I Think Yes

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Steve pulled up to the school and honked. Ashley hopped into his truck. "What are you doing here?"

"I told your parents I could pick you up since you get out early on your last day of school."

"Oh. Okay." Ashley buckled into the car, and they started to drive home.

"So..." Steve said when they'd pulled away from the school.

"So?" Ashley grinned, knowing that he liked her sister.

Steve opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. He resorted to, "how was school?"

Ashley rolled her eyes. "You're such a drama queen, Steve. You like my sister, everyone knows!"

Steve glanced to Ashley. "Everyone but her apparently!"

Ashley smirked. "So you want my help?"

"I just want to know if she feels the same way."

"You want my help." Ashley's devilish 15-year-old side showed for a flash.

Steve smirked at her, "it would be greatly appreciated, my dear."

"Okay. I'll see what I can find out." Ashley looked out the window, feeling successful.

Steve laughed to himself and turned up the music.


"So," Ashley said the next time she was alone with Taylor, "Were there any good boys at college?"

Taylor snorted. "Why are you worried about that? Aren't you the one who has the boy situation with Robby???"

Ashley blushed slightly. "We're just good friends."


Ashley hit her sisters arm. "I was asking about YOU!"

Taylor shook her head. "Nah. No one there was right for me."

Ashley smirked. "So you know who's right for you?"

Taylor peered over at her sister. "Why the sudden interest in my love life?"

Ashley shrugged her shoulders. "I have my reasons.."

Taylor sighed. "I've got an idea of who I'm looking for."

"Do you think you've found him yet?"

Taylor smirked. "Maybe, maybe not. I guess we will see."


"She TOTALLY likes you," Ashley reported to Steve over the phone that night.

"You think so??"

"TOTALLY. Definitely. She is so in love with you." Ashley confirmed.

"So, what do you think will work, O Wise One?"

Ashley laughed. "Here's my plan..."


Taylor laughed as she shoved her face with a handful of chips and returned to the video game. Sunday morning meant she was able to play video games with her best friend.

Steve rolled his eyes. "I'll get you next round, I swear."

Taylor laughed and leaned onto his shoulder, then suddenly jerked back, blushing. "Sorry, I- uh- I just leaned for a sec."

Steve smirked and pulled her back, leaning her into him. "It's alright. We've been best friends for 5 years. You can lean on me if you want to."

Taylor blushed more. "Thanks, haha."

A Tiva Story Sequel {REINSTATED}Where stories live. Discover now