Fun day out.

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~Maya's pov~
I wake up the next morning before Riley. 'Huh? I woke up before Riley? Weird.' I thought to myself. I kisses Riley's forehead and got up gently so I wouldn't wake her. As I'm leaving the room, I get an idea to make her breakfast in bed. I go and raid the kitchen to see what there is. I make her eggs, bacon and toast with a cup of orange juice. "I hope she likes this stuff. If not, then it's mine." I said to myself as I walked back to her room.
~Riley's pov~
I wake up the next morning and stretch. I realize Maya's not in bed with me and I get a little upset. "Did she leave?" I asked myself. As I was about to get out of bed, I see Maya come in with a tray of breakfast. I smile. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Maya said when she saw I'm awake. I smile wide. "You made me breakfast in bed? Aww, Maya." She sets it down on my lap, and comes and sits next to me in bed. I kiss her cheek. "Thank you, Maya." I said as I begin eating. I look at Maya. "Do you want half?" She smiles. "Yeah." I get some eggs on the fork and feed it to her. "You know, I can eat it myself, Riley." I smile. "I know, but I want to feed you." She rolls her eyes and giggles. "Then let me feed you." "Okay." I hand her the fork and she gets some eggs on the fork and feeds it to me. I smile. I take a piece of bacon and put half of it in my mouth with the other half hanging out for Maya to get. She smiles and takes a bite of the other half from my mouth, kissing me. We finish feeding eachother and clean our dirty dishes and go back to my room. "So, what do you want to do?" I asked Maya. She shrugs. "How about you?" She asked. "Uhmm.. I don't know.." I think for a second. "Hooww abooouut.. We watch a movie.. Since it's the morning, and there's nothing really to do right now." "Sure. Why not." She agrees. We go to the living room. "What movie do you want to watch?" I asked Maya. "You can choose. We already watched one I wanted to." "Why you make me choose everything today?!" I joked with her. She smiles and rolls her eyes. "Because I've pretty much chosen everything." "Okay, okay." I look through the movies we have. As I'm looking, Maya speaks up. "You know, where's everyone else?" I think for a second. "Uhh. Probably at church maybe. They usually make me go too, but you're here they probably let me stay home since you're here with me." I continue looking through the movies, when one stands out. I smile wide and grab the movie. "We're watching this one!" I show it to Maya. She raises and eye brow. "Really, Riley? Frozen. Do we have to watch this?" I smile wide and do puppy dog eyes. "You said I could choose.. Please Maya?" She rolls her eyes. "Alright, alright." I smile wide. "Yay." I put the movie in and play it. I sit down next to Maya. She wraps her arm around me, I lay my head on her shoulder and intertwine our fingers together. After the movie ends, Maya looks at me. "You know, that wasn't as bad as I expected." I smile. "Really?" "Really." She smiled back at me and continues. "You know, if that ever happened to either of us, where we need a true love's kiss, you know who to call." I smile. "I do. And you do too." I push her down to lay her on the couch. I get ontop of her and kiss her passionatly. She kisses me back and wraps her arms around my waist. Then I heard someone clear their throat in the background. My eyes widen and I get off of Maya. "Oh.. Hey, mom, dad, Auggie.. You're back early.." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Riley, it's one o'clock." Corey said. "It's that late? Really? I didn't even notice." Corey rolls his eyes. "Obviously." Auggie looks at Topanga. "Mommy, what were Riley and Maya doing?" Topanga's eyes widen and she looks at Corey. "They were just.." I speak up. "We were just watching a movie, Auggie." He looks at us suspiciously. "Okay." And continue's with his business. "Uhh.. Let's go to your room, Riles." I look at Maya. "Good idea!" We get up to go, but Corey grabs my wrist. "Riley, I need to talk to you. You need to be more careful where and when you kiss Maya. I don't want Auggie to see that at his age." I look down. "Okay, I'm sorry dad. I'll be more careful from now on." He smiles. "Now, you have someone waiting for you." I smile back and go back to my room with Maya. "So, what do we do now?" I asked. "Well, we could go get lunch since it's already 1." Maya suggested. "Sure." I go into my closet and change into a crop top with skinny jeans and black high heel boots. I come out and Maya's wearing a t-shirt with jean shorts, leggings, and a pair of boots. "Why don't you wear crop tops more often?" Maya smiled and asked me. "Because my dad would kill me if he even knew I had one. So, where do you want to go?" I asked. Maya smirks. "Hooters." My eyes widen and I get a little mad. "MAYA!" I yelled. "Calm down, Riles. I'm just kidding. Besides, the only person I'd want to see in one of those outfits is you." I smile and blush. Maya smiles and kisses me gently. I kiss back. "Seriosuly, where do you want to go?" I asked. "How about.." Maya thought for a second. "Chili's?" She asked. "Sure." I agreed. We went out my window. On the way, Maya intertwined her fingers with mine. We arrive at Chili's and get a table for two. "It'll be a thirty minute wait." They said and handed me a buzzer thing. Maya and I went to the waiting area and sat next to eachother. As we're waiting, some guys come and sit next to us. "Hey sweet cheeks." One guy said to me. I look at him madly, as does Maya. "You leave my girlfriend alone!" Maya said angrily to him. "Oh, so you two are dating?" The guy sitting next to Maya said. "Yeah. What, do you have a problem with that?" Maya asked. "No way. You know, you two should kiss." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Maya and I ignored them. "C'mon stop ignoring us. You two are pretty hot, you wanna' have a threesome." My mouth widens and Maya grabs the collar of his shirt and lifts him up. "Listen you stupid douch bag-" my eyes widen. "Maya! Stop!" She looks at me. "He shouldn't talk to you like that!" "Calm down!" The guy smirks. "Oh, Maya, why don't you listen to your girlfriend and stop." She gets mad and throws him onto the ground. The buzzer thing buzzes and I grab her hand and give it to the person. "Follow me to your table." She said as Maya and I followed her. "Here you go." We arrive at a booth made for two. We sit down across from eachother and look through our menus. "Riles." I look up at her. "Yeah?" "Wanna' get two for twenty?" "Sure, why not?" The waitress comes and takes our orders they bring out our food and we eat.
~Maya's pov~
As we're eating, I see that Riley got something on her lip. "Riles, you got something on your lip." I told her. She grabs her napkin. I smile. "Wait, I'll get it." I reach across the table and lick it off of her lip. She blushes. I smile. "You're so cute when you blush." I told her. She smiles. "Thanks. Wait," She started, "I haven't seen you blush before." I smile. "That's because I don't get crushes on people." She smirks. "Well you said that before, but look where we are now." The waitress comes with the check and Riley and I finish eating and pay.
~Riley's pov~
"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked her. "I don't know.." Maya said. "Les just go back to my place." I suggested. "Ugh! Your family is boring!" Maya joked. I look at her with puppy dog eyes. "But that means you think I am.." She grabs my hand. "Oh c'mon you dork, you know that was just a joke." I smile. "Yeah." We walk out of Chili's not knowing where to go. After we get out of there, those two guys catch up with us. "Hey ladies." The one that Maya threw on the ground said. We ignored him and kept walking. "Oh c'mon babe! You know you want to leave her for me!" He grabbed my shoulder to stop me. I get mad and turn around and slap him. "I would NEVER leave Maya for a stupid jerk like you!!!!" The two guys run away from us. I smile. "Finally. They're gone." Maya looks at me mouth and eyes wide. "You just.. slapped him." Is all she said through her shockedness. "I couldn't let him talk to us like that and not do anything." "Is Riley there? You would never do that." I smirk. "Well I did. I wasn't going to let him say that to me, thinking I would leave you for him." She smiles and puts her arm around me. "I'm proud of you Riles. For standing up for your self like that." I smile wide. "Thank you, Maya." I look at Maya. "Let's go to the mall." She sighs. "Alright.. Only for you, my princess." I smile. "Yay." We walk to the mall and look around for a while. "Maya, I want to get something from a store you don't really like, could you wait here?" She looks at me for a second and sighs. "Alright.." She goes and sits down on a bench as I go into pink to get some lingerie I try it on in the dressing room and look in the mirror. "Maya's gonna' love this." I said to my self as I smiled. I changed back into my clothes and buy it then find Maya. "Done!" I said. She looks at my bag. "Really, Riley. Pink?" I bop her nose. "Oh clam down Maya. What store do you want to go to?" I asked her. "Let's go to.." She looks around and smirks. "There." She points at Spencer's. My eyes widen. "Wut." Is all I could say. She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand and pulls me there. After we get in there I just follow Maya. "I don't like this store, Maya.." She rolls her eyes. "Alright. Let's go to hot topic." She suggested. "Okay." I agreed. We intertwine fingers and walk to hot topic. We look at all the stuff, Maya sees some t-shirts she wants, so she gets them. "Alright. We're done here." Maya said as she pulled me out of the mall. "Let's go back to my house now.." I said. Maya sighs. "Alright." We walk back to my house when we get there, Corey's waiting for me. "Oh.. Hi dad.." He crosses his arms. "Where have you been, Riley?" He asked sternly. "With Maya.. We wanted to do some stuff together." Maya smiles. "That's right sir. Don't worry, Riley's in good hands. Don't get your boxers in a bunch." He glares at Maya. She puts her arms up like she's surrendering to him. "My bad." He looks back at me. "When did I get you a crop top?" He asked me. "Uhh.." I elbow Maya, telling her to speak up. "I got it for her, sir. Because, well, why not? I thought it'd look cute on her. And boy was I right." Corey glares at Maya once again. "Uhh.. Let's go to my room, Maya." I pull her to my room before my dad goes off again. I sigh with relief. "You really need to be careful what you tell my dad, Maya. He might almost make us break up again. I don't want to have to break up with you because my dad makes us.. I love you Maya, I don't want to lose you." Maya looks down. "I'm sorry. I should be careful of what I say.. I don't want to lose another person in my life.." I wrap my arm around her to cheer her up a little. "Cheer up, Maya. There's no need to be upset." I put my finger under her chine and move her head to look at me. I kiss her gently. After we pull away, I notice the sun starts going down. I go to my window and watch as the sun goes down. Maya comes next to me. "The sunset is so beautiful.." I finally spoke up. Maya smiles. "Not as beautiful as you." I blush a little and smile. "You're more beautiful." I told her. She rolls her eyes. "Riley, we're not having that little "arguement" again." She told me. I giggle. "Okay. But it is beautiful." Maya watches the sunset with me. "Yeah. It is." She agreed. After the sun finally sets, I remebered what I got from the mall. "Maya, I want to model what I got from the mall!" I said excitedly. She crosses her arms and smiles and rolls her eyes. "Alright. What'cha got?" She asked. "Oh, you'll see." I said as I grabbed the bag and went into my walk in closet and changed into the lingerie. I was a bit hesitant to come out at first, when I did, Maya's mouth and eyes widen. I blush a little and smile. "I think I like pink now.." Maya finally said. I giggle and smile wide. "What do you think!" I asked excitedly. "I think.. I think you look amazing." I look at her seductivly. She gets up and goes to my bed. I get ontop of her and kiss her passionatly. She wraps her arms around my waist, deepening the kiss. I slip my tongue into her mouth and feel her tongue a bit. I pull away and take her shirt off of her, revealing her pale, flat stomach. I begin kissing her jaw bone, go down her neck and start kissing her collar bone. "RILEY, MAYA!" I heard my dad yell. "Riley what are you wearing?!" He yelled at me. My eyes widen. "D-dad?!"

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