Wish to have this day to be with you.

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Patrick was woken up with the rays of sun peeking through his bedroom window. He gently opened his eyes and thoughts came rushing into him. As those thoughts ran through his mind, a sweet smile was painted through his lips.

I am so happy that.... that the feelings that I am trying to hide all this time.. are the same feelings that you have for me. I couldn't imagine that the person that I have just met in a show would express so much care, concern and especially love to a person like me. I know a lot are saying that I am handsome and surely a lot of people love me. 

I have no doubts with the love they are giving but the kind of love you are expressing is so different from the kind of love that I've known in the past.

Wishing that this happiness would last and hope that any challenges and obstacles we'll face be solved and fixed while holding each other's hands. I am really thankful that I have met you..( then Patrick looks at the picture on his phone and gently planted a kiss)

As Patrick was still lying in his bed the person whom he was thinking. Was already awake and in the bathroom washing his face to freshen up when suddenly his nose got itchy. Until he went outside the bathroom the itchiness didn't subside then he sneezed.


"Oh, Keyu are you alright?" Liu Yu asked.

"Yeah I am. it's just that my nose got so itchy and it doesn't subside." Daniel is still rubbing his nose due to the itchiness.

"Oh I see.. hmmm... maybe someone is kissing your picture or thinking about you."

When Daniel heard what Liu Yu said he turned to him confusedly.

"Oh, I think I got you confused there. hehe" Daniel nodded

"Well, we usually say that before when I am with my friends. and it seems that it was true."

"How did you know that it was true?" properly sits on his bed to face Liu Yu.

"Because one time I was doing the same thing that you're doing, rubbing my nose since it was so itchy and I had to sneeze multiple times. When my friends and I met one of my friends mentioned that one of our friends is kissing and telling my name over and over to our other friends."

Daniel listened in awe and suddenly thought of a person who might be doing what Liu Yu told him.

"Oh that was so coincidental Liu Yu."

"Yes, so true. but it didn't just happen once but many times. So I know that it's not just coincidental."

"And I think that person truly misses you so much... Better send him a message instead." Liu Yu smiled and went out of their room leaving Daniel in his thoughts.

The Journey to the universe ( with Thai trans Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now