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"Did I call at a wrong time?" Dahyun asked because Taehyung looked like he just awoke from a nap. His wispy, permed hair looking disheveled as though it was windblown.

"No," Taehyung shook his head and ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to smooth out his artfully messy bedhead. It was unfair that he still looked attractive despite the unkempt appearance. "I'm happy you called. I was just about to eat. Have you had lunch?"

She nodded lightly, a smile plastering on her face as she peered at the male whose right hand was gripping his phone while the other held a cup of ramyeon.

After lunch, the girls were sent back to their dorms for they had no schedules left for the day. Some of the members went shopping, some took their pets outside for a stroll while Dahyun decided to stay in her room and try on her newly-bought set of nail polish. While she was at it, she called Taehyung via Facetime.

She could hear rustling sounds as Taehyung repeatedly tried to prop his phone up on a table. The device slipped on the surface so many times that Dahyun was surprised that the screen didn't obtain a crack yet.

After he finally succeeded in doing so, she heard shuffling steps and loud voices from where he was. And his phone, once again, fell with a loud thud, its camera went black as it hit the wooden table.

"Taehyung? Are you okay?"

Soon, the phone was picked up and Taehyung's face reappeared, but he seemed to be talking to someone because a female voice chimed in the background.

"What is it, Taeha?" She heard Taehyung speak.

"Mom asks what you wanted to eat for dinner because she's going to the market. I've called you so many times and you weren't listening! Who are you talking to anyway? Is it Jimin oppa?" A girl, whom Dahyun assumed was named Taeha, popped her face close to Taehyung's phone and was dumbfounded at the sight of Dahyun.

Taehyung averted his gaze to his girlfriend who was observing the whole scene in silence. "Uh, Dahyunie, she's Taeha - my sister."

"Oh my god!" Taeha's jaw dropped low as she gasped audibly, gaining the attention of the couple. "Is she... is she..." the thirteen-year-old girl was jittering for she couldn't believe who she was seeing on the screen. She blinked her eyes rapidly in shock and disbelief before she finally managed to ask, "Are you Dahyun from TWICE?"

"Yes, I am. Hello," Dahyun waved a hand coyly at the girl, flashing her a friendly grin.

"Are you inviting insects to enter your mouth?" Taehyung mocked his sister, tapping her jaw and motioning it to close.

Taeha was too excited to even react to his brother's mocking. Her shrill squeals resonated in the room and started jumping up and down, unable to contain her excitement.

"You are so pretty!" Her eyes were sparkling in apparent admiration over the female idol. And the latter felt flustered at the compliment.

"Thank you. You are pretty, too," Dahyun beamed a smile. She had a good glimpse on Taeha's face and the younger girl seemed to have taken her delicate facial features from her mother.

"Don't you have work today, unnie?" Taeha asked casually, now looking more calm and composed.

"I attended a meeting earlier, but I'm free now."

"Oh, you must be exhausted then..."

Dahyun shook her head in disagreement. "Not really-"

"... because you were running in my mind all day."

Dahyun was caught off guard. Flustered by the sudden pick-up line thrown at her, the idol laughed and subconsciously threw her head back, causing it to hit a piece of furniture. "Ow!"

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