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"Geez," Tony murmured to himself, looking at Taylor's paperwork at the hospital. Her shoulder was popped back into place, and her body would be bruised for weeks. The slice on her cheek required a bandage change three times a day, and stung anytime it was touched.

Taylor hadn't really moved much since she was found. She avoided moving at all costs because she was so sore. She sat in the hospital bed now, just returning from the last of the tests they wanted to run.

"Do you need anything, Taylor?" Ziva asked, for the thousandth time.

Taylor just stared at the spot on the wall she'd picked out. "No."

Ziva sighed. She wanted to help her daughter so badly. She glanced at her phone. "I called Steve for you. He's on the way here now..."

Taylor closed her eyes, "Why?? Why would you call him? I look horrible."

"Honey," Ziva held her hand. "He's just going to be happy you're alive. The other agents apparently captured by this man weren't so lucky..."

Taylor sighed and stared ahead. "I hate this place so much. When can we leave?"

Tony piped in, "As soon as they clear these lasts tests to make sure there's nothing worse going on."

Taylor sighed and closed her eyes for what she thought was just a few seconds. But when Steve's voice faded into her head, she became attentive, yet kept her eyes closed to hear the conversation.

"I hate this for her," Steve said.

Tony sighed. "She's been through so much already... I worry this isn't the right job for her... it's dangerous. She's tired of being hurt, and rightfully so..."

"I wish she didn't have the urge to fix everything. It would make giving this job up so easy for her..." Steve sighed. "But it's who she is. And who am I to wish that part away from her?"

Taylor heard Tony shift in his seat. "You really like her, don't you?"

Steve also shifted to look at Tony. "Yes, Sir. I believe I could be falling in love with her."

"Well, you'd be stupid not to," Tony slightly laughed. "She's amazing..."

"She certainly is..."


After sitting for a few more minutes, Taylor heard Tony and Steve leave to get coffee. She slowly sat up, grunting against the pain.

Taylor lifted her gown to reveal her abdomen. A bruise covered almost all of the visible skin. Her breath started to shake and her hand quivered as she ran her fingers over it gently.

She lifted the sleeve of her gown to reveal the shoulder bruise. And same with her leg. The heart monitor began beeping a little faster, showing her increased blood pressure, and Taylor couldn't catch her breath. She had to get out of there.

Taylor leaned over the edge of the bed, becoming numb to the pain, and tried to escape. She stood and noticed the IV in her arm. With a grunt, she tore it out.

"Ah! Ow!" She put her hand over the stinging spot on her arm and hobbled across the room to the door. Still unable to catch her breath, she slipped into the hallway and walked towards the closest window she could find.

"Taylor?" She heard Steve's voice behind her. She turned to see Steve and Tony walking back with coffee cups. She'd waited too long.

Her actions became frantic as she just wanted to get away. When Steve set his cup on a nearby table and walked quickly towards her, she began panicking, breathing fast and shallow.

Steve caught up to her as she began to collapse from the lack of oxygen. He caught her and lifted her small-framed body into his arms.

"Have you lost your mind???" He asked as he lay her back in the bed.

She'd only started getting her breath back as she lay on her side, calming down. Steve knelt so that his face was level with hers. He lightly placed his hand on her uninjured cheek and rubbed it.

"Taylor, talk to me. Why won't you look at me?"

She squinted at him, holding back tears. "How can you look at me???"

Steve tilted his head. "I don't understand..."

She caught her breath again. "I'm covered in bruises and scars. I'm broken... you said you could be falling in love with me? But how can anyone love this?"

Steve's face dropped, as well as his voice. "Taylor DiNozzo, listen to me right now."

His change of tone caught her attention, and she sniffled and nodded.

"I love you. Not because you're pretty. But because of who you are. If I could, I would kiss away every one of your scars. But I can't. So let me at least try to distract you from them for a while. For even a moment. Because I love you, Taylor DiNozzo."

Taylor let him finished, then drew in a deep breath. "You've gotta stop doing that..."

"Doing what?"

She looked him dead in the eyes. "Saying things that make me want to kiss you."

Steve smiled and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her lips, being as gentle as he could. Then he pulled away and whispered, "I can't wait until you're better, and we're not in public..."

Taylor blushed with a smirk. "My parents are right outside, you can't say things like that."

Steve smiled teasingly. "That's the Fun part."


I'm so awful at endings of parts! xD
SO sorry for the abrupt endings.

Make sure you leave a comment to let me know how you like it!

I love comments!

Happy Reading!

~Abi <3

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