Chapter 1

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It was a cold and dreary night as I walked the short distance from my house to the cafe. The only time I could ever clear my head was this 5 minute walk. I couldn't stop thinking about what my preacher father said to me when I left. "Grace, you need to stop singing that secular music and stick to the hymnals." He was so old school it made my head spin. All I've ever wanted since I was a little girl was to be a singer. I didn't even care what I sang at this point I just wanted to be heard. The only time I ever got to listen to the newer age Christian music, is on my walk to work and late at night while everyone was asleep. 

My boss Lydia, let me sing after hours as we were cleaning up the cafe. She said I had the voice of an Angel. I found it quite ironic. My father had pounded into my head for years that the new Christian music they were putting out was dishonoring to the Lord. He was so close minded I couldn't wait to get out of there. I had dreams about what it would be like to make it big. I didn't even care what I was singing I just wanted my voice to be heard. I switched back and forth between Christian, country, hip hop and alternative. I could only imagine the look on fathers face if he saw my playlists. 

It was a slow day at the cafe so me and my best friend Sarah left early. She was so different than me. She got to color her hair a different color every month, her nails were always black, she had 3 tattoos and several piercings. We were polar opposites but had been inseparable since 3rd grade. My father tried many times to sway her in his ways and come to church with us. She would always tell him the old school way was not for her. She went to the new church a few miles away that was huge and more up to date. I always dreamed of singing in their choir instead of squinting to see the faded words in our old hymnals. Don't get me wrong, I love God and everything he's done for me but I feel like he has so much in store for me and my father is holding me back. So afraid of change. 

"So Damon is having a party this weekend, he invited both of us." Sarah gave me a sly smile and nudged my shoulder. "Are you insane? My dad would have every cop in the town looking for me if I dare leave the house after dark." She rolled her eyes and tucked her long blue streak of hair behind her ear. "You really need to move out of that house. You're 19 Grace. He can't keep you locked up forever. I've told you countless times, there's plenty of room at my apartment." Sarah's parents were very well off, enough to where they bought her a flat in the city with an amazing view. I felt like I was in a different world when I visited her. "Trust me it's very tempting. I'm just so scared of breaking his heart. After my mom died, I'm all he has." She frowned and changed the subject. 

June 2014, my mom was in a fatal car crash. A drunk driver clipped her side and she died on the way to the hospital. It's been 6 years and my dad still can't talk about her. I'm an only child and the only thing my dad had left. I think I've let him mold and shape my entire life since then because I've been too scared to disappoint him. The time was coming though, I had to follow my dreams. Surely he would understand. When i got home he was sitting in his recliner reading the paper. Our house was seriously outdated like my father and he had no plans of changing it anytime soon. It was the exact same as my mom had left it. Dinner was cold and sitting out just like I had left it before I went to work. 

"Dad? have you ate?" he shifted in his chair but didn't answer. Assuming he was asleep I warmed up some leftovers from last night and headed to my room. I had a small space I called my writing corner there where I let all my creative juices flow, as you call it. I had big dreams to leave this town and never come back. I drifted off to sounds of Coldplay in my ears and was abruptly woken up by my dad slinging my headphones off my ears.    "What is this blasphemy you're putting in your head?!" I sat up quick with my heart pounding in my head. Great, what lie was I going to come up with now? "Dad it's not blasphemy! these words have meaning, they all have meaning but you are so close minded you can't even stop for one single second and appreciate anything! anything that isn't old hymnals you scoff at! when are you going to realize there's a whole other world out there dad? I'm so sorry that I am not perfect."

 "I am so sorry that I can't be the person you want me to be. I'm tired of hiding from you dad. It shouldn't have to be this way! I love music, all music! I'm moving in with Sarah too." he scanned my face for what seemed like forever and finally just huffed and slammed the door behind him. Hot tears stained my cheeks as I threw all my clothes into a suitcase. He didn't say one word as I trampled down the stairs and shut the door. I should be relieved but I'm shocked and hurt. I can't believe he didn't even say one word. 

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