Debut Night!

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Every 25 trainees are very busy and very tired preparing for the big night. It is the night that they're all been excited and nervous about. 

The night that may change their lives, night that may break or make their dreams. But there is one special boy who is feeling down from the time the new rankings has been told. He is getting afraid that all his hard work will just be gone with the wind.

"Patrick, where are you going?"

"I'll just be going somewhere."

Nine asked him since he saw the expression of Patrick. He knew why Patrick is being aloof and wanted just to be by himself. Hours had passed and Nine hadn't seen Patrick.

"Chao, have you seen Patrick?"

"No, I haven't. Why?"

"I am kinda worried, I haven't seen him for hours. I looked in the pantry but he wasn't there I look in our room and he wasn't there either."

"The new rankings we had made a huge impact to him. But where could he be?"

SiChao and Nine is thinking to where Patrick would be. They've asked him to the other trainees but no one have seen or noticed him. They saw YuHeng.

"Heng, have you seen Patrick?"

YuHeng looked at them.

"I saw him in the bathroom sitting in one of the corners there."

Nine and SiChao looked at each other and thought why they haven't thought about looking there.

"At first I didn't noticed him but when I heard someone sobbing I got surprised seeing him there and saw his eyes were swollen and I thought that he might have been crying for a long time."

"Okay where is he now? You left him alone?"

"I think he is still there. I left him with Daniel. He saw us there and he noticed Patrick's eyes. He rushed over and asking him a lot of things so without them noticing me I went out."

Nine felt a bit relieved that Patrick is with someone.

Daniel PoV's

As I enter the common bathroom, I heard some people talking and I heard someone sobbing. I tried to look from where it is and there I saw YuHeng and Patrick hugging each other well I felt a bit of a sting in my chest and don't know why. When they broke their hug I saw Patrick's eyes are swollen, got curious then I called him.


Both of them looked at me. I saw Patrick wipes off the tears on his cheeks.

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