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Around the corner came a young girl, who looked rather frazzled. She spoke in a timid voice, "Hi, um, I'm Emily Stevens... I, um, think I did this..." she motioned to Steve.

Taylor stared at the girl for a solid 4 seconds before blinking. "What?"

Emily glanced at Steve. "I was driving the car.... that hit him... is he okay?"

Taylor still stared straight at her. "No."

"Would you, um," tony interjected, "Would you two like to go have a chat? I think it may help to be out of this room."

Taylor looked at Steve and then her dad. Tony assured her, "I'll watch over him. Just step out into the main area. Where I can see you."

Taylor nodded, dumbfoundedly. She walked past the girl and led across the central area, to a distant bench.


"You were driving." Taylor stated, before they even reached the bench where she refused to sit.

"Yes," Emily answered. "How bad are his injuries?"

"I'm not going to answer that," Taylor said blankly.

"Okay, I get that. Um, do you have any questions for me?"

"Why did you hit him?" Taylor asked. She'd already rehearsed what she might say to the driver that she'd already decided she'd hate.

"I mean, it's not like I did it, like, on purpose," the girl scoffed. "I was turning the corner and I didn't see him."

"How could you not have seen him!? He's not a tiny dude!" Taylor started getting flustered.

Emily, becoming defensive, retorted, "well, I had a green light! How often do you really check to make sure no one's walking???"

Taylor scoffed. "Are you kidding me!? Why are you here!?"

Emily sighed, "Look, I'm worried about him. I mean, I've never hit anyone before. I don't really know what to do. I feel bad, and I think I need to look out for him. He was all alone."

Taylor grit her teeth. "He's not alone!"

"Not now," the girl frivolously said. "I mean, he was obviously lonely. It was basically his own fault I hit him, he was texting while walking."

"Did you just--- are you-" Taylor sputtered. Hot, angry tears blurred her vision. "It is NOT his freaking fault that YOU freaking hit him!!"

People began looking over at the girls, who were now becoming a scene.

"Not when you put it like that.."

"Put it like that!? How else does one put it!? You hit him with your car! It is all on you!"

"Okay, but, my mom said there won't be any court issues, because it's not really on me, it's on---"

Taylor slapped the girl, causing such a sharp sound that it brought a halt to the business around them.

Emily, appalled, gasped at Taylor. She returned with a slap back at Taylor.

Taylor, learning from her mother constantly, grabbed the girls moving hand and twisted her around until she cried out. Then Taylor pulled even harder and whispered in her ear. "If you ever come near me or my fiancé again, you will not. walk away from that 'chat.'"

Taylor released the now crying girl and turned and walked away. She walked past her father, who was rushing to stop her. Past the hospital personnel rushing to help. Past Steve's room. Taylor walked swiftly to the nearest unlocked, empty closet and collapsed on the floor.

A Tiva Story Sequel {REINSTATED}Where stories live. Discover now