New Chapter, New Difficulties

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"Taylor!!" Ashley yelled as she ran into her sisters open arms. "Welcome home!"

Taylor took a step back and looked at her sister. "You dyed your hair!"

"I know, I know. And I cut it." Ashley's hair stopped at the very top of her jaw.

"It's blue!" Taylor exclaimed as she ran her hands through the shorter hair.

"Only on the ends," Ashley protested. "C'mon, Mom and Dad are waiting for you."

Taylor gladly followed and hugged both of her parents as soon as they were close enough.

"I missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you, too," Ziva said as she led the way out of the airport.

Taylor took Tony's hand and kissed his cheek. "You're awfully quiet."

"Huh, I wonder why," he replied, casting a little glare in Ashley's direction.

Taylor turned to Ashley, raising an eyebrow. Ashley rolled her eyes. "I told him about Robby this morning."

"Ah, I see." Taylor said, turning back to her father. "It's not that bad, Daddy. I dated when I was her age."

Tony grunted in reply and waked faster. Ashley hit Taylor's arm. "You told me NOT to say that."

"I said for you not to say that. If I say it, he will be much more open to the idea, Dork," Taylor replied, to tousling her sisters hair, then they walked behind their parents with their arms linked.


Taylor told all her college stories from the semester on the way home. She hadn't seen everyone since Christmas. And she hadn't been home for a long time since the year before she started college, two years ago. 

Taylor cut short on the last story when the DiNozzo car pulled into the driveway. Someone special was standing at the door.

She was jumping out of the car before it had even stopped. "Steve!!!"

She ran to the open arms and hugged him. He laughed and hugged back.

"Here," he said, holding out flowers, "For you."

Taylor smelled them and smiled.  "That's so sweet, Steve."

Steve smiled in pride. He had been trying to win Taylor over as more than just a best friend for a while now. He was hoping that this summer would prove successful for him.

Everyone followed them inside, where a feast was held to celebrate Taylor's return.

Taylor told Steve all about the position at NCIS that her dad was getting her. She was so excited to start this New Chapter of her life.

What she didn't know, was that this New Chapter would bring New Difficulties.


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