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Ziva came rushing in, holding Taylor's cell.

"It was ringing" she huffed, "and ringing, so I answered it..." she coughed to catch her breath. "He's Awake."


When Taylor arrived at the hospital, it all felt surreal. She had imagined this moment for the past 13 days, but it wasn't like this. She expected to be there when he awoke. She didn't expect to be riding in her mother's car while imagining the worst possibilities.

"Stop biting your lip, you're going to make it bleed," Ziva warned, glancing at the nervous Taylor in the passenger seat.

"What if he can't talk? What if he doesn't remember me?"

"That's not guaranteed, and the chance of that happening is very low, Taylor."

Taylor looked at her mother, watching her strong features. "How did you and dad deal with everything that happened?"

Ziva studied the road ahead of her, going quiet for a full minute. "We just... never lost hope. We cherished the moments we had together. And we never lost hope in the moments we couldn't be together..."

Taylor nodded, silently considering her mother's words.

When they arrived at the hospital, Taylor didn't really remember much of the walk to Steve's room that she had memorized by this point. She wasn't sure what to expect, either as she turned the last corner.

But she for sure didn't expect to walk in to find the room empty aside from Steve, who lay in his bed, asleep...

Taylor froze and surveyed the room. Steve no longer had tubes going through his body, aside from the single IV line taped to his arm. But other than that, not a thing had changed since that morning.

Ziva came in with a doctor moments later, who swiftly explained that Steve had awoken for a few minutes, but had fallen back asleep. The doctor explained that it was to be expected, and Steve's bouts of wakefulness should improve in length as time went on.

"He asked about his fiancé.. multiple times, just so you know," the doctor added with a wink to Taylor. The doctor had seen Taylor in here almost everytime he'd been on a shift.

"Thank you." The words came out a near whisper as Taylor approached the bed and sat in her normal seat next to it. Ziva got more information from the doctor, and then sat across from Taylor on the other side of the bed.

Taylor looked at Steve's face and stayed that way for the next three hours. Ziva had mentioned something about going back to work and getting their things, as well as Tony and Ashley.

Nana had come to see Steve, as she'd received a call, too. After staying for about an hour, Nana had to leave to make it to an appointment she'd set and told Taylor to call her if there was any change.

Taylor was about to give up hope at the three hour mark, when Steve's eyes twitched. The muscles in his throat bobbed as he swallowed hard. Then, so subtly, his eyes peeked open.

Taylor nearly jumped out of her seat, whispering, "oh my... Steve..."

Steve glanced over at her, face emotionless. He studied her for several moments before his lip twitched into a sort of smirk.

When he spoke, his voice came out like sandpaper was lining his throat. Taylor wasn't sure she'd recognize the voice if she didn't see his mouth moving as he said, "There's my Fiancé..."


Sorry I've been MIA, guys. 2020, ya know??

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^-^ hopefully more will come soon!

Happy Reading! (Don't forget to like!)

~Abi <3

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