Ending Two

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hey! please read ⬇️⬇️

i decided to do two endings so if you would like a sad ending read this :)

//rape mention and suicide attempt + mention, and death

Clay POV:

We stepped out of the car, our fingers intertwined.

I noticed George slightly chewing on his lip like he was nervous, but his facial expression showed differently.

He seemed excited, like he wanted to get this out of the way. I didn't blame him.

As we neared quiet mumbles emerged, mostly them talking shit about me.

God if I hadn't agreed to stop killing I would have slit all their throats.

Finally, it came time for the viewing.

After a couple strangers, Sam walked over to my eternal jail cell, and placed his rose, and staring into its soul like there was no tomorrow. Ponk had stepped out a second ago, claiming he had to use the bathroom or something, leaving Sam by himself. Soon enough he stepped back, and waited for us by a willow tree.

Bad was crying for who knows why, with Skeppy comforting him. They stepped up to the blackened coffin, staring at it for a long minute, before each placing a rose and turning away.

Next was Karl and Nick, who each placed their rose, and scurried off to meet with the others.

And then, was George and I, seemingly lingering over the coffin for longer than the others.

I couldn't read his face like usual. It was frankly pissing me off. He then flipped off the empty, closed box, earning him a quiet laugh from me.

He placed the final rose on the coffin, and we began to trudge away from it.

"Hey!" I voiced called from beyond. The eyes of everyone narrowed on another boy, with his hands shaking by his sides. He rapidly moved his arms upward and before I new it,


I was looking from above.

I didn't realize where I was, what I was doing, until I saw the two bullets in my chest.

George fell to his knees, collapsed beside me, sobbing and screaming for someone to get help. Everyone around darted down, expect for my friends.

It had been like a bandaid had been ripped off, a protective covering removed.

For the first time it was like I was looking from a different perspective, finally seeing clearly.

The realization hit me all at once.

I had killed innocent people. I had kidnapped George, beat him, raped him, and- oh god so much more and he still loved me? What's wrong with him-?

It was like I wasn't clouded by my poor judgement anymore, I could really see the pain I had inflicted on the Brit, how much hurt I had caused him.

He was traumatized, petrified, and he was crying hysterically over my death? My god- what did I do to him?

I was glad I was here. I deserved to be here. I deserved to be dead. Hell, if I saw me I'd shoot too.

It was sort of a relief really. Seeing how horrible of a person I was, knowing I was out of George's life. I loved him, and I did what I did for the right cause, but the wrong reasons. I see that now. I was dangerous, ruthless, I was- oh god I was a monster!

Over the past 9 months I had grown to know George as a person, and not just a toy as I took him as. I realized so much about him, the little things he did that could brighten up my day in seconds. I admired that about him.

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