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It's the second day of TWICE's shooting for the music video of Feel Special, the title song of their eighth EP to be released by September.

The whole mini album somehow had a different flavor from their previous releases and it had a special meaning to the girls. The lyrics of the song aims to give comfort to people who are feeling down and insignificant. Written by JYP, it was inspired by the members' stories through their idol careers and it will be released in light to Mina who's been experiencing anxiety disorder.

Mina made a special effort in participating in the filming even though she couldn't join the group dances because of her current condition, the girls were happy neverthless. They didn't want to make a music video with one member being left out.

This mini-album also contains a lot of member-written works. The girl participated in the song writing of the b-sides and Dahyun was happy that after several tries of passing her self-written lyrics for their previous albums, she finally got to co-write 'Trick It'.

A 3-minute long music video may seem quick and easy to watch but it takes hours and even days to prepare. It takes a great amount of money, time, effort, sweat, sacrifice of sleep from both members and the staff, cooperation and team work to create a perfect outcome.

Dahyun just finished shooting her part and it was now Sana's turn, since they were in the same set. They were the last pair to shoot while the other members were now chilling in the green room, now all in their casual clothes.

Jeongyeon and Momo were trying to sing the chorus of TT backwards and who knows where did they even come up with that idea which Tzuyu thought was just plain stupid. Who in the right mind would want to sing a song backwards? She thought. But even then, Tzuyu couldn't deny that it was one of the things that she loved being in TWICE. TWICE weren't only known as sweet, charming girls but they were humurous too and it shows not only on-cam, but most especially when they were together -- be it in the dorms, practice rooms, waiting rooms, basically anywhere. Her unnies would come up with different crazy and weird ideas from time to time and that was one of the sources of their fun. It was what made TWICE 'TWICE'.

Nayeon's chortles were booming throughout the green room as she joined in the 'backward singing'. Dahyun and Chaeyoung, on the other hand, were counting the seeds, which look like tiny dots, on the surface of a strawberry.

"I don't see the point of this," Dahyun huffed out, putting down the strawberry back on Chaeyoung's bowl.

"Me too," Chaeyoung grinned. "But it's oddly satisfying."

Dahyun eventually gave up and played with her phone instead. She watched a random BTS performance from an American show that just popped out of her Youtube recommendations. Her eyes immediately found Jungkook and a satisfied smile drew on her lips as she watched him move his body to the song's choreography. But then her attention flew to the man beside her bias, her friend, Kim Taehyung. She watched him for a few seconds. The shifts of expressions on his face were alluring in a way. He danced well, too. She bit her lip when she recalled once again, for the umpteenth time time this week, the incident at the elevator.

Dahyun shook her head and diverted her attention to Jungkook again. Normally, her eyes would just stick to him whenever she watched a BTS performance; she wouldn't even flinch, not wanting to miss a millisecond of Jungkook's gloriousness. But this time, something was distracting her -- or rather someone. Dahyun would tell herself to focus on Jungkook alone, but her sense of sight seemed to betray her mind and they would drift back to Taehyung after every few seconds.

Everytime she saw Taehyung she would be reminded of that incident on the elevator where she became a blushing mess and her heart was thumping loudly in a fast paced rythym she couldn't understand. She was embarrassed. She felt something at that moment: a tickling, tingling sensation at the back of her stomach. Dahyun would feel that whenever Sana or Momo or any of her members would give her excessive skinship or when recieving their traditional birthday kisses. But this time, the tingling sensation was quite different. It felt weird and it was something she didn't want to feel ever again. Oddly after that, she couldn't get him off of her mind.

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