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After withdrawing from her scholarship at Juilliard, Dahyun chose to focus on her group. Her manager suggested for her to enter SNU instead and it granted Dahyun the opportunity to study whilst simultaneously being an active member in TWICE.

She was in a flourishing relationship with Taehyung and continued to work with her members who loved her dearly. Although she may not have been able to study in her dream institution, Dahyun felt happy and fulfilled.

It was two weeks into May and TWICE had been given a week of vacation before they start off the mid-year with busy schedules for their upcoming summer comeback.

Dahyun decided to spend her time off at their hometown, Seongnam. It has been months since she's been together with her family and she missed them so much. Her brother was also given a week's break from military service and just got home yesterday. They would finally be together as four once again and Dahyun was excited.

She packed her things two nights before and was determined to get a taxi cab to drive her home, but Taehyung had insisted to take her there. And thus they were now on a road trip off to Seongnam.

Taehyung took the coastal route. It was 30 minutes longer distance than the usual city route, but Taehyung wanted to spend more time with her before they would get parted for a week. And besides, they both shared a liking over seas, and the coastal route was a perfect place for sightseeing. They stopped over a ravine where there was a perfect view of the sea and the sky meeting and spared some time to take pictures.

Dahyun looked up at the horizon that loomed overhead. The clouds that looked like cotton candy adorned the blue sky. One thing Taehyung loved about Dahyun was that she took joy over the simplest of things, like the sky and sea. No matter how many times she'd see the sky, the wonderment on her face never seemed to fade. Taehyung stole pictures of her side profile unbeknownst to her. Every so often he just found himself ogling over her and her face that seem to become prettier each passing day.

Dahyun wore a simple white sundress that reached just a bit above her knees, coupled with a beach hat over her head. It was summer and the weather was warm. The wind blew her blue hair and dress gently as she momentarily closed her eyes, enjoying the way the cool sea breeze caressed her face. It was as if she was in a scene from some summer-themed k-drama and having her protagonist moment; she looked so ethereal. A ray of sunlight beamed on her face softly, as if it looked down upon her only to compliment her beauty.

He snapped out of his trance and started stealing more shots. She was too engrossed with the view to even notice him or hear the camera click each time he pressed the shutter button. And she was his view. A view he would never get tired of beholding.

Dahyun suddenly turned to him and was a bit surprised upon seeing him pointing the camera to her direction. She grinned from ear to ear, her eyes disappearing into crescent slits as she tried to pose for pictures.

Taehyung snapped dozens of photos, some were solo shots of each of them and some were selfies; each one prettier than the last.

As Dahyun posed for the last time, a creature hopped near her foot, taking her by surprise. She even felt its slimy skin briefly come in contact with her toes since she was merely wearings sandals. She was startled and almost shrieked, dashing to Taehyung who was also alert whilst still holding his camera.

"Oh, it's just a toad. I thought it's a snake or something!" She leaned her forehead on Taehyung's back as she sighed in relief.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung looked at her over his shoulder.

"Yeah." She answered and peeked at his camera. She caught him looking at the photo he took. The photo captured her panicked face clearly that it looked comedic.

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