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Jungkook was panting when he hid behind the sofa bed where Jimin and Taehyung were seated. Jimin was stuck on his phone as usual while Taehyung was playing with Yeontan, occasionally taking pictures of the puppy with his phone.

"What are you doing?" Jimin peeked at Jungkook behind the sofa.

"Shh," Jungkook only put an index finger on his lips, telling his hyung to stay silent. Jimin saw the packet of gummy bears that Jungkook securely held near his chest and he did not need to ask again as he quickly understood what was happening.

The maknaes were startled when Seokjin abruptly barged in the waiting room, shouting Jungkook's name.

"Give me back my gummy bears, you thief!!" The eldest bellowed with a furious face, and roamed around the room in search for the culprit who stole his precious gummy bears.

Jungkook stifled a giggle and cautiously popped his head up a bit to peek at Jin who is now mumbling curses. He just stayed there for he was confident that Jimin and Taehyung would not betray him. He knew that they would take his side, they would always gang up on annoying Jin. However, Jungkook was unaware that Taehyung had already called Jin and pointed where he was hiding.

Soon, Jimin and Taehyung's laughs echoed throughtout the practice room as they witnessed how Jin beat up Jungkook.

"You're a kill joy, Taehyung hyung," Jungkook said bitterly as he laid helplessly down the floor after miraculously surviving Jin's attack.

"Come on, give Jin hyung a break. You do nothing but steal his gummy bears everyday," Taehyung said, still playing with Yeontan.

"Preach, Tae. Preach." Jin, who was now chewing on his gummy bears rolled his eyes at Jungkook.

"By the way, have you met your neighbor, hyung?" Jungkook asked, finally sitting up.

"No," Taehyung answered as he carefully put his pet on the floor, allowing him to stroll around the room.

"Why? Didn't he give you any food or gifts when he moved in? Isn't that tradition?" Jin butted in.

"Well, no. She must've been mad at me," Taehyung began, scratching the back of his neck. "You see, I falsely accused her of being a stalker because she followed me to my floor. I didn't know she lived at the unit next to mine."

Jimin laughed, somehow finding the situation funny, while Jin gasped.

"That's rude, hyung." Jungkook commented.

"I know. I wasn't in my right mind."

"She? So your neighbor is a girl huh? How old is she? Is she pretty?" Jimin bombarded, earning a glare from the other three.

"What? I'm just asking!"

"I never saw her face. I was near drunk that I didn't bother to check her out," Taehyung replied. "I did not see her anymore after that."

It was true. When Taehyung woke up the next day, he wanted to immediately apologize to his neighbor properly but no one
answered when he knocked on her door. He had not seen her again for the next few days as well.

"Oh no. Maybe she moved out because she thought you were a creep for throwing accusations at her!" Jungkook concluded and Taehyung shook his head, dismissing the former's ridiculous idea.

"Does she know you, Tae?" Jin asked.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"You're an idol. What if she spreads word about your rude actions that night? You'd be ruined." The eldest said, shaking his head.

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