I love and care about you, Riley.

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~Riley's pov~
"Riley, I know you love her, but this is too much!" I get upset. "But dad-" he interrupts me. "No buts." I look at him with puppy dog eyes. "I-I'll change.. I'm sorry.." I look down sadly. "Please don't make Maya and I break up.. She can't handle losing anyone else. Dad, please. I'm sorry.." He looks at me madly. "I'm very dissapointed in you, Riley." He said then left my room. I look down sadly. I go into my closet and change into actual clothes. I come out and run after my dad. "Dad, wait!" I catch him and hug him tightly. "Dad I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done all that.. Or bought what I did. I'm sorry.." I look down sadly. "Riley, you know I wouldn't have approved of that. You went behind my back and disrespected me. I'm sorry, Riley, but you're grounded from seeing Maya-" I get upset. "BUT DAD!!!" I yelled. "Now go to your room. And I'll see to it personally that Maya leaves." Tears well up in my eyes. "Dad please," I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "Punish me.. Not Maya. She didn't do anything wrong.. Just me." I look down sadly as a tear rolls down my cheek. "I won't do anything like that anymore.." I look back up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please.. Don't do this to Maya.." I begged. He looks at me with a mix of sympathy and madness. "Riley, you have to be punished." More tears start rolling down my cheeks. "PuniSH ME NOT MAYA!!!" I yelled at him.
~Maya's pov~
"D-dad?!" Riley said shocked. My eyes widen and I quickly put my shirt back on. "Riley, I know you love her, but this is too much!" Corey yelled. "But dad-" he interrupts her. "No buts." She looks at him with puppy dog eyes. "I-I'll change.. I'm sorry.." She looks down sadly. "Please don't make Maya and I break up.. She can't handle losing anyone else. Dad, please. I'm sorry.." He looks at her madly. "I'm very dissapointed in you, Riley." He said then left her room. She looks down sadly. Then goes into her closet, when she comes out, she's in normal clothes. She runs out of her room. Soon after she leaves, I go and look to see what's happening. I stand around the corner, listening to what's happening. I look out and see Riley crying. I want to go comfort her so badly. Then I hear her parents' door open. I run back into her room before I'm seen. I go back and continue listening. "You didn't see what I saw, Topanga." I heard Corey say. "Then what did you see?" She asked him. My eyes widen. I look around the corner and see him comming. I run to Riley's room as fast as I can and sit on her bed. He goes in her closet and gets the lingerie. He looks at me. "You're comming with me." He grabs my arm and pulls me into the living room.
~Riley's pov~
Topanga runs out into the living room. "What's going on?!" I look at her, my face stained from tears. "He's making me break up with Maya!" I said as I fought back tears. She looks at him shocked. "But why?!" She asked. He crosses his arms. "You didn't see what I saw, Topanga." He said sternly. "Then what did you see?" He goes into my room and comes out with the lingerie and holding Maya's arm, pulling her into the living room. "This." He holds up the lingerie and Topanga's eyes widen. "Riley was wearing this?!" Topanga looks at me shocked. "Riley!" I look down sadly. "You don't need to lecture me. I got it." I sad sadly and madly. Maya comes and puts her arm around me. "I'm gonna' stand by my girl." She said as she smiled slightly and looked at me. I looked back at her and laid my head on her shoulder. "Thanks Maya, but this isn't your fight. It's mine." She looks up at Corey. "If she goes down, I go down with her." Topanga looks at Corey. "Can I talk to you, alone?" Maya and I go back to my room and sit at the window. I look down sadly. "Cheer up, Riles." Maya puts her hand on my shoulder. "I hate to see you this upset." A tear rolls down my face. "But we won't be able to be together anymore." She wipes the tear from my face and looks into my eyes. I look back into her eyes. "As of right now, we're still together. And it's not like he'll make us break up our friendship too." She smiles slightly, causing me to smile back. "Yeah, you're right." I hug her tightly. "I love you, Maya." She hugs back. "I love you too, my princess." I smile wide.
~Topanga's pov~
Corey and I go to the living room window. "I know you're upset with Riley, but you don't need to make them break up with eachother." He looks at me. "This has gone too far. I can't allow stuff like that to keep happening under our noses, Topanaga!" I roll my eyes and put my hand on his shoulder. "You know how she feels. I know how she feels, Corey. You can't keep doing this to her. Just let her be.. I know you don't like it, but we need to be there for her. No matter what she does." He crosses his arms. "Alright.. But if something like this happens again-" I interrupt him. "I can guarentee that it most likely will happen again." He looks down. "Great.." "But you just have to accept it, Riley's getting older. She wants to do her own stuff." He sighs. "Alright.."
~Riley's pov~
"I'm kinda' tired.." I said as I looked at Maya. She looked at me. "Me too." She agreed. I go into my closet and look at the pink bag and pull out another set on lingerie and smirk. 'He won't take this one away from me.' I thought as I put it back in the bag and slid it to the back of my closet. I changed into the same pajamas as last night and leave my closet. I turn the light off and lay down in bed, as does Maya. We face eachother and cuddle. "Goodnight, my princess." She kissed me goodnight. I smile. "Goodnight." We go to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night, screaming Maya's name. Maya wakes up. "What's wrong, Riles?!" She asked. After I calmed down a bit, I finally tell her. "I had a bad dream.." She sighs. "What happened?" I stop for a second. "Well.. There was this guy.. He was pulling me away from you. You were chasing, but you never caught up with me. You kept getting faster and faster, but the faster you got, the farther the guy pulled me. I tried to run to you too, but I couldn't escape his grasp. When I finally couldn't see you anymore, there were a group of people that I knew that came with scary looking faces. I forced my eyes closed, but I still saw the faces. I kept screaming your name over and over. Everyone kept getting closer and closer to me. That's when I woke up." I explained the dream. She hugs me tightly. "Don't worry, Riles, It was just a dream, it won't happen." I hug back and smile. "Thank you Maya." I kiss her gently we go back to sleep.
~The Morning, Riley's pov~
My mom wakes me up the next morning for school. I wake Maya up. "Goodmorning." I smiled. "Goodmorning, my princess." She sits up and kisses me gently. We get changed and go sit at the table for breakfast. "Goodmorning Maya, Riley." My dad said to us. "Goodmorning dad." "Goodmorning, Mr. Matthews." He smiles. "Call me Corey." I smile wide. "Does that mean?.." Maya smiles too. "Yeah. I'm sorry I got so worked up about you two being together.." Maya and I look at eachother and smile wide. We kiss eachother gently. We finish breakfast and leave for school. We get to school and go to our homeroom. Farkle comes in. "Ladies. Have you told anybody yet?" He asked. I turned around and looked at him. "Not yet, Farkle." Maya looks at him. "Actually.. Riley and I went out yesterday and these two jerk guys bothered us, so I told them and they were like 'you two should kiss.' And then one asked if we wanted to have a threesome. Riley and I took care of them." Farkle gets an angry look on his face. "No one should treat you two like that." "Don't worry, Farkle it's not like we'll see them again." Maya replied. "You don't know that, Maya. You two need to stand up for eachother." I look at Maya, she looks back at me. "We did." Maya and I said in unicent. Then my dad arrives at class with the one guy from chili's. My eyes and mouth widen. Maya and I look at eachother. "Oh, you two again." He walks to my desk. "Feel free to take me up on that o-" Maya interrupts him and stands up. "Listen you dumb meat sack, you better leave my girl alone." She picks him up by his collar. I just look at what's happening, not knowing what I should do. "Maya, put him down this instant!" My dad told her. She glares at him then throws that guy on the ground again. "Maya, you have detention." He looks at the guy. "So do you for talking to my daughter like that." After the guy gets up, Farkle walks up to him. "You shouldn't talk to her like that. You know, do you like spiders?" The guy looked at him. "Spiders are stupid! Like you! I'm not afraid of them. I can smash them under my feet, your small enough to do that to." Farkle pulls out a spider from his pocket. The guy backs away a little. "Leave them alone." Farkle said as he put it in the guy's face, causing him to get scared and run out of the class room screaming. Maya and I look at eachother. Then at Farkle. "Thank you, Farkle." We smile at him. "No problem. Anything for the women I love."
~After school, Riley's pov~
"Dad, why'd you have to give Maya detention with that jerk?" I asked my self. "Oh Maya, I hope you're okay.."I worried about her. Topanga came in my room. "What's wrong, Honey?" She asked me. "My dad gave Maya detention with this jerk guy and I'm worried about her.." She comes and sits down next to me and puts her hand on my back. "Don't worry, she'll be fine. She can handle it." I look at her. "I know, but I won't be there to get her out of trouble if she gets into it." "Do you trust her?" I get confused. "Of course I trust her." "Then don't worry. She's strong. She can take care of her self."
~Maya's pov~
I'm in Mr. Matthew's class for detention, and the other guy shows up. "Oh, you show'd up. You're late." Corey said to him. He sits next to me in Riley's seat. I glare at him. "That's Riley's seat." I said through grit teeth. "Calm down. Your precious Riley's not here so this is my seat." I look at him madly. "Get out. Of her seat." I told him slowly. He looked at me for a second. "You really care about her, don't you?" That reply shocked me, I didn't expect it. "What?" I asked. "Just answer the question." He demanded. "Yeah. I do care about her." He got out of her seat and moved to the other side of me. "Why do you care about her so much?" He asked. "Because, well, I love her." "My name's Kevin." He told me. I roll my eyes. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?" I glare at him. "Don't you already know it from when you tried to steal Riley from me?" He sighs. "Look, when I'm with my friend, I act different, okay?" I get mad at him. "Then why'd you act like that in class today?" I looked in his eyes, glaring at him. "Because that's how you first saw me! As a jerk!" He kinda' yelled at me. I turn around in my desk, looking at Riley's desk. "Detention's over." Mr. Matthews said. "Kevin, you can go. Maya, can I talk to you?" He asked. "Sure, what is it?" I got out of my desk and asked. "I underestimated you, Maya. You care alot about my daughter. You were just protecting her.. Again, I'm sorry about before. I'm glad that's she's dating you, I know how boys are. They say one thing, but mean another." I smile. "I love her. I don't want anyone hurting her." I leave the classroom and go get on the subway and get off at the stop to go back to Riley's house. I buzz. "Rileeyyyy." I said jokingly. She buzzed back. "MAYA!" I assumed that ment come up, so I did, as soon as I came in the door, Riley attacked me with a hug. "I was so worried about you, Maya!" I hug her back. "Why? I was just in detention." She smiles and grabs my hands. "Because I love you." She pulls me in for a kiss and kisses me gently. I kiss back. I smile wide. "I love you too." We go back to her room and sit on her bed. "So what happened?" I explained it all to her, she was shocked. "So, he's not really a huge jerk as he made us think?" She asked. "Nope." I smile. "And your dad has new respect for me for standing up for you, even when you weren't there." She smiles wide. "Yay." I wrap my arm around her. "I love you, Riley." "I love you too, Maya." She lays her head on my shoulder, I lay my head on hers. Then Farkle comes in. "Oh, hey Farkle. What are you doing here?" Riley asked. "You don't have to tell people about you two being together." Riley looks at me and smiles. I look back at her. "But I want to. I love her." Riley said as she leaned in and kisses me gently. I kiss her back and smile. "Then tell me how people react to you two." "Will do nerd bucket!" I said as I smile and put my thumbs up. "See you two lovlies tomorrow." He smiled and left. I lay down on Riley's bed, she lays her head on my chest and wraps her arms around my waist. I begin stroking her hair. I soon fall asleep like that. When I wake up, Riley's asleep too. I check to see what time it is. It's after 2 in the morning. I sigh and start stroking Riley's hair again. I start staring at her and smile. "Don't worry, Riley. I'll protect you from the ones that try to hurt you." I whispered. Then I fell back to sleep.

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