The memory.

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"Riley, come here." Corey said, sounding angry. I walk over to him hesitatntly. "Yeah dad?.." I hope I'm not introuble.. "You and Maya can't keep doing this. Are you not mad that Maya went and read your diary?!" My eyes widen. I go back in my room. "Maya!" I said both shocked and angrily. "Y-yeah?" She stuttered. "Did you go through my diary?!" I questioned. She sighs. "Yeah.." She sighed out. "Maya, why did you do that? Why would you do that?! Don't you trust me!" She looks at me sadly. "Riley I do, but you shouldn't get so mad at me for it- wait.. How do you know?" "My dad told me." With me saying that, her eyes widen. "How did he know?!?" I sigh angrily. "Maya, why would you do that?" I ask, glaring at her. She looks down sadly. "I-I'm sorry.. I just- got caught in the moment, I guess.. Riley please forgive me.. You even forgave me when I almost broke up with you before, c'mon. Riley, I love you, please.." I sigh angrily. "No. Maya you went too far this time." I just look at her as tears start streaming down her face. I just look at her angrily. "Riley, please." She begged. "No. Maya, if you can't trust me, how can I trust you?" I asked angrily. "Riley-.." She looks down and sighs sadly. "You can't.." Throwing me off guard, I look at her confused. "There's stuff.. There are things that I haven't told you.." I look down sadly. "Maya.." She comes over to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Riley, just listen.. I'll- tell you about before.. In the alley.." I look at her with sympathy. "Wha-.." She puts her fingure on my mouth, keeping me from talking. "Don't say anything, just listen.."
~Flashback, Maya's pov~
"C'mon Maya, we're going to be late for your first day in the 4th grade!" My mom told me. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Okay.." We leave on our way to school, my mom grabs my hand. Her car's in the shop, so we have to walk to school. On the way, she suddenly stops and lets go of my hand. I look around, looking for her. "Mom?" I begin to grow worried. "Mommy?" Tears start to form in my eyes as I continue looking around the busy streets of new york. Then suddenly, someone grabs my arm, pulling me into a dark alley. "Wha-" before I can get anything out, everything goes black. I slowly open my eyes and rub my head. "Agh.." I look around, finding I'm in a cell. "Wh-where am I?" As I look at the door, through the window, I see the creepiest looking face I have ever seen, tears forming in my eyes, covering my eyes so I wouldn't see it, I heard the door open. "Are you scared?" I heard a smooth, but kinda' creepy, deep voice ask. I look back at them and they look like a normal guy you would see walking on the streets. He puts his hand out to help me up. I wipe the tears from my eyes, taking his hand as he pulls me up. His expression then changes to a smirk I wish I never seen. The man, as I watch, suddenly turns into a shadowy figure with that creepy face. I cover my eyes as I scream in terror. As I am, I feel something in my mouth, muffling my screams. I don't know what to do, as I'm fearing for my life, I feel a tentacle thing go down my pants.... And up my shirt.. I try my hardest to ignore everything that's happening to me. I feel a tentacle come into me. I keep trying to ignore what's happening, but I can't. It's too hard. I close my eyes as tight as I can, hoping this is all just a nightmare, but it's not. I still feel and tast everything going on. 'Someone.. Please come and save me..' I thought, tears streaming down my face. It's finally over, and the shadowy figure turns back into a man. He walks up to me slowly, getting in my face, looking me straight in the eyes. "Listen, you're going to school tomorrow, but don't you fucking dare mention this to anyone. If you do, something worse will happen to you. You won't see your precious Riley anymore." After hearing that, my eyes widen. "Wha-how do you know about Riley?!" I asked shocked. "I know everything about you. I've been watching you since you were born.. Waiting for you to be left behind by your mother so I could take you in. Now I can finally fuckin' have you!" He then smiles creepily, not as creepily as before, but still creepy. "Now, are you hungry?" He asked sincerely, making me confused. I hesitate to answer, "Uhh.. Y-yeah.." I finally choked out. He smiles and leaves, comming back a couple minutes later, he brought me some food. "Eat up. Don't want you getting skinny on me now." He said with a smirk and closed the cell door and locked it. I sit down on the floor with my back against the wall, ignoring the chair in there. I then eat what was given to me and fall asleep. I wake up the next morning on a blow up matress with a blanket on me. "Time for school." The man told me. I look around confused. "You looked cold and uncomfortable. Be happy that I did this.. Now go to school." With that, I left to school. After I get there, Riley hugs me. "MAYA!" She yelled, basicly squeezing me to death. "Riley, calm down.." "Maya, why weren't you here yesterday? You said you weren't going to miss the first day like last year." I rub the back of my neck. "Oh.. Uh.. S-something came up..?" I hope she believed me. She sighs. "Okay!" I then sigh with relief. "Oh!" Riley started excitedly. "We have the same class together!" She grabs my hand, pulling me into a non familier class together. She sits down in a desk, I sit down next to her, not saying anything, I put my head down, trying to forget what happened yesterday. Just then, I feel a hand on my arm, causing me to jump. "Wha-!" I was scared. "Maya, are you okay?" Riley asked sympathetically. "Uhh.. Y-yeah.." I stuttered out to her. "Maya, what's wrong?" She wanted me to tell. "I-.. I don't wanna' talk about it...." I look away, when Riley suddenly hugs me to comfort me, making me blush slightly. I hug her back as tears start rolling down my face. I sniffle a little. Riley pulls away, and wipes the tears from my face. "Maya, please.. I want to help." She looks at me with puppy dog eyes. "You're helping me by not knowing.. Riley, please don't make a big deal out of this.. Promise me, you won't." She sighs and looks down sadly. She then looks back up at me. "I promise." She smiles slightly. I smile back and hug her tightly as she hugs back. We go about our day, by the time the second day was over, I forgotten about what happened the day before. "Bye Maya!" Riley said happily as she hugged me and left. "Bye!" I replied back and went on my way home. Forgetting I was supposed to go back to the alley, I walked past it, but not too far along, the man grabbed my arm tightly, pulling me back to the dark alley way, and slaming me into the wall where people can't see. "I fuckin' told you to come back here after school!" He said angrily. I begin to grow scared. "I-I'm sorry! I- f-forgot.." He smirks that creepy smirks and does as he did the day before, but this time, one going up my butt also. Tears stream down my face as it's happening. I can't do anything about it.. I have nothing I can do to stop it. 'S-somebody..' I thought, scared. I close my eyes tightly, waiting. Just waiting for it to be over. It's over. It's finally over. I fall to my knees and start panting until I catch my breath. The shadowy figure leaves and turns back into a man. "P-please.. Someone save me.." I said weakly as I started to cry. "Oh stop crying you little bitch and get up!" He yelled at me. I wipe my tears away and sniffle a little. Tears still form in my eyes, but I don't allow them to roll down my face. I get up off the ground and walk over to him. He hands me a plate with a sandwich on it and a glass of water.. I think.. "Eat this. Then drink." I take the plate and cup and do as he ordered. It was indeed water in the cup. I sigh and sit on the unconfortable beg thing. "Why is this happening?.." I whispered to myself, making sure the man didn't hear. I then layed down and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning, again on a blow up matress with a blanket. "Eat up." The man said as he handed me a bowl of cereal. I ate it and left for school. "Maya!" Riley said excitedly as she hugged me tightly. I hugged back. "H-hey Riley.." I stuttered, starting to blush slightly and get butterflies in my stomach. I ignore them and focus on Riley grabbing my hand, pulling me to class. We sit where we did the day before. The teacher looks straight at me. "Maya, come here." She said sternly. I walk up to her, she then leads me outside of the class room. "Yes, misses teacher lady?" She then starts rubbing her temples angrily. "I have a name, Ms. Hart." She said sternly. "Sorry.. What is it? It's only my second day, you don't need to get so mad at me for calling you that.." She sighs. "Ms. Hart, listen to me, I'm not your home room teacher." "You don't have to call me Ms. Hart.. I have a first name, you know.." I cross my arms. I then realized what else she said, causing my eyes to widen. "Wha- but Riley-" she interrupts me. "Don't worry about your precious Riley. She'll live without you." My eyes widen as I start to grow upset. "BuT-" just then, everything goes black once again. When I wake up, I'm back in the cell. I rub my hurting head. "Whas that a dream?.." I asked myself confused. "No," The man started, "I told her to do that." My eyes widen. "Will I ever be able to hang out with Riley anymore?.." I asked both scared and hopefully. "One day."
~Riley's pov~
The teacher takes Maya out of the class room. I get confused. 'It's only the third day of school.. Why is she introuble?..' I thought to myself. I stay in my seat, but look out the window. My eyes widen. I see the teacher knock Maya out and let this guy I've never seen before take her away. The teacher then come back into the room, I just look at her confused and angry. The teacher looks back at me and raises and eye brow. "Is something wrong, Ms. Matthews?" I then pull away from my toughts and get out my seat. "Where's Maya?" I asked angrily. She starts to look nervous "uhh.." She starts, "she- had to be checked out." I look at her angrily and walk up to her. "What did you do with my girl?" I asked angrily. "Sit down right this instant!" She told me. "TelL ME WHAT YOU DID WITH MY GIRL!" I yelled angrily at her. She pushes me away. "I'm taking you to the principal's office." She grabs my arm, I try to pull away, but her grip tightens. She drags me to the principal's office with her. "What's the problem?" The principal asked. "She blantly disrespected me and yelled at me." My teacher told him. He looks at me. "Why would you do that?" I look him in the eye. "Because she knocked Maya out and let a random guy take her away." I said both calmly and angrily. His eyes widen as he turns his focus to my teacher. "Is this true?" Her eyes widen. "What?! You're going to believe a 4th grader over me?" He looks her in the eye. "Answer my question." He said sternly. She sighs. "Yeah it is. So what if I did? I'm not even a real teacher!! I work with that man!!!" I look at her angrily. "WHERE'S MY GIRL!!!!" I yelled at her. "Don't fuckin' worry about it!" "Listen!" The principal started, "get out. Of my school. Now." He said sternly. She then smirks and leaves. I look down sadly. "I need Maya back.." I said sadly. The principal lays his hand on my shoulder. "You'll get her back. I promise." I look up at him hopefully. "Will you help?" He rubs the back of his neck. "Well.." He looks around cautiously, as if to see nobody will hear him. "We'll go look now. Call your parents so they will look for her also." I nod, grab the phone in his office and dial my mom's number. "Hello?" She answered. "Mom! You and dad need to look for Maya! She was kidnapped!" "What?!" My mom sounded as if she was shocked, I know she was. She's always looked out for Maya and taken care of her when she needed to be. When she was alone, my mom would drive to pick her up to come over with me. My mom cares as much for Maya as I do. She's like family to all of us. "You and dad need to help look for Maya! The principal is going to help too. I'll be with him." A slight pause. "Okay. I'll tell your father and we'll go look for Maya." I smile wide. "Thank you!" I then hang up. The principal looks at me wonderingly. "They'll help look. Let's go." He grabs his keys and we go out to the car. I'm standing at the right back door. The principal looks at me confused. "Do you not want to sit in the front?" He asked, confused. "Oh!" I start, "my parents won't let me sit in the front.. They say I'm too young." He smiles warmly. "Well if you want, you can sit up front with me." I smile. "Yay." I say happily as I get in the front seat of the car. He starts up the car, we drive around for hours trying to find Maya. Nothing. "Maya.." I say worriedly. "Don't worry.." He hesitates a little. "She'll be fine.." I sigh sadly as I continue looking out for Maya. As I'm looking, I see the man that took her with our fake teacher. "Stop!" I yelled suddenly, causing him to slam on his breaks. Causing us to slam into the car infront of us, getting into a wreck. The air bag slams into my face, causing my head to fly back and slam into my seat. Everything starts spinning, as everything goes quiet. My eyelids fall like a bomb as I start to get a head ache. I look beside me, to my surprise, I see the principal still there. My eyes widen when I notice his face was cut, from the cut, blood's flowing down his unconscious face. I quickly get out of the car, and go to his side. My eyes widen. "Wake up! Wake up!" I start to shake him intently. Nothing. I then start to freak out. "Oh no.. Oh no, oh no, oh no! What am I going-" judt then, the lady that was in the other car runs to me. "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!?" She asked, obviously worried. "My head hurts a little, but I'm fine.." I look at her worried. "But he isn't!" Her focus then averts to my principal, causing her eyes to widen. "Don't worry, I already called 911." She told me, causing me to smile wide. "They can help find Maya!" I say excitedly. The lady looks at me confused. "Is Maya your dog or something?" She asked. "No, she's my best friend. She was kidnapped. They can help find her!" I say excitedly. The lady looks at me worriedly. "When did this happen?" My excitement turns into sadness hearing the worry in her voice. "Earlier today.." I hesitated a little. As I said that, the police, ambulance, and firetruck arrive. The ambulance take my principal onto the ambulance and go on their way. Then the police come over to us, and looks at the lady. "What happened?" He asked. "Uhmm.." I speak up, causing him to turn his attention towards me. "Well, my best friend, Maya, was kidnapped, I saw the guy that took her, telling my principal, he slamed on his breaks, and ended up rear ending this nice lady here.. Can you please help me look for Maya? I need my girl!" I said both worried and determined. "Yes. Where did you last see him?" He asked. "By that alley over there." I then point behind him towards the dark alley way. He then gets out his walkey talkey and says some randoms numbers and whatever. After he's done that, he looks at me. "I called for back up. They'll be here soon." A couple minutes pass, the back up gets here. The police man then goes and talks to them. They nod and all dissapear into the darkness.
~Guy's pov~
I notice several police cars stopping near over here and talking to her little friend. I retreat back into the shadows and start packing everything up quickly. I then pass by her cell. I stop to talk to her. "Listen." I got her attention on me. "Don't make a noise, no matter what you hear. And stay in the shadows." I told her as I fleed from that area so the cops wouldn't find me. I also hoped they wouldn't find her. She needs to be here with me..
~The police's pov~
"Okay men, we don't know what we're up against here. We need to keep our guards up and look for anything suspicious. Got it?" They nodded in agreement. We then go into the shadows of the alley way, looking for anything suspicious. As I'm looking, I see an opening into the back wall of the alley. "Guys, I found an opening." I called to the other police officers, causing them to come where I am. They all follow me into the opening, to my surprise it looks like a place built underground. I start looking around, as do all the other police officers. I then see a door with a window that you would normally see in a cell. As I'm looking through the window, I see a dark figure in the shadows. Perplexed, I ask a question, "is anyone in there?" Then a girl with long blonde hair comes out of the shadows, revealing herself. She hugs me tightly. "Thank you.." She whispered quietly as tears started rolling down her face.
~Riley's pov~
I'm waiting anxiously for something, anything from the police. Clues, anything at all. I'm just watching the alley way, waiting to see the cops comming out of the alley to reveal something they found out. As I'm watching, I suddenly see some officers come out of the alley, making me excited. Suddenly, I see Maya. As soon as I do, I run to her and hug her tightly as she hugs back. "I missed you so much, Maya!!!!" She starts crying on my shoulder, as I start crying tears of joy from being with Maya again. I then kiss her passionatly. Realizing what I'm doing, I pull away, both of our faces red from blush. "Riley! Get up! Riley!!" My eyes then shoot open, seeing I'm in the car, and my principal by my side, I assume that was all just a dream, getting upset. "Th-that was just a dream?.. We haven't found Maya?.. I haven't-" I stop myself from finishing that sentence.
~Present, Riley's pov~
"Everyday, he'd do the same thing. Eachday getting worse and worse." As she was explaining it, the dream then came back into my mind, also everything that happened. I look at her with sympathy and hug her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Maya." She looks down. "I'd still be there- if I wasn't staying with you.. That's why every time we'd pass that alley, I'd go faster. I didn't want to go through that again.. I don't want you to have to go through that." She looks back up at me. "Thank you, from saving me from that this time, Riley.." I then kiss her gently. "I wouldn't want anything else, Maya."

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