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Taehyung sat up and stole a glance at the digital clock on his lamp stand.

12:05 am

"I'm supposed to be sleeping by now," he mumbled, heaving a sigh.

He needs to leave by 5AM to prepare for their pre-recording stage of Boy With Luv at Inkigayo. He should now sleep so he'd at least have enough energy for the performance later, but he didn't get a wink of sleep since he entered the bedroom. He's been lying awake for half-past an hour. No, actually he's been awake for almost 25 hours already.

BTS's schedule was jam-packed for the past few days that the boys barely get any proper sleep. They'd only take naps during short breaks or when they're in the van travelling from one place to another to get to their schedules.

It was exhausting, and coffee helped them keep up during the stressful days. Taehyung wasn't fond of coffee but drank 2 cups earlier in the afternoon to keep his body functioning, which he deeply regrets because until now the caffeine hasn't left his system, keeping him wide awake throughout the night when he's supposed to have the proper sleep he's longing for.

Realizing that just lying there won't do him any good, Taehyung slowly got up his bed, careful to not wake Yeontan up, then wore a robe before he went out the bedroom and exited his flat. As he closed the door, he eyed the unit next to his. Dahyun's condo.

How is she doing? Did she like those rice cakes? He thought. It's been days since he apologized to her and that was the last time they saw each other. He had not heard from her since.

He walked along the peaceful, dim hallway, using the bright screen of his phone to light the way. There was a staircase at the end of the corridor that led to the rooftop of the building where there was a garden.

The roof was wide and spacious with an outdoor deck, a green lawn, plants and flowers. It was another amenity of the complex that occupants can use freely for recreation. But considering that most of them were busy people, the roof garden was often deserted. Taehyung was the only one who loved to visit there for fresh air at sleepless nights such as this.

There was a contrast of brightness between the dim staircase and the entrance to the roof. The roof garden was rather a little brighter, thanks to the radiant light of the moon resting above the skies, lessening the inky blackness of the night.

Upon stepping on the concrete pavement, he spotted a faint white light coming from the edge of the roof. As he looked closer, he found out that the light source came from a girl who was holding a small flashlight while sitting at one of the benches near the edge of the rooftop. Her arms hugged her knees close to her chest, her chin resting on one knee. A blanket was wrapped around her body as her hair swayed to the rhythm of the wind.

He stared at her, not expecting to see his new neighbor here at this ungodly hour. After a few moments of contemplation, he finally decided to approach her.

The girl turned her head upon hearing shuffling steps and a warm smile automatically formed on her lips when she saw the male.

"Hello, sunbaenim," Dahyun greeted him, bowing her head lightly. She slowly put her feet down to the ground as she realized that her sitting position was inappropriate. They were not in a formal event, but she figured that she still needed to act proper in front of a senior she looks up to.

"Looks like you already found the garden," Taehyung said, giving her a tight-lipped smile as he sat on the left side of the bench, leaving a safe distance in between them.

"Yeah," Dahyun replied coyly, tucking the messy strands of her hair behind her ear. Then, she asked, "You come here often?"

"Mm. It's peaceful here," Taehyung replied, leaning his back on the bench and folded his arms across his chest.

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