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"Please stop...." 

Steve's memory haunted him. He had no idea how he let himself turn into such a monster as to torture his girlfriend who was traumatized enough. He used to be the one person Taylor trusted most... and he just let her walk out... 


"Good morning," Steve solemnly greeted Taylor the morning after they fought. He'd slept on the couch, in an unsuccessful attempt to make things less awkward. 

Taylor shook her head in response. The visible gloom hung heavy on her face. She accepted the plate of food from him without any eye contact. Taylor ate the plate of food while petting James, who sat next to her on the table, hoping to get a taste. Then, she returned to Steve's bedroom. 

Steve sighed... He'd really messed up. 


An hour later, Taylor walked out of his bedroom, dressed and with a whole new attitude. She seemed perkier, but still not normal Taylor. And she carried a duffel bag over her shoulder. 

"Um... Where- Where are you going?" He asked cautiously. 

Taylor let out a little sigh. "Away." 

Steve met her at the door. "Taylor, I'm sorry about last night. Please don't leave me without clearing this up."

"Look, Steve. Honestly, I just need a break okay? I can't handle even looking at you right now. All I can see is you... yelling and pushing and scaring me. So... I just need a break." Taylor quoted exactly what she had rehearsed telling him. 

"Taylor, please... Don't go... I love-"

"Stop." Taylor cut him off. "Don't. Don't say that."

"Why?" Steve asked, trying to take her hand. "Because it really is true..." 

Taylor looked away, refusing his gesture. Her voice cracked as she said, "Because... I loved you, too." 

Then she walked out the door...


Three days later, Steve sat in a bar. He stared at the glass in front of him. He hadn't even taken a sip yet and already regretted it. He sighed and raised the glass to his lips, before he heard a familiar sound. 

He turned his head to the laughter that caught his attention on the other side of the bar. Just out of his view, where he had to sit upright to see, he saw a very drunken Taylor. She was giggling like a child and hitting at a guy's arm. 

Instantly, Steve's face burned with fury. That guy was taking advantage of a pretty, drunk girl. He watched for a moment more, trying to stay out of sight. 

The man was obviously trying to invite Taylor home, but Taylor didn't seem to want to go. She shook her head, but laughed out of friendliness. She reassured the guy that she was perfectly fine where she was. 

The guy grew more impatient with her, and began tugging at her arm to come with him. He stepped away, taking her hand. Taylor became more firm with her 'No, thank you' s, but the dude just kept insisting

Steve hopped up and began to walk towards them, when a sudden movement made the dude scream. Steve stopped in his tracks. The man ran from Taylor like a wounded dog, holding its paw. Steve caught a glimpse at the guy's hand, which clearly had a dislocated thumb. Then Steve looked up to see Taylor staring right at him, very unhappy. 


"WHaT the HecK are you doing Here!?" Taylor yelled at Steve in the alley next to the bar. "Are you Stalking me now!?" 

"Taylor, please, take a deep breath, calm down. You're drunk."

"You can't tell me what to do! You lost that frickin privilege!" Taylor didn't lower her voice. "You are mad that I left your apartment... and now you're here to TaKe me BacK! Well, Nuh-UH! Not gonna Happen!" 

"Taylor," Steve tried to reason, "I'm not stalking you, please keep your voice down. I'm just trying to take care of you." 

"Take care of me!?" Taylor scoffed. "Like you took care of me when you tried to force me to talk!? When you reminded me of how they BEAT me!?" Taylor pounded her fists against Steve's broad chest. "Of how they ripped my skin with a razor sharp knife!?" She pounded harder and harder. "THAT'S really what you wanna DO!? Just leave me alone! LEt me have pEace!" She finished her spiel, ending with her head against his chest, sobbing. 

Steve stared at Taylor. Her punches were next to nothing, because she obviously didn't want to really hurt him. He wrapped his arms around her lightly. 

"I can't change what I did, Taylor... but I want to fix it... will you let me try to fix it?" He asked.

Taylor paused her crying. She ever so slowly wrapped her arms around Steve's abdomen and nodded. "...okay.." 

Steve's mouth tugged to a smile. But only for a moment, due to Taylor's sudden and immediate Urge to puke.



Oh! An abrupt ending to a story part! What's new??

xD Don't forget to like and comment! I LOOOVE comments!

Happy Reading!

~Abi D. <3

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