Over the Phone

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Taylor came home late that night. She screamed as soon as she walked in the door, unable to contain the excitement. Of course, her screams were met by her worried parents and sister.

Taylor laughed almost hysterically.

"What's going on???" Ashley asked first.

"Are you okay?" Tony followed. Ziva held his arm, her heart racing from the sudden excitement.

Taylor stuck her hand out to display the ring, and instantly the guards went down from her family. They all 'ooh'ed and 'aah'ed over her bling.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing! Can I be in the wedding???" Ashley begged.

Taylor laughed, "I haven't even thought that far ahead, but I can't imagine it without you!" Ashley grinned at the thought.

Ziva hugged Taylor, "I am so pleased. Steve is such a good guy."

Tony couldn't even hide his smile when Taylor wrapped her arms around him and laughed, "You're child is getting married, dad! You're getting old!"

Tony laughed, "Hey! Not cool!" He kissed her head. "Love you, kiddo."

Taylor stepped back. "Okay, I have to go call my friend Dahlia. She's gonna flip out! I love you all, but I'm gonna go to bed after that anyways so, see you tomorrow!"

After their goodnights, Taylor did just what she said. Then she texted Steve to tell him how her family reacted:

<message: from My Love>

            I told everyone! They were
            so excited!!! I can't wait to start
            planning our future! <3 I love
            you, Steve!

Steve smirked. He hit the button for the signal to cross the road between his parking garage and his apartment building and sent a message while he waited.

<message: to My Love
            Awe! That's so awesome! I can't
            wait to call you my wife!

Steve glanced up to see the light change. He started to cross the busy intersection and started to send another quick message.

<message: to My Love
              I lov

Steve flew back as a car slammed into him, his phone shooting out of his hands. The driver had been making a right turn and didn't see the pedestrian walkway, nor the person walking.

The driver jumped out of her car and ran to Steve's side, already dialing 911. She was a young girl, probably on her way home from a study session by the looks of her bag, which was full of school supplies.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Sir! Are you okay!?" She frantically ran up to Steve and knelt down. Into her phone, she said "hi, yes, I just- I hit a guy. I dont know. I was turning- I didnt see him- I'm sorry!"

Once she gave the location, the operator asked for details on Steve's condition.

"Um, I dont know. Um, just a second." The driver put her hand to Steve's mouth to feel for breath. "He's breathing, but barely. And, um, his pulse, I'm supposed to feel his neck for that right?"

She did what she'd learned about in school. "Um, I can't feel it... i might not be doing it right... Oh! There it is. It's really light. That's bad, isnt it? Oh my gosh, please don't tell me he's gonna die."

The operator asked her to stay on the phone and she agreed. People were starting to come over to see if they could help at this point.

A man picked up his phone, which was cracked but still on the messages screen. He looked down at the unfinished message, looked at Steve, and then back to the phone. He finished the message and sent it.

The man waited a few moments and then called the same number he'd sent the message to.


"Hey, babe! Couldn't last more than an hour, could you?" Taylor laughed when she answered.

The man on the other side of the phone was, of course, not the voice she expected to hear.

"Um, hello, I'm not... um, do you know this phone number?"

Taylor's heart stopped. She didn't know who this was or what was going on, but she didn't like someone else having Steve's phone. "Who is this? What are you doing with this phone?"

"Um, I'm... I'm sorry to be.. agh. Um, this was a bad idea."

"What's going on!? Where is my fiancé!?"

"He's... um... your fiancé is... well, he's about to be on his way.. to the hospital. He was hit by a car while walking across the street."

Taylor, who had been standing, knelt and sat on the ground awkwardly. "What?"

"He's alive... I think. At least, he looks alive. The paramedics are here now... I'm not sure about all the procedures, but I thought you should know."

Taylor's breaths were shallow and fast, and she tried her best to calm her heart as she asked, "What hospital?"

"Um, hold on," the man asked one of the paramedics that was with the driver, who seemed perfectly fine. Then he relayed the information to Taylor.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but I have to go. So. I'm going to give this phone to the paramedics with his things.... um... I hope he's okay..." the man hung up awkwardly and handed Over the Phone.


So, um, yeah... that's that!

You probably won't vote for this part, but hey, life happens, ya know?

Happy? Reading!

~Abi <3

(P.S. sorry, not sorry)

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