Cut / Kiss?

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Every time Daniel blows air to Patrick's ear, Patrick wriggles his head when Daniel sees the reaction of Patrick he didn't stop he continues to annoy Patrick.




Daniel blows again and again to Patrick's ear. Same thing with Patrick he just wriggles again his head and didn't bother to look to Daniel. Daniel thought again of something.


With what Daniel said, Patrick suddenly lifted his head which bump to the side lips of Daniel that made Daniel bit his lips and it bleeds. But Patrick didn't saw it right away since Daniel covered it right away.

"Hey don't..." Patrick stopped to what he supposed to say when he noticed that Daniel is covering his mouth.

"Dan what happened to you? Why are you covering your mouth? You are the one who said that you'll kiss then you're doing that?" Patrick trying to move away Daniel's hand from his mouth but Daniel didn't want to.

"Dan remove your hands, why are you covering it?"

Patrick changed his tone that Daniel startled so he slowly lowered his hand to uncover on what he is hiding. Patrick was shocked seeing that Daniel's lip is bleeding. Out of reflexes he grabs the plastic bag that Daniel is carrying earlier with drinks and looked for tissue. He then gently grab Daniel's chin and slowly and gently wipes the bleeding lip of Daniel.

 He then gently grab Daniel's chin and slowly and gently wipes the bleeding lip of Daniel

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Daniel's thought;

Patrick I haven't seen you so up close like this. I know and I felt how caring you are and how loving you are to people important to you. But why you have this effect in me that it's the first time I felt. You made my heart skipped a beat.

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