The bullies.

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~Riley's pov~
I wake up the next morning and look at my phone. My eyes widen. I have 6 missed calls from my dad and 2 from my mom. I got texts from both of them. "Riley get back home right now!!" One from my dad said. "Riley, your father and I are worried sick about you. Atleast let us know where you are." I call mom. "Oh my goodness! Riley where are you?! Me and Corey have been worried sick!!!!" I heard my mom over the phone. "Mom, I'm just at Maya's. We went to the park yesterday and went back to Maya's afterward." She sighs with relief. "Don't come home yet, your father's still very mad at you. I'm going to try to calm him down, I'll let you know when you can come back." "Okay. Bye. Love you." I hang up and look at Maya. "I guess I'm staying here for a while. My dad's super mad." Maya sighs. "How is he going to act all sincere then get mad at us for doing certain things together. He told me that he cares and that he's glad we're together, then he gets mad at us.. I'm done. I could save you from dieing and he'd still find a way to be mad at me." I look at her with sympathy and put my hand on her lap. "Maya, that's not true." She looks at me, face red and tears in her eyes. "I basicly did save you! You wouldn't wake up without my help! You would've still been asleep right now if it wasn't for me! He needs to appreciate me more!!" She said as tears start streaming down her face. I hug her tightly. "Maya.. That's not true.." I spoke gently into her ear. "How are you so sure, Riley?" She said angrily and sadly. I look at her with puppy dog eyes. "Maya, I'm his little girl.. He's just looking out for me. He does appreciate you, Maya. You have to understand that." She pulls me in for a hug and cries on my shoulder. I just sit there, comforting her. "R-Riley.." She pulls away, I wipe the tears from her tear stained face. I look at her with sympathy. I grab her hand. "C'mon. I have an idea." I told her. She gets up and looks down sadly. "Alright.." I pull her to my house and we walk in the front door and see Corey looking at Topanga sadly. When he sees Maya and I, his sadness turns into anger. "RI-" I interrupt him. "Dad, whatever you want to do, however you want to punish me, I won't argue back with you." Maya takes a step towards Corey. "Mr. Matthews, sir, can I ask you something?" He looks at her. "What is it, Maya?" He asked. "Do you want Riley to be with me? Be honest, don't try to spare my feelings." He looks at her with sympathy. "Maya, I'm glad she's dating someone that cares about her so much to risk her life for my daughter." "Then why do you keep getting mad at me?!" She said angrily. He sighs. "I just.. Is that what you think, Maya?" "Obviously it is. You keep yelling at Riley for stuff that we do. She's so innocent and sensitive, it seems like Topanga's the only one in the family that supports her! I love her, so much. I don't want her getting hurt by anyone, I know you don't want that either, but you don't realize that you're the main one hurting her!! Just let it go and let us do what we want together!! She loves me and I love her back so much!! Stop getting mad at us so much!!" She stood up for me, making me blush and smile. Corey walks up to me. "Is it true? Have I been hurting you without realizing it?" He looks at me with sympathy. I just nod. He hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry, Riley.. I'll stop yelling at you like I've been." I hug him back. "Thank you, dad." I walk to my mom. "How did you persuade him to do that?" She smiles at me. "It wasn't me, it was Maya." I go to Maya and hug her tightly. "You finally told him.. I'm proud of you, Maya." She smiles wide and kisses me gently. I kiss back.
~Monday at school, Maya's pov~
Riley and I get into history class and some girls are in my and Riley's seat. I glare at them and walk between the desks. "Hey, you two must be new here, but these two desks are our seats." Riley comes and stands by me. The girl in my seat gets up and gets in my face. "Oh. YOUR seat?! Then were's your name on it?" She asked with sass. "It's carved into the desk." I show her where it is. "I'm still not moving." I just look at her. "Okay." I walk around to the other side of the desk and sit down. "It would've been a good idea to sit back down." I told her. I glare at the girl in Riley's seat. "Get out of my girl's seat." I told her. She and the other girl start laughing. "Your girl? What? Are you two like, dating?" Riley smiles wide. "Yeah." She said happily and grabs my hand. The girl that sat in my seat fake gags herself. "You're supposed to be with a guy, why would you date a stupid bitch like her?" Riley and I look at eachother shocked. And Riley gets mad. "You're just mad that I got a date before you ever could!" Riley stood up for me. I smile. The one that's sitting in Riley's seat gets up in Riley's face and the girl that sat in my seat gets behind her. I get up and push the girl from behind Riley. Then the other girl pushes Riley into me, I catch her, look into her eyes and smile. She smiles back at me. "Oh no, you two can't be happy. What are we going to do, Sydney?" The one that sat in Riley's seat said. "I don't know, Regina. What do you suggest?" I smirk. "How about this." I punch Regina in the face then turn to Sydney and I see her, grabbing the collor of Riley and having a fist in her face. "You leave my girl alone." I said sternly. "If you try to hurt me, I'm going to hurt your precious girlfriend here." She said, obviously trying to get into my head. I look at Riley then at Sydney. I look down and I sit down slowly. She smirks. "Good choice." After she's not paying attention to me, I get up, grab Riley and pull her into my arms and hug her waist from behind. "You're not going to hurt my girl!" I said as I punched her in the face. Riley and I sat in our seats we normally sit in. "Maya, Riley, Ragina, and Sydney, you all have detention." Mr. Matthews spoke up. My eyes widen. "Were there all these people in here the whole time?!" I said shocked. "How ya' doin'?" Mr. Matthews said. I sigh and face palm. "Awe man!" I said. Farlke looks at us. "I'm proud of you two for standing up for your selves. Even if it ment getting in trouble." I glare at the two girls. "I won't let anyone hurt my girl!" I said sternly. "And I'm gonna' stand up for my girl." Riley said as she put her arm around me. I smile and wrap my arm around her too.
~Lunch time, Riley's pov~
"Riley." Maya says as she grabs my arm and tries to pull me. "Maya." I say as I'm pulling her to the cafeteria. "Fine." Maya finally gives and walks with me to the cafeteria. We sit where we normally do, and Farkle and Lucas sit with us as well. Those two girls walk up to us. "The only reason you two are dating eachother is because no guys liked you." I get mad and look at Maya. "Infact, I love them both very mu-" Sydney interrupts Farkle. "You don't count you stupid mother fucker! You're just desperate, too desperate to let them go and realize that they don't like you and never will!!!!" My and Maya's eyes widen. "Leave them alone!" I heard Kevin come up behind me and Maya say. "Kevin?! What the fuck are you doing? They are stupid bitches! What the fuck!!!??" Regina yelled at him. "Look, I may not have been the nicest to them since we met, and I regret that.. Their love for eachother has opened a new door for me to step through. I'll continue treating them horribly, but that's because I love them.." He stood up for us. Maya and I look at eachother then look at Kevin mouths wide open. "Woah, you.. Stood up for us.." Maya finally said. Sydney's and Regina's eyes widen. "What the fuck, Kevin?!?! You stupid bitch! You're supposed to be dating me!" Maya and I's eyes widen. "What?!" We said in unicent. "Well Jake and Brad and Adam are supposed to be too. Would you like me to go on?" Ragina just looks at him angrily. "I hope you never amount to anything, bitch." She told him and smirks. He smirks back. "I know you won't amount to anything." He retorted. She looks at Sydney shocked. "I'LL AMOUNT TO MORE THAN YOU EVER WILL YOU MOTHER FUCKIN' BITCH!!!!" He smirks. "Just keep believing that." He told her. They walked away mad. "I can't believe you did that, Kevin!" I said happily. He smiles and rubs the back of his neck. "It was nothing. I couldn't let those two jerks talk to you girls like that.." Maya just looked at him for a second. "Wh-.. I'm confused. Is Kevin even in there? Hello!" She waves her hand in his face. He rolls his eyes and walks away.
~Regina's pov~
"We have to find a fuckin' way to get to those two girls! It's discusting that they're together. Two girls don't belong together!!!!" I yelled at Sydney. "Hey. Shut up. Why don't you just leave them be? They didn't do anything to you. And I think it's cute. Those two girls together." I glare at her and get in her face. "But you, stupid bitch don't know how I fuckin' feel!" She looks at me shocked and I laugh. "If you won't help me, then go." I point at the door. "Get the fuck out or help me with my plan." She sighs and looks at the door then back at me. She smiles. "Alright. What's the plan?" She asked. "Yeah, don't have one.. You gotta' help me think of it." She rolls her eyes. "Alright."
~Detention, Riley's pov~
Maya and I sit in our seats then Regina and Sydney come in. "Hey, you two lesbians, had sex yet?" Ragina asked. Maya and I look at eachother and smile. "Why? You jealous we got action before you two?" Maya retorted. "Shut the fuck up. You're just a stupid bitch that no one will ever love. That's the only reason you two are together. Because you were both so desperate for a date, you decided to date eachother since you were so desperate!" Maya rolls her eyes and looks at me and smirks. "Oh, we're the ones that are desperate? You're the one with, what, at least three boyfriends, and WE'RE desperate?" Maya said back. Regina gets mad at her. "BUT I'M NOT THE ONE DATING A MOTHER FUCKIN' GIRL!!!!" Regina yelled back at her. Maya's eyes widen. She looks at me, I look back, eyes wide. "So.. You're homophobic.. I see." Mr Matthews came in and said. "Why are you homophobic?" I asked. "Does it fuckin' matter?!" She yelled with tears forming in her eyes, she ran out of the room. I look at Maya with puppy dog eyes. She face palms and points to the door saying I can go. I smile wide and kiss her cheek then go into the hall. "What the FUCK DO YOU WANT YOU FUCKING LESBIAN!?!? GET YOUR FUCKING GAY GERMS AWAY FROM ME!!!" She sounded like she was crying. "I'm sorry.." I finally said. She sniffs and looks at me slightly. "What?" She asked me shocked. "I'm sorry.." I repeated. "Why are you sorry? You never did anything except stand up for you and your girlfriend.. I tried to condemn you two, but I only ended up condemning myself." She looked at me fully. "I don't want this to keep going on.. I don't like having enemies or being mean, but if I have to stand up for my girl, I don't care who's feelings I hurt. And I'm sorry.. I know I hurt your feelings.." She just looks at me. "Stop it. Just stop it." She told me. I look at her confused. "Stop what?" I asked confused. "Stop being everything I'm not!!!!" She yelled at me. My eyes widen. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Stop being so nice, and pretty, and perfect! Stop being the opposite of me!" "But, you already are pretty and you can learn to be nice with some work.." I told her. "And I am very far from perfect."
~Maya's pov~
Riley comes and kisses my cheek then leaves the class room. I glare at Sydney. "I don't like you." I finally said. "I'm sorry, she pressured me into saying all that mean stuff.. I just wanted a friend that cared about me, and she said that she cares.." I look at her. "She doesn't care about you! She only cares about herself and you know it! You just don't want to admit it to yourself!" She looks down sadly. "You're right.." Is all she replies with. My eyes widen with shock. "I can't believe that worked." I said shocked. She comes over to me. "I don't want to be Regina's friend anymore. She's always so mean to me and stuff. And she made me come up with this plan to bring you and your girlfriend down. I didn't want to help, but I did.. And I'm not homophobic like she is. Don't know what's up with that, like seriously." I glance through the window in the door and see Riley. "But Riley will.." I said quietly to myself. They come back into the classroom. Regina walks up to me. "I'm sorry." Is all she says then walks over to Sydney. I get confused. "Wait- what? You're sorry?" She sighs. "Yes." Riley come and stands next to me. She lays her head on my shoulder and wraps her arms around my arm. "It's okay.. I'm sorry too.."
~After detention, Riley's pov~
Maya and I come back to my house. "I'm proud, of both of you. You talked it out. You didn't rely on violence to fix it." Corey said. "Heh, well, that's what Riley did to me." She said. I looked at her lovingly and laid my head on her shoulder. We went to my room. "What do you wanna' do?" Maya asked. "Hmm.." I think for a second and smile wide. "I have an idea!! Hold on." I go into my closet and get a whole bunch of old clothes I haven't worn in a while, put them in a crate thing and bring it out. Then I go to Corey and Topanga. "Can I borrow some clothes?" Corey and Topanga look at eachother. "Why?" Corey asked. "Maya and I are bored and we want something to do, so why not a fashion show with clothes that are too big, too small, look ridiculous, that kind of stuff." Topanga smiles and goes into the bedroom and gets a while bunch of her and Corey's clothes then hands them too me. "Thanks!" Then I go back to my room. Maya's looking at me confused. "What's all this for?" I smile wide. "We're having a fashion show!" I said excitedly. She begins looking through all the clothes I got. "What the heck, Riles? How are we gonna' have a fashion show with all this junk?" I smile wide and walk over to her and grab her hands. "It's a reject fashion show!" I said excitedly. "Riley.." She said a little sadly. My eyes widen realizing what she ment. "What! Maya, no, that's not what I ment, you are no reject! And I'm gonna' be in it too, so we could be rejects together." I kiss her gently. She kisses back and wraps her arm around me. "I love you, Maya, don't forget that." She smiles. "I love you too, Riley." I go and look through all the clothes. I see this ridiculously big pink cowboy hat, giant heart shaped sunglasses, and this boa thing and a hand fan. I put it all on and turn around so Maya can see. As soon as I turn around, she bursts out laughing. "Oh that's fantastic!" She says as she's laughing. She keeps laughing so hard she starts crying. She finally stops and wipes the tears from her eyes. "Okay, my turn." I'm about to take it off, but Maya stops me. "Oh no way princess, you're not taking that off yet." She pulls her phone out and points it at me. I pose ridiculously and she takes the picture. "Oh that's a keeper!" She says as she starts laughing again. Then she looks through the clothes and goes into my closet to put them on. When she comes out, she's wear this very, oversized shirt that's going off of her shoulder, it's so big, and she's wearing a pear of my old shorts, their small on her and my old pink, hello kitty sunglasses. I burst out laughing. Then I take a picture of her. "Maya, you look absolutly fabulous!" She crosses her arms. "Yeah, yeah.. I'm only doing this for you.." I smile and walk to her and kiss her gently. Then I look through it and see some of my current clothes that got into the mix. "You have to keep on the sane things after you change!" Maya said before I went into my ticloset to change. "Of course." I say then go in my closet. I found some booty shorts that are my size, and a crop top that's a little low. I take the stuff I'm currently wearing off, I change then put it back on. I come out of my closet and Maya's eyes widen and she smiles. "I like this outfit.." She comes and grabs both sides of the boa and pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss back and smile. "I'm not supposed to take what I was currently wearing off, remeber?" She takes the boa off of me and the hat. "Well, I changed it. You can take it off." I look at her seductivly. "Okay.." This time I pull her in for a kiss and kiss her passionatly. She kisses me back just as passionatly. "You're so cute.." I tell her after we pull away. She smiles and continues kissing me.
I slide my tongue through her lips and start feeling her tongue. Our tongues dance together. Then my dad comes in and interrupts us. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but Riley, someone called you from my phone." I get confused. "Who doesn't have my number, but has yours?" I asked confused. "Don't know. Here." He hands me his phone then leaves. "Hello?.." I answer.

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