Please don't go..

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I get onto my knees to try to catch Riley, but I'm too late. "No.." Tears start to form in my eyes. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nO, NO!!!! RILEY!!!!!" I start to weep intently. "M-Maya!" I gasp and my eyes widen. "Riley! RILEY!!" I say, getting happier each time I say her name. "I'm-.. on a branch! Pull me up!" She told me. My eyes widen. I close my eyes tightly, hoping this is all just a dream, when I open my eyes, we're still there, Riley's holding on for her life, I'm trying to figure out a way to save her. I reach down to her, she reaches back, but I can't reach her. "I-I can't-.." Riley interrupts me. "Don't say you can't, Maya! Please help me!" I reach even farther, our hands are about to touch, when the branch breaks a little, putting her out of reach, causing Riley to scream. "MAYA!!!!!" She screamed. "Wh-what do I do?!?" I started to panic. I get up and look around. I see a vine, so I grab it from the tree, hold onto it as tightly as I can, and throw it down. "Grab on!" I yelled to her. "But-.. Your arm!" "Trust me!" She grabs on, I start to pull up. "Maya, I'm slipping!" My eyes widen. "Hold on tight!" "I am!" I continue pulling up, when I suddenly hear her scream, and the vine lightens up. My eyes widen, I run to the edge of the cliff, try to catch her, but It's too late. I fall onto my knees. Everything goes silent. "She's gone.. She's-.." I begin to cry. "SHE'S GONE AND IT'S ALL MY FUCKIN' FAULT!!!!!" I start to weep intently. "The only one to ever love me.. Gone.. She's gone.. There's no point anymore.. She's gone.. There's no point.. There's no point anymore.." I look down at the vine in my hands. "Without her.. There's no point.." Tears roll down my now red cheeks. "I'm sorry.." I whispered. I then start singing, "Are you, are you, commin' to the tree? They strung up a man they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree.." Tears, keep falling, and don't stop. "Are you, are you, commin' to the tree? Where a dead man called out for his love to flee. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree.." The sky starts getting dark, as if it's about to storm. I look up for a second. "Are you, are you, commin' to the tree? Where I told you to run, so we'd both be free. Strage things did happen here, no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree.." I start to climb a tree, and climb onto a strong, thick branch, and start tieing the vine to it. "Are you, are you, commin' to the tree? Wear a necklace of hope, side by side with me. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree.." I climb back down the tree, as I start to cry again. I stand on a stump. "I'm sorry.." I whispered once more.
~Riley's pov~
"I am!" Maya continues pulling me up, my hands slip, causing me to fall. I begin screaming and reaching up as if someone will save me in time. I see Maya reaching down for me, but I'm too far down. I close my eyes tightly, waiting for impact. It comes quickly, everything goes black. I wake up, rub my head. "Ngh.. Wha-" my eyes widen. "MAYA!!" I yell. "Wh- how do I get back to her?!?!" I start walking, my leg is hurting horribly. "Awe man.. It must be broken.." I start looking for a way to get back up to Maya. I look for a couple hours. "I really hope Maya's okay.." As I'm walking, I see a vine going up the cliff. "Can I climb it.. I will! For Maya!!" I say determined as I grab onto the vine and start climbing up carefully. "Don't worry Maya.. I'm still here.." I continue climbing, I almost fall a couple times, but I hold on, I make it to the top. "M-Maya!" I said breathless as I ran looking for her, ignoring the sheer pain in my leg. "MAYA!!" I yelled out, hoping she'd answer. Nothing. I sigh sadly and continue looking for her. "MAYA!" I continue yelling in hopes she'll answer one of the times. I continue looking for her, my eyes widen. "Maybe she's where I fell.." I say as I walk in that direction. I then see her and get excited. I smile wide and run to her. "MAYA!!!!" I yell excitedly. My eyes widen when I notice she hung herself. Tears start comming down my face and don't stop. "MAYA." I yelled, this time in sadness. I fall onto my knees. "Why would she do this?! Maya!! Please.. Maya.." I start crying intently. Suddenly, I hear her. My eyes widen. "MAYA YOU'RE ALIVE!!" I look around for something for her to stand on. I don't see anything. I then get under her legs as if I was giving her a piggy back ride, I struggle a little, but I do it. Maya rises up. "Maya take the vine from around your neck!" She sighs. "J-just leave me. I don't deserve to live, there's no point anymore." My eyes widen and I start to cry. "But Maya-.. I need you.." She then starts to sing weakly. "Are you, are you, commin' to the tree? Wear a necklace of hope side by side with me. Strange things did happen here, there's no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree." My eyes widen and I start crying harder. I slowly get closer to the ground, pulling Maya with me. "Maya, please!!" I begged. "You have a point to live! You're worth something, Maya! You're not nothing! People will miss you, not just me! Maya, please!!"
~Maya's pov~
"You have a point to live! You're worth something, Maya! You're not nothing! People will miss you, not just me! Maya, please!!" As she says that, I try to take the vine from around my neck, but it starts choaking me because of how tight I tied it. "R-Riley-.." I choake out. She goes from under me and her eyes widen. "MAYA!!" She cries out. She looks around for a second, when everything goes black.
~Riley's pov~
I look around for a second, freaking out, I then notice that the vine's tied to a branch. I climb up to the branch and untie the vine, causing Maya to slam into the ground. My eyes widen, and I climb back down the tree. "Maya are yo-" I turn her over. I fall onto my knees. "M-.. May..ya.." I take the vine from around her neck and start to cry intently. "You're not gone.. You'll wake up.. You're jus-.." "Sleeping." I heard Maya. I get confused. I close my eyes, when I open them, I see Maya next to me in bed at the hotel room. My eyes widen and my mouth drops. Maya looks at me concerned. "Riley, you've been crying and yelling in your sleep.. Are you okay?" I hug her tightly. "I had the worst nightmare ever, Maya!!" She looks at me with sympathy. "What happened?" She asked. "Well.." I then explain the dream to her. "I-.. I wouldn't do that-.." She choaked out. I get confused. Everything starts looking weird. I rub my eyes, I'm in the jet with Maya beside me, we're in the air. Not crashed landed. "Is this a dream?" I ask confused. Maya looks at me confused. "No." She told me and hugs me tightly. I hug back. "I was so worried about you, Riles! I thought I would have to go and wake you up again!" She joked. I smile slightly. "Yeah.." I then hug her tightly and start to cry on her shoulder. "Please promise me you'll never commit suicide.." Her eyes widen. "Wait- what happened in your dream?!" She asked shocked. I sigh and explain it to her. "Riley, if I ever were to lose you, I promise, I would never commit suicide." She then hugs me tightly as I hug back. "I'm ready to get back home.." I spoke up. "Yeah, me too." Maya added. I just sit there and lean back in my seat, thinking about the dream as tears start to form in my eyes. Maya hugs me, comforting me. "Just let it out.." She whispered in my ear. I start crying intently. "Hey.. Uhmm, we're back, just get off when you're ready." The pilot told us. I pull away from the hug and stand up, as does Maya. We get off and go inside my apartment. "Riley! Maya! You're back!" Corey said happily as he came and hugs us both. "I'm so glad you two are back! Did you have fun!" Topanga said as she came and hugged us also. "Yaay! Sissy's back!" Auggie said excitedly and hugged us too. It was a group hug. I smile wide. "I'm so glad I'm back. I had the worst dream, I'm just glad to be home and back on the ground!" I told them. "We're glad your back." Topanga smiled and said. Maya and I go back to my room to unpack. I sigh and sit down on my bed. "I just-.. Don't understand, Maya.. I keep having all these bad dreams. I can't be the only one, right?" I asked. Maya looks down. "Are you okay..?" I asked. "Riley, I have dreams.. Horrible dreams that are worse than yours.. I know that's hard to believe, but they are.. I've been having them all my life, I'm used to them now." She sighs and continues. "But occasionally, I'll have one I can't handle.. You're always in them. Laughing. Just laughing. As it grows louder and louder.. As if-.. As if it ment something." I look at her with sympathy. "Maya-" She interrupts me. "It's just a dream, Riley.. I can handle it, really. You have to understand, you can't control my dreams. This is far beyond your reach of help. You have to understand that this is something that there is no way you could help." "But-" "Riley, you have to understand." I sigh and look down sadly. "I understand.." She kisses my cheek. "Good." Then she puts her hand on my cheek, and moves my head to look at her and kisses me gently. I kiss back. I then pull my phone out and go onto my music, get off of my bed and start playing "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. I start dancing and singing along. "Really Ril-" I grab her arm and pull her over to me and kiss her passionatly. "That's what makes you beautiful.." I whisper in her ear. I then hear something comming from the living room and look at Maya. "Did you hear that?!" I asked scared. "Yeah.." She goes to my door. "Wh-what are you doing?" I asked worried. "Going to see what it is." "But.. I don't want you to get hurt.." I looked at her with puppy dog eyes. "Riley, your family could be hurt. You stay here. I'll go check on them." She then leaves my room. I sit back down on my bed, lean on the back board, put my knees up and bury my face in them. Suddenly, something grabs me and pulls me out the window. "MAY-" I start screaming, but it covers my mouth and takes me away.
~Maya's pov~
I leave Riley's room and go out into the living room. "Save your self, Maya!!" Topanga yelled while trying to save Auggie from a shadowy figure. My eyes widen. I run and get Auggie away from the shadowy figure trying to take him, I then hear Riley scream. My eyes widen. "RILEY!" "MAY-" she suddenly stops. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!!" I freak out and run to her room. "I can't believe it's happening to her family!! No, no, NO!!!! This shouldn't be happening! How is this happening AGAIN?!?!" I look out her window and see her being dragged on the ground with her mouth covered. She notices me, I start running after her. The thing dragging her doesn't seem to notice I'm following them. I stop running, trying to get my breath back and continue following them. As I'm following it, it goes into a dark alley. My eyes widen as memories begin flooding back. I shake my head, trying to take my focus off of that, as I am, something throws me onto the ground and drags me into the alleyway. I start to struggle to get free from it's grip. No use, it's too strong. "This can't be happening.. Not again...." I said under my breath. As I'm being dragged, I'm taken to a place that I have never seen before. The thing throws me into a room with Riley. "Don't you two fuckers try anything." It said sternly and walked away. Riley and I run to eachother and hug eachother tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright!" We said in unicent. I then hold Riley at arms length. "Look Riley, we have to get out of here as soon as possible. Trust me." I said, starting to get a little scared. As she does also. "How do you know about this place?" She asked me concerned, and scared. "It's-.. A long story. I'll explain later.." I then look around for anyway we could escape. There's one little bench bed thing, the smallest window I've ever seen before, and the door we're stuck behind. I sigh. "How are-" I look at Riley and smile deviously. "You!" I say excitedly. She looks at me shocked. "Me?!" Her eyes widen. "Yes, you're new here, they'll be nicer to you.. So here's the plan.." I explain it to her, I can see that her heart just sinks at I explain it to her. It breaks my heart to see how scared she's getting. After I explained it to her, she smiles slightly, but I can tell she is sbsolutly terrified. I hold her at arms length, and look her in the eyes. "Riley, I know you're scared, but I believe you can do this. I've seen your strong side. Please Riley, we can't stay here. I can't be tortured again, Riley please.." She looks at me with sympathy. "Okay. I'll do it! I don't want you to get hurt again.." She kisses me gently.
~Riley's pov~
I kiss Maya gently and go to the door. "Excuse me, uhh is there a bathroom around somewhere?.. I need to go." The figure growls. "This is why I never take humans captive anymore. They need food and water and to go to the bathroom." He opens the door and lets me out. I take a deep breath. It leads me to the bathroom. I close the door and lock it. I look around the bathroom for any way to escape. There's a tiny window. I try to open it, it's bolted shut. I sigh and continue looking around. I see a plunger in the corner. I sigh and grab it. I hit the window a couple times and it finally breaks. I hurry up and try to go out the window. I do and I'm in some building and everyone's stairing at me. "Uhh.." I point towards the door and leave. "I have to save Maya!!" I say after I get outside. I sigh. "There's no way I can do that on my own.." I go back home. "Mom, dad! Maya was kidnapped!" Their eyes widen. Topanga grabs her phone and calls 911. "Do you know where she is?" She asked. "Yeah! I'll show you!" I then leave the apartment with them quickly following behind. We get to the alley way and my mom explains where we are. She hangs up and soon enough, cops are comming and going into the alley.
~Maya's pov~
It lets Riley out and I'm alone for a couple minutes. I look around and sigh. "Please hurry.." I say sadly. The thing comes back and smiles evily. "Now you're alone. I've been trying to get you back here for years. But you keep avoiding us! Why is that? Do we.. Scare you!" I back away from the door a little. It laughs. "Oh yes we do." It opens the door and slowly walks up to me. I keep backing up until my back hits the wall. It opens it's mouth and tentacles start comming out of it. I close my eyes tightly and scream. One of the tentacles comes into my mouth. "Oh no, you're not getting away this time!!" More tentacles start comming out of it. I fear for my life, knowing what's comming. Just then, police come in and start shooting at the beast, causing it to retract it's tentacles. As they're shooting at the beast, one bullet comes into my shoulder and another into my leg. Causing me to fall to the ground hard and yell with pain. Everything goes black.
~Riley's pov~
A police officer comes out holding Maya. She got shot in her shoulder and leg. My eyes widen. "How did you hit her?!? We need to get her to the hospital now!!!!" I yelled at them, worrying for her. He takes her to the ambulance. "Someone can get on with her." The man said. I perked up and quickly got on with her. "Please, please help her!! I can't lose her!!!!" "We will.." Is all he replied with. He then takes tweazers and carefully removes the bullets from her shoulder and leg. "The doctor will take care of her from here." He told me as they took her in. I followed behind. "Maya.." I sigh. "You have to wait out here." The nurse told me. "But- but Maya!" "I'll let you know when you can come visit her." I smile hopefully. "Will I be able to today?" I asked hopefully. "I'm sorry, but no. You have to go home." I look down sadly. "But Maya.." I say, holding back tears as I'm dragged out of the hospital. A couple hours pass. Hours turn to days I'm alone, crying waiting hopefully that Maya's alright. "Riley?" My mom came and sat by me. "I got a call from the hospital-" I immediately light up. "What'd they say!!!" I asked excitedly. "Maya's doing well we can go pick her up." I smile wide and jump up. I grab her hand and pull her out into the living room. "LET'S GET GOING PEOPLE!!! WE HAVE A PRINCESS TO PICK UP!!!!!" I say holding the front door open so everyone will go. We all leave on our way to the hospital. We get there and I pull my mom and dad to Maya's room. They let us in and I immediately run to her side and hug her gently. "Maya I've missed you so much!!!!!" I said excitedly. She hugs back. "I'm glad you did. I missed you too, my sweet princess." She kisses me gently as I kiss back. We then go back to the apartment and go to my room. "I'm so glad you're alright, Maya!" She smiles. "Yeah, me too." She then looks down sadly. I look at her with sympathy. "You okay?" She sighs and looks at me. "Riley, you realize that all this bad stuff keeps happening is because of me. I was once in that alley way alone there.. It took years for me to be saved.." "Maya.." Is all I could say. "Riley, I love you, with all my Hart, but.. I keep putting you in danger. I think maybe-" I interrupt her. "Maya no. Please no." Tears start to form in my eyes. "Riley, I just want to protect you." Tears start comming down like a faucet, as I begin to grow a little mad. "Maya," I said sternly, "I know you're just trying to protect me, but whatever comes our way, we'll face it together. I won't let you go, Maya. You're not a Clutterbucket! You're all Hart!!" She smiles and hugs me tightly as I hug back.

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