Shan He Tu / INTO1 (cont.)

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(Credit to the video used thanks to  INTO1_Santa赞多_)

In Dorm B..

Jia Yuan and Bo Yuan keep on glancing to Patrick for they are noticing something to him. Both of them are looking at each other since Patrick is still with them. When Patrick had finished in eating his meal and stood up.

"Patrick you can leave the dishes you used we just washed it along with the ones we are using." Bo Yuan said.

"Huh? No I will just wash it since it is only a bowl and a spoon. Don't worry." Patrick smiled to Bo Yuan.

"No just leave it there you might spill something on your clothes." Then Patrick looked at himself and back to Bo Yuan.

"Big brother Yuan, don't worry. I won't splash the water to myself so it's fine." Patrick started to wash the dishes he used and finished immediately.

"See big brother Yuan. I'm done and I didn't spill anything on my clothes."

"Hmm okay okay."

"Big brother Yuan I'll just go to my room and prepare the things that I'll be bringing later. Just call me when we are ready to go." Patrick smiles to both to Bo Yuan and Jia Yuan. He then walks to the stairs.

"OH BY THE WAY PATRICK! CAN YOU CALL MIKA TO HAVE A BREAKFAST TOO. JUST TELL HIM FOOD IS READY, OKAY?" Bo Yuan shouted since Patrick is almost a few steps up.

"SURE BIG BROTHER YUAN." Patrick shouted back.








"Big Brother Yuan said to wake you up and have a breakfast downstairs. Food is ready."

"Ohhhh... Okay.. Thanks Patrick."

After waking up Mika, Patrick went to his room and prepare the things that he'll bring along. Then someone message him.

Are you finished in preparing your things?

Yes, I'm done.

What are you doing now?

I'm just sitting on my bed and waiting for you.

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