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Her name was perched above headlines in bold letters; the news easily spreading not just in Korea but all over the world. But it wasn't about her attaining a great achievement in her career, but a dating scandal involving a member of the world's biggest boyband.

Was leaving for America a good escape? Leaving behind all the shame and embarrassment in South Korea and start anew at Juilliard, study acting, and graduate with flying colors. After all, 2 years is enough time for the public to move on from the overwhelming events that happened. At this point, Juilliard was the most convenient and easiest way of escape.

Dahyun grazed her fingers along the words of the letter from the forementioned institution that arrived yesterday. It was something she had eagerly waited and prepared for these past few months. Now that it was finally here, she should feel happy and celebrate with her members. But she was not in the mood to celebrate anything amidst a scandal slapped right into her face.

It affected Dahyun more than she allowed herself to. As if all the hard work and confidence she built for years had collapsed with just one single blow. Was Dahyun being cowardly for wanting to escape the mess she had pulled herself in? Was she being too weak for easily giving up and even sacrificing a good friendship with Taehyung for the sake of their career? The path to being an idol wasn't a mere walk in the park. It had cost Dahyun so much to reach up to this peak of her career. She wasn't going to allow everything she worked hard for to crumble just because of a petty dating news.

Dahyun sighed heavily. She folded the piece of paper neatly before slipping it back into her bag. As she did so, she spotted the chocolate bar that Jungkook had given her earlier. Dahyun wanted to avoid the media and fans' prying eyes, so she took the alternative restroom in the west wing of the KBS venue where she, unexpectedly, bumped into Jungkook who was coincidentally there for a pee break.

Dahyun tore open the chocolate bar that had started to melt a little because of the heater nearby. The chocolate was slightly sticking to the wrapper so she had to carefully unwrap it. She took a small bite of the treat as her thoughts wandered back to her conversation with him earlier.

"How is Taehyung doing?" It was the question Dahyun wanted to ask since she and Jungkook started talking. She was hesitant to voice it out at first, but she couldn't deny her concern for him any longer. The thoughts of him kept bugging her the entire week that they haven't had contact.

"He's not his usual self these past few days, it's a bit concerning," Jungkook answered honestly.

Dahyun bit her lips, feeling guilty. She couldn't find any words to say because she was going through the same thing herself.

"So, uh, how have you been?" Jungkook asked. He was genuinely concerned of the girl, given that this was the first time she has made a public appearance since the news broke out. The press was insensitive to have brought up the issue and ask her questions in a big event and with the presence of mass audiences.

"Well, I'm coping up," Dahyun replied, giving him the best smile she could muster. She couldn't act helpless in front of him, nor to anyone besides her members. She should maintain her professionalism and show that she was unaffected by the news because it wasn't true, to begin with. "And Jungkook-ssi, I'm sorry for causing trouble to your group. It's my fault. We really shouldn't have acted recklessly. I should've been more mindful—"

"Hey," he gently held her shoulder, trying to stop her from rambling. "It's not your fault, Dahyun-ah. Don't feel bad nor blame yourself for anything. Things like these are bound to happen in our line of work. I can't just tell you to ignore them. I've been there, too, and isn't easy. We're idols and such things are inevitable. But don't let people's opinions hinder you from your happiness. Don't let them stop you from doing things that make you feel happy and alive. Sure, some actions may cause controversial issues, but hey, it's your life, not theirs. I know I sound rebellious and all, but it's an insight that I've lived up to cope in the harsh industry."

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