What If?

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(added this song for there is a hint of what if)

One tiring cold night, someone is unable to get some sleep. A lot of things are running into his mind. The work, the songs, the dance moves and the person who always appears unexpectedly without even him asking.

He then started to remember the things that happened and the what if's.

What if I didn't decide to finish my studies earlier? Will I still be on the spot that I am now? What if I didn't push myself to join the camp? Will I have these people that will know me and support me? I know I do have friends who support me and cheer for me but there's something that I felt that I need just to keep it in. I am afraid that the people who I treat as friends may judge me and leave me once they know the things I am keeping in and thinking back with all those that happened. Will I ever meet the person who acts so caring and treats me indifferently? If I haven't taken that risky decision, will I feel this kind of happiness and unexplainable joy in my heart?

While talking to him, unexpectedly another person is also having a hard time getting some sleep. This person just makes himself toss and turns to his bed but still he can't find the right position, so he just laid his back flat and stared at the ceiling, an image of someone came to his mind that brought a smile to him then lots of thoughts coming in.

Haist! There it goes again an image of you that always makes my day bright even to the darkest of the night. Your eyes that speak to my soul, your beautiful lips that paint a wonderful smile and your voice that melts my beating heart. *BREATHS* the YOU who always brings out the best in me, YOU who encourages and lifts me up whenever I feel down. Glad that I have known someone like you, a fragile, gentle and loving person. I have thought from the beginning that you have such an attitude that is hard to get along with but I guess it is wrong... You are the opposite of every person thinking that you have this attitude.*BREATHS DEEPLY* I guess... I should.... Naahhh.. I must say that I am so lucky to have in my life that I have let you in and also grateful that YOU let me into your life... especially to your heart. You trusted me to take care of it and to shower it with love.

Both of these people are thinking of each other unknowingly, which makes them have trouble sleeping. Daniel thought of sending a private message to that someone that keeps reflecting in his mind. But little did he know that Patrick on the other hand thought the same thing. They both reach out to their phones and start to type their message to each other checking or hoping that they're still awake. 

They're both done with the message that they will send for each other and coincidentally they both sent it at the same time which made some delays in receiving each other's messages and because of this delay their hopes lowered down.


A notification came in saying one message received.

Hey, Sorry to disturb you and send a super late message. Just checking if you are already asleep, has some trouble sleeping. 😅 Good night and sweet dreams. ♥😍

The Journey to the universe ( with Thai trans Chapters)Where stories live. Discover now