Big News

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After about a month went by, Taylor was becoming used to the live of an NCIS agent. She'd won some fights, and she'd lost others. But her parents, sister, and boyfriend supported her every step if the way. Then, she was asked to work an overnight shift.

"Why me???" Taylor whined.

"Because, Benny is sick, and no one else is available," Tony explained calmly. As the team leader  working at the D.C. base, Tony had to organize a lot of the basic workings of NCIS. "All you have to do is be here to help out some security."

"What about Janay??"

"Janay is new, they don't want her working an overnight shift yet."

"I'm new, too!"

Tony perked an eyebrow. "Not as new as Janay. Just give it a shot Taylor. And quit arguing!"

Taylor sighed and retreated to her desk. She grabbed her things. "Then I'm gonna go nap in the breakroom if I have to be here for so long."


Taylor sat at her desk, catching up on her work and getting ahead while she was at it. The clock read 1:13 AM when  her phone rang, and she glanced at it.

"Hey, Steve. Why are you up so late?"

"Actually, I'm outside. And I have donuts."


Five minutes later, Taylor met Steve at the door and let him in. "Hey, what are you doing?? Don't you have work tomorrow??"

"I had to stop by and see you first," he winked and handed her a bag with donuts in it.

Taylor smiled and led Steve inside. They sat at her desk and opened the donuts.

"So," Taylor asked with a mouthful, "Anything happen today?"

"Well, actually. To be honest, I stopped by to tell you some exciting news." Steve took Taylor's hand. "My boss took me into his office today and told me he's proud of my work."


Steve smiled, "He gave me a HUGE promotion. A huge pay raise with it!"

Taylor gasped. "That's so amazing! I'm so proud of you!"

"But, this does mean I'm gonna have to work so much more. I don't know if we will be able to do as much as usual." Steve sighed.

Taylor placed her hand on his cheek. "It's fine. I'm just so excited for you. We can make it work."

Steve smiled. "That's so good to hear. I was worried that you ---"

Steve was cut off by Taylor's security radio making noises.

"Uh, I've got some noises in the evidence locker. I'm gonna check it out."

Taylor grabbed the radio. "Check in in 2, Tommy."

"What do you think it is?" Steve asked.

"I dunno. But it better not be anything. I didn't take this shift to deal with this stuff."

A few minutes later, after no news from Tommy, Taylor buzzed in on the radio again.

"Tommy, you got anything?"

No answer. Taylor glanced at Steve and sighed. Then he followed her to the elevator.


As soon as the elevator doors opened to the evidence locker, Taylor and Steve could hear it. Frustrated grunts. Bangs here or there. Taylor slowly stepped out of the elevator. She peered around the corner and saw that the door to the evidence was opened.

The keypad and lock had been shot multiple times. Taylor crept closer to the door, but Steve grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

Tbe noises had suddenly stopped. All was silent. Taylor looked back at Steve, then back to the evidence locker, just in time to notice the guy running at them.

A man dressed in crummy looking cargo pants and an olive green sweater was running out of the evidence locker, straight for Taylor and Steve.

Steve pushed Taylor out of the way, protective-boyfriend style, and lunged at the dude. They grappled on the ground for about 4 seconds before Steve had the guy pinned.

Taylor quickly grabbed some cuffs and proceeded to help Steve. The guy was obviously on some sort of drugs by the way he was breathing and twitching. But something about him looked vaguely familiar.

"How did you even get in here!?" Taylor screeched at the guy.

"Ah! Not so loud, lady! The door was unlocked!"

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows. Then she gasped. When she let Steve in, she left the door open.

"What should we do with him?" Steve asked.

"I guess we can lock him in the interrogation room... then I need to call my dad," Taylor groaned. How was she going to explain this?


"Taylor!!" Tony  burst into the observation room. Ziva was right behind him.

Taylor stood from where she and Steve were sitting. "Hey, dad. Hey, mom."

Ziva hugged her. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, really."

Ziva stepped back and confirmed by a quick look over. Once she was sure Taylor wasn't hurt, she turned mad.

"What were you thinking!? Leaving the door unlocked!?" She finished off with some Hebrew offenses, much like "stupid" or "idiot."

"It was an accident," Taylor folded her arms and looked away.

Tony stepped up, "Accidents like this can't happen, Tay. Someone could have gotten a lot worse than Tommy being knocked out. What if this guy had shot Tommy?"

"I know, Dad!" Taylor yelled. "I know it was dangerous and stupid! I didn't do it on purpose!"

"Hey, it was my fault. She let me in," Steve defended.

Tony glared at hi?  "You, stay out of this. Why are you even here!? Go home."

Taylor didn't look up at Steve. "Just go home, Steve. I'll call you tomorrow."

Steve stared back at Tony, planted a kiss on Taylor's hair, and left. Taylor swiped at a tear. She always got worked up when she was angry.

"It was a stupid mistake. It won't happen again," she said.

Tony sighed, arms crossed. "Someone could have gotten seriously hurt... you owe Tommy..."

Taylor nodded in response.

"You two go home, I'll take care of the rest of the shift," Tony opened the door for them. He motioned to the glass. "And this Bozo."

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