Chapter 11

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It had been 3 months and I was doing great. No longer thinking of Jake and getting more involved with Adam. I don't know how to explain our relationship but I liked it. He was a true gentleman. We've been taking things slow and he makes sure to never put me in a situation where we feel pressured to, ya know. Mine and Jake's relationship was completely platonic now. Work related only. His mom passed about a month ago and I could tell it had been hard on him. He was short and crass. Which oddly enough was fine with me, it made it easier for me to move on. 

That night Adam was taking me somewhere nice for dinner. He wouldn't say where but that I had to wear the dress he picked out for me at some fancy store earlier that day. Most days I felt like our relationship was based on monetary things or him trying to show off to me. Then other days, we are having picnics in the middle of nowhere and eating take out on the floor. Balance, I guess? I think the difference between my relationship with Jake and my relationship with Adam, was that Adam knew exactly what he wanted. He knew he wanted to be with me and took the lead on almost everything. Of course he always asked my opinion and made sure I felt like a priority. I started actually thinking about our sex life together. Although I have no idea what sex is like, I think ours would be something of storybooks and fireworks. 

Six o' clock finally rolled around and I slipped into the dark burgundy number Adam picked out for me. I paired it with the nude pumps Sarah let me borrow and touched up my makeup from earlier that day. I had to say, I looked good. I was a little nervous because this was way out of my comfort zone but I felt sexy. Just as I was envisioning more filthy things in my mind about Adam the doorbell rang. Butterflies welled up in my stomach again but I smoothed out my dress and opened the door. To my surprise, it was not Adam. At the door stood a tall, dark, tattooed rude boy in a leather jacket. I swear my heart stopped. "Grace? Uh, wow you look amazing. Headed out?"

I couldn't form words. Like seriously, I just stood there staring at him. What the hell was he doing back? And right before my date. "Um, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Australia. And yes I'm heading out. With Adam, we have a date." He made a weird face and chuckled a little. "As in my coworker Adam? Nice, I was wondering when he would move in on you. Look, I'm sorry to bombard you but I had some business to take care of here and I, well I missed you. But I can clearly see you've moved on so I'll go." Ugh, why is he so hot and why does he take me right under his spell. "Look, you left and left me here so what did you expect? I really have to go, Adam is waiting downstairs." I pushed passed him and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. I couldn't believe he would just show up like that. Seeing him again made all my feelings come right back up for him. Great, right as I'm heading to a date with Adam. 

I could feel Jake hot on my heels as I headed for the elevator. "Grace, just wait a minute ok. Let me explain." What for? So I can just fall for him again? Get heartbroken again? That's what I should've said. Instead I said, "Jake I really can't do this right now." Swallow the emotional lump Grace, get rid of it. Adam cannot see you like this. I saw Adams car in the distance and realized how horrible it would look for Jake to walk up beside me. "Listen, you have to go. I don't want Adam to see us together." I could see a small tear glisten in his eye and I actually took the time to look at his face. He was tired, worn out actually. Dark circles hugged his eyes and his facial hair was out of control. But of course he still looked perfect. "Just please give me a chance to explain, let me take you to lunch tomorrow. Please?" The desperation in his eyes spoke way too much to me. "Fine. But you have to go now."

Adam saw me approach and hopped out of the car to open the door. "Hey, you look stunning in that dress. What a great choice." He smiled and winked at me and I tried really hard to reciprocate the smile. I guess he could tell something was wrong because he spoke up as soon as he got in the car. "Hey, you ok? You seem kind of distracted." Just tell him Grace. You have to. "Uh yeah, Jake actually just showed up at my apartment. I guess he is in town to do some work stuff." His grip tightened on the steering wheel and I could tell he was upset. "But look, it doesn't change anything here, between us. I don't want it to." He unclenched his jaw and grabbed my hand. "What did he say?" laying my hand back down after giving it a small peck, I was nervous to tell him.

"He wants me back and wants to have lunch tomorrow. Obviously I won't go, I just had to shut him up and get away from him." Jaw clenching again but dang if it wasn't super sexy to see him this way. Is that a toxic way of thinking? "Are you kidding me? He thinks he can just show back up after all this time and you would just take him back? Wow, he has another thing coming." We finally reached the restaurant and he turned to look at me. "Listen, I don't want to ruin our night. And I don't want you to worry. I'm not going back to Jake. He had his chance and screwed it up. Where I am right now, with you is exactly where I want to be." I was trying to encourage him but really I was trying to make myself believe those words, so badly. The honest truth, is that as soon as I saw Jakes face all I wanted to do was jump into his arms and forgive him. I know that sounds horrible but he was the first person I ever had a true emotional connection to. 

Adam opened my door but stopped me before heading inside. He grabbed my face and looked deep into my eyes. I didn't think I could feel that spark I had with Jake again but with Adam it was a different kind of spark. "all I want is to be here with you. That's all that matters to me. I know it's only been a few months but I don't care how crazy it is. I am falling for you Grace and I don't care how vulnerable it makes me look. Will you officially be my girlfriend?" He kissed me slowly and I saw the fireworks dancing in my head. I wanted everything he said but I couldn't help but think he asked me that to make sure I wouldn't go to lunch tomorrow with Jake. Or go back to him period. I of course said yes because I couldn't bare it if I said no. I'm sure my brain is overreacting. 

When we arrived back at my apartment, Adam unbuckled himself and turned towards me. The way he was staring at me made goosebumps gather on my back. "Grace, I just want you to know I'm in this for the long haul. I have nowhere else I'd rather be than right here with you. We can take things as slow as we need to or as slow as you want too." He smiled and kissed my hand and I wasn't quite sure what arose in my lady bits but the next thing I knew I was climbing on top of him. We started kissing aggressively and I've never felt his mouth on mine quite like this. it was like we were both hungry, hungry for something that's been wedged between us for the past several months. Before I knew it my mouth was speaking before my brain could catch up. "Let's go upstairs."

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