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"Only three more weeks until you have to go back???" Steve whined.

Taylor sighed. "Summer is almost over..."

"But I just got every other weekend off for you and I to spend time together..."

"Well, we can still talk. It's not like I'm never speaking to you again, dork." She laughed into the phone. Then glanced at it. "Oh crap, I'm gonna be late to NCIS."

"So you're getting more comfortable there, I see," Steve observed.

"Yeah. It's becoming second nature to me now. And right before I have to head back. However, there is this really odd case going on right now. I can't give many details, but there's a creepy dude that seems to be gathering a lot of information on NCIS.

"He's contacted agents using various online accounts to gather information. No one even noticed until Aunt Abby was contacted, and she thought it was weird, so she brought it to their attention."

"That's really weird..." steve glanced at his watch. "Ah, I gotta go, too. I'll see you tonight for our date?"

"Of course. See you later, bye." Taylor hung up and headed to work.


Taylor worked until lunchtime and decided to go down the street to the café to get a sandwich.

"Mom, Dad, Uncle Tim, do you guys want anything?" She offered.

"Nah, I'm good. Just be back in half an hour. There's more paperwork to process on the Phyllips case," Tony reminded.

Taylor nodded, got orders from the others and left. She walked, since it was only a block away. Once she ordered, she sat down to wait for the food and looked on her phone.

She sat undisturbed until a man sat down next to her in the booth, and she felt something hard touch her leg. She was able to make out the fact that it was a gun rather quickly.

"Don't move or I will put a bullet in your knee," the man warned. Taylor froze, but tried to peer over with her eyes to see what she could from who he was.

Her mouth went dry. "What do you want?"

"You do not ask the questions around here." He pushed the gun into her more. "You will get up and walk out of the door. Get into the blue van out front, and I will deal with you there. Don't think about doing anything tricky, I have a friend."


Tony glanced at his watch. Taylor would be back in about 10 minutes, so he started preparing the work she would be doing.

Suddenly, an agent scurried into the bullpen, speaking in gibberish. "Agent DiNozzo! I- she- I was- and then it- she- he was there and- gun- alwjwkoa akans-"

Tony stood and grabbed the agent by the shoulders. "Awlen, talk to me! Speak English! What's wrong?"

Awlen took a moment to catch her breath. "I was at the café, and I saw Taylor and him-"


"Phyllips... that guy who's been targeting NCIS for information. He put a gun to her and ---- well, see for yourself!" Awlen showed the team her phone.

Tony grabbed the phone and swiped through the photos with Ziva over his shoulder. Awlen had been at the café and took pictures of Taylor being forced out the door and into a blue van. Awlen had gotten a blurry photo of the license plate.

"My hands were shaking so bad!" Awlen exclaimed. "I was gonna step in, but then you wouldn't know..."

Tony stared at the phone, half in disbelief. "No, you did good Awlen. Take this to abby. Tell her to clean up the photos."

"Yes, sir!" Awlen disappeared.

Tony turned to Ziva and McGee and licked his dry lips. "Dig up everything on Phyllips... Everything..."


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Happy reading!

~Abi <3

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