Chapter One

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b4 i start i wanna say this book may make many readers uncomfortable, it includes r@pe, self harm, suicidal thoughts, and abuse. i want to warn readers so that you don't waste ur time reading if these topics r unsettling, so this is a warning to click off now if these bother u. otherwise, enjoy

George POV:

"New shoes there George?"

He looked at me and smiled sarcastically. Rolling my eyes, I continued to gather my stuff, propping it back in my bag neatly.

"Piss off Karl..." I muttered.

He chuckled, and leaned on the door frame waiting for me to finish packing up. A couple seconds passed before Karl's phone toned the recognizable ding of his message notification going off.

"...Oh shit George, I gotta go-" He sounded genuine, and worried might I add.

"Oh- um go I can lock up."

He looked up, meeting my eyes.

"You sure you'll be alright?"

I nodded, heaving the bag over my shoulder.

"Thanks man I owe you one." He voiced rushing out the door, leaving me in the dimly lit medicine shop.

Being alone in the store always creeped me out. Especially in the middle of the night. But then again, anyone would be a bit frightened. I mean, old, horribly lit store at 2 in the morning, perfect horror film scene. But I wasn't stupid.

I took precautions. I had pepper spray ready for use when I walk home, and always carried a pocket knife in my jacket pocket. I was prepared for anything, and was especially careful because well, I wasn't the fittest you could say.

Locking the door behind me, I exited the shop and trudged down the sidewalk, gripping my bag tightly.

The minute I stepped onto the rocky pavement, my shoes echoed, squeaking every step I took. If was quite annoying, but like Karl had pointed out earlier, they were brand new and I hadn't gotten settled in them yet, causing them to squeal.

The trip home was almost automatic at this point, thought it was a bit odd. Around here is where me and Karl would part ways, and I was used to getting one of his big lovely hugs, leaving me happy and warm the rest of the way home, but was greeted with a cold and empty feeling.

I shivered, and paced myself aware of my surroundings.

The occasional car passed, and I counted them in order to find some form of entertainment. It reminded me of when I was little back in the UK, my lad Wilbur and I used to hang our heads out of the windows in my mum's car and play sweet or sour. We found so much joy in little things like that, sometimes I wished I could be a little kid again, happy over weather a complete stranger waved at me or not.

I smiled at the memory, but immediately brushed it off remembering I was trying to make it home without getting murdered, when I heard rustling of trash cans in the ally way up ahead. Frightened, I tiptoed next to it, making sure to avoid the part of the shoe that squeaked.

It was dark, almost pitch black but I could make out two figures, what looked to be a man and a women.

Wait were they- making out?? Gross! Leave it in the bedroom dude...

I glanced one more time, not wanting interrupt this moment they were having, when I heard some sort of noise. More of a yelp then a moan.

Thats not it?

I wasn't sure. I hadn't had sex before, so how would I know?

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