabs my hands and pulls me in for a passionate kiss. I fall into it and kiss her back. I pull away. "We should really wait.." I repeated. "Do you want to?" She asked. "Well- yeah, but-" she looks at me seductivly. "Then it worked." She kisses me passionatly. "Oh my princess, you sure do know how to make me the damsel in distress." I said and continued kissing her passionatly. She wraps her arms around my waist, pressing our bodies together.
~Riley's pov~
Maya wraps her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. I move my tongue to her mouth, licking her lips so she'll let me in. I feel her tongue, dancing with mine. My dad comes in. We pull away. "Every time!" Maya complained. He just looks at her then looks back at me. "Are you two finished packing?" He asked. "Yeah, dad." "Good," He continues, "Riley, can I talk to you?" "Sure, what is it dad?" I asked. He pointed out the door and I went into the living room. "Dad, I thought you're glad I'm with Maya, I thought that you trusted her." He looks at me shocked. "How'd you know I was going to talke to you about Maya?" I roll my eyes. "Because everytime something comes up, we get some big news or other, and you find out Maya's involved, you always have to come and talk to me, to try to talk me out of it. Dad, I love her, so I'm taking her." His eyes widen. "Riley, I know, but I just-.." He sighs and doesn't continue. "You what?" I asked. "Nothing.. I'm sorry." "You shouldn't be telling me that.." I walk back to my room.
~Maya's pov~
Riley leaves the room as her dad follows after her. I get mad. "You need to stop. Why don't you trust me? You keep saying you do, but you always end up trying to talk Riley out of something that has to do with me.. I'm tired of it.." I said angrily. I tried to calm myself down, nothing worked. I looked around Riley's room. I looked on her nightstand and saw an old picture of us together, causing me to smile. I look through the drawer in her nightstand, finding an old book that says "Riley's Diary" on the front. "Hmm.." I start to open it. "Nope!" I said then put it back. I start thinking. "He doesn't want me and Riley to be together.." Causing me to get mad again. Then Riley comes back in. "Maya, what's wrong?!" She asked concerned. "Corey doesn't like me! He doesn't want us to be together! What is his problem!? Does he not like me!? WHAT IS IT!?!" I storm out of Riley's room and go into the living room and get in Corey's face. "Why don't you like me!? Why don't you trust me?! Why don't you want me and Riley to be together?!?! Is it because I'm too stupid for her, or the fact that I'm a "bad influence"!?! WHAT. IS. IT?!?!" I yelled at him. His eyes widen. "Maya, look, I appreciate you, I'm glad you're dating my daughter and not someone else. I know you'll protect her and that you care." I sigh. "Then why do you always try to talk her out of everything that has to do with me then?" He sighs. "Maya-" I interrupt him. "I don't like you." "Then you don't like my daughter." He replied. "I love your daughter." "She's like me." "No she's not." "No I'm not!" Riley came in. I walk to her, put my arm around her and we go back to her room. "So, Maya.. You wanna.." She grabs my hands and pulls me in and kisses me passionatly. I kiss her back as passionatly. "Riley I said.." She starts kissing my neck. "R-R..ile..y" She comes back up and starts kissing me passionatly again. I kiss her back then pull away. "Riley." I said. "Yyeaaahh?" She said lovingly. "Tomorrow." I tell her sternly. She sighs and crosses her arms. "Fine." I sit down on her bed. She goes out the window. I follow her. "Riley, what are you doing?" I asked. She smiles. "Watching the sunset." She watches the sky as the sun sets, as do I. "You know," Riley looks at me and continues. I look back at her. "The sunset is so beautiful.. But not a beautiful as you." I blush a little and smile. "Aww, Riles.." She kisses me gently. I kiss back. "Maya. I want to talk to you." I heard her dad say from her room. I go back in. "Yeah?" He sighs. "Look, Maya. I'm sorry. I do trust you, I really do. I'll do anything for you to forgive me." I smile deviously. "Oh no." He said. "Then let Riley and I-" he sighs and looks down. "Maya.." "And, you have to trust me. Riley and I are going to Hawaii alone, you're gonna' have to trust me. I love her very much.. I don't want her getting hurt." He looks at me. "Maya, I'm trusting you with my daughter's life, alright." I smile. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to her." I wrap my arm around her, as she does the same. He leaves the room. "Don't do anything to lose his trust, Maya." "How would I? All I have to do is protect you, that's what I already do!" She smiles and kisses me gently. I kiss back. "I'm bored." Riley just looks at me. "How are you gonna' say you're bored right after I kissed you?!" I smirk. "Maybe I'm bored with you." "Maybe this will help.." She wraps her arms around my waist, pulling our bodies together and kisses me passionatly. I kiss her back and wrap my arms around her neck, deepening the kiss. I feel her tongue enter my mouth. I start playing with her tongue a little bit. Then I pull away. "Tomorrow." I said as I smirked at her shocked, and upset facial expression. "UGH!! FINE!!!" She yelled. "Calm down, princess. It'll be better tomorrow. We'll be alone, no one can interrupt us, we don't have to worry about your parents hearing us, and we can do it as long as we want." She smiles. "That sounds fantastic." She said happily. "Yeah.. That's why we should wait." She smiles wide. "Now I really can't wait for tomorrow!!" She said excitedly. "So.. Still bored." I said. Riley rolls her eyes. "Really Maya?" A couple seconds pass. "Yeah I'm bored too. What now?" "Park?" I ask. "Nah done that." "Movie?" "No." "Then what?" I was getting annoyed. "How about we go swimming." She comes and gets in my face and looks at me seductivly. "I wanna' see you in a bikini." She said seductivly, causing me to blush. "O-okay." I calm down a little. "I wanna' see you in one too!" I said proudly. "Then you will." She bopped me on the nose. She goes into her closet. I change into my bikini. She comes back out in her bikini. "We need to go swiming more often.." We said in unicent, looking eachother up and down. Causing us to both start laughing. "So, where's the pool?" I asked. "There's an indoor pool in the apartment. C'mon." I follow her out of her room and of her apartment. I look around. "I've never been to this part of the building before.. I only ever go to your apartment." She looks back at me and smiles. As I'm following her, I look at her butt and smile. "You have a really good looking butt." She looks back at me and blushes. She gets behind me. "Riley, wha-" "Your's isn't that bad either." I start blushing from embarrassment. "Let's just go to the pool.." I tell her and follow her to the pool. No one's there, so we're alone, and there's a hot tub too. There's a diving board, Riley gets on it and dives in. I watch, mouth wide. She looks so majestic and beautiful, like a bird. She comes out of the water, her hair shimmering. "Oh my princess, you are so beautiful." She comes to the side of the pool and splashes me. "C'mon, get in!" She said excitedly. I smile and go to the diving board. I dive in. "You look beautiful too." She told me after I came up. I smile and swim to her. "Thanks, princess." I kiss her gently. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me passionatly. She starts going under the water and pulls me under with her. We continue kissing underwater. We go back up for air, gasping. "I love you, Maya." Riley told me. "I love you too, Riley." I kiss her gently. I start swiming. "You won't get me you evil Doctor fire!" Riley yelled. I roll my eyes. "Really?" "Giving up so soon?! I thought you were better than that!" I sigh. "Oh, alright." I point at her and continue. "I will get you Ice man! You can't escape my fire!!!!" She smiles. "I'm Ice Flower." She told me. I roll my eyes. "I will get you Ice Flower! You can't escape my fire!"
~Topanga's pov~
"Topanga, did Riley tell you that her and Maya are leaving?" My eyes widen. "They're leaving?! I just said last week that they weren't leaving us yet!" "On vacation.. They'll be gone for the week they're leaving tomorrow." I calm down a little. "But why didn't Riley tell me herself?.." "She was probably going to tell you before she left.. She might be asleep now." I sigh. "Yeah, probably.. Let's just go to sleep.."
~Maya's pov~
"I have defeated you once again, Doctor Fire!" "NOO!! How did this happen?!?" I yelled. "My power source never fails!!" Riley smirks. "Well it did this time!" We both start laughing. "Okay let's go back to apartment before my parents find out we're not there." Riley said. "Okay." We grab ourselves a towel, wrap ourselves up and go back to her apartment. We change then lay down. "I can't wait until tomorrow, my princess." Riley said to me, causing me to smile. "Neither can I." She kisses me gently. I kiss back. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you too." We wrap our arms around eachother, and fall asleep. Riley wakes me up the next morning. "Get upppp!!!!" "I'm up, I'm up." I sit up and say. She wraps her arms around me from behind and kisses my neck, causing me to moan a little. "Well good morning to you too." I tell her. I turn my head and kiss her gently, she kisses back. "We're leaving today!!!! We need to get ready!!" She says excitedly as she runs into her closet to change. I also change. She comes out and grabs our suitcase and takes it into the living room. "You two are up early." Topanga said. Riley's eyes widen. "Oh my goodness! Mom I forgot to tell you-" she interrupts Riley. "Corey told me last night. I just want you two to be careful and have fun." She hugs Riley. We go to the lobby and see a guy holding a sign saying "Riley Matthews and guest." We walk up to him. "I'm Riley Matthews!" I sigh. "And I'm guest." I told him. He leads us to the private jet, he takes our luggage and we get on. "This is a nice plane." I said. Riley and I sat next to eachother and we were off.

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