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As another two weeks passed, Steve was able to complete more difficult tasks to prove his regained strength. Taylor was thrilled to hear that he would be discharged later that day. She rushed over right after work, to see him home.

One of the nurses wheeled him out and met Taylor at the door she was told to drive to.

"Now," the nurse reminded, "You'll need to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery for another month or so. Just wait until your physical therapist gives you the go ahead. And be sure not to miss those visits. Twice a week for now."

"No driving, physical therapy. Got it." Steve could hardly hold his excitement back from being able to leave the hospital.

"Alright, you have a good day now, Mr. Bennet." The nurse waited until Steve was in the car with Taylor before taking the wheelchair back inside.

Once they had left the parking lot, Taylor squealed. "How exciting is this!! You get to go home!"

Steve beamed, "I know! It has been SO cramped in that hospital room. I can't wait for my own bed!"

"And James is going to be so excited to go home, too. I think he's gotten pretty tired of Ashley forcing him to snuggle."

Steve snorted. "That old cat is going to be happier than I am."

Taylor sighed, her elation settling and her mind focusing on all that would need to be done. She would need to take him to his appointments, unless Nana were available. But she was getting to an age where driving wasn't a habit of hers anyways. But that would mean she would have to take some mornings off of work to get him there. And would that be possible to keep up for as long as he needed to go?

"Taylor?" Steve interrupted her thoughts. "You okay?"

She kept her eyes on the road straight ahead. "There's just so much to do..."

He took one of her hands and kissed it. "It's alright. We'll figure everything out. Don't worry so much. Let me just get home and settled, then we can talk through what's gonna happen."

Taylor nodded slightly. "Okay.."


James yelled again from inside the carrying crate. Taylor grunted as she hoisted him up onto the counter in Steve's apartment. "Just hold on, James, I'm letting you out now."

She unlatched the door, and James slowly emerged, checking his surroundings, and then scurrying off to find a hiding place to recover from the trip.

Taylor turned and joined Steve on the couch, looking at her phone. "My word, your cat is so noisy!"

Steve laughed a little. "Well, he doesn't like the car very much."

Taylor rolled her eyes and glanced over at a picture on the wall. "So... my parents are making dinner in honor of your release. They said it would be ready in about an hour, so we can head that way soon..."

Steve held her hand. "Okay... now, are you okay?"

Taylor nodded, locking her eyes onto their hands. "Yeah, of course."


Taylor shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just a little overwhelmed. It'll all work out though. I'm fine."

"Taylor," he repeated, with the same knowing tone.

She released his hand and pulled up a calendar on her phone. "We need to figure out your therapy schedule, so I can clear it with work. Now, twice a week. Did you want to try Tuesdays and Thursdays? I think I should be able to make that work. Mondays would be hard, but if that's all we can do, then we can make that happen. And who knows? Maybe it's only for a few weeks."

Steve reached for her hand again, but she pushed his away, remaining focused on her phone. "Steve, please.. I just... I need time. It's just a lot right now."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you're okay."

Taylor stiffened. She stared at her phone until it was blurred. She said nothing.

"Taylor?" Steve turned his head to try to force her to meet his gaze.

She glanced at him and then shut her eyes. Taking a deep, stabilizing breath, she turned her body and sat criss cross towards him. After taking another breath, she looked at him.

"It's just a lot having you home... I was so scared... that you would never be here again. I trusted you with every part of my heart when you proposed. And when you were..." she paused to keep herself from crying. "When you were hurt... it felt like I'd been torn in half. I just..." her eyes began to well up, "During those two weeks you were asleep, I had to come to terms with the fact that you would never be home... but here you are." She slightly laughed, a tear simultaneously slipping out.

Steve held his hand out, and Taylor accepted, holding it gently. "You're... here. And I don't know why I'm crying, because I have never been happier..."

Steve laughed a little. "You do that sometimes." He sniffed, catching Taylor's attention that she wasn't the only one overwhelmed by emotion. "It seemed like it would never come... but I'm here. And I'm going to be here again tonight. And tomorrow. And the next day, and every day following. I promise."

Taylor smiled. She opened her mouth to say something when her phone dinged. She glanced at it and jumped a little, "oh! Dinner! We gotta go!"

Steve watched her hop up and grab her stuff. He smiled big. He had the best fianceé ever.

"C'mon!" Taylor headed to the door.

Steve put his shoes on and stood. "Alright, alright, I'm coming. Let's go to Dinner."


Hi Everyone!

If it seems like I'm focusing too much on this, sorry! I just want it to be so clear how much one person's hurt affects everyone around them. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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