Chapter 2: Life After Death

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Andy's POV:

Years have passed since that dark night in New Orleans when I became this thing I am now. I've recruited several acquaintances, but sadly they were discontinued when my thirst would take over my emotions. My humanity to life was switched off the day I killed the innocent lady, I truly have no care in the world now. The hardest thing of being an immortal monster would be conforming to everyone's new ways and consumes. They've become, what I call, arrogant bastards with there social media, trying to be accepted in this new world. Disgusting. Through my whole life I've found a community of nice people, the outcasts who disbelieve in conformity to the new ways. Those are the people I salute.

My sunglasses were perched on the bridge of my nose as I walked into the bar. It was fairly full, many bikers with tattooed arms played pool in the corner. There were a few people sitting at the bar stools, many hid in the booths with a beer in hand and their head down. My boots clicked against to cherry wood floor, my black skinny jeans hugging my long legs. It was hunting time for me I was ready to seek out my new victim to feed off of.

"Seagrams Seven." I mumbled to the bartender, shrugging off my leather jacket and hanging it on the bar stool. I pushed my shades up so that they rested on top of my head, glaring at the bartenders wrist. He wasn't the one.

I took a sip on my drink, listening to the grunting and huffing of the bickers. The crack of pool ball being clashed together rang in my ears. My nose picked up the smell of death, there was another vampire residing in this bar. Through my journeys I had met other vampires like me, we would hang out in clans hunting and killing people. A cold hand clasped my shoulder as I turned my body towards the stranger. It was Danny, Danny Worsnop had found me over several years of being apart. We had hooked up in the past, more of like several one night stands with no attachment. I didn't love him, he wasn't made for me.

"Andy! How have you been?" His voice slurred, the stench of alcohol and blood radiating off of him. His beard was much short now, his long dirty blond hair shaggy and hanging in his eyes.

"Danny my good friend, I've been ok to say the least." I said, taking another sip of my drink.

"Good to hear, life has been exquisite. I've found a clan of people like us, we've just come back from Romania."

"Ay what fun, I could really use a drink if you know what I'm saying." I spoke in more of a hushed whisper, trying not to draw attention to myself.

"Then your in luck my friend, we are going out of a little stroll in town. Your more then welcome to attend."

"I think I'll take you up on the offer." I placed the money for my drink on the counter, gathering my belonging as we left the bar. As he had said there was a group of darkly dressed people sitting on the railing. One person stood out though, a girl with long red hair and black highlights. She looked familiar, had I seen her before? Her green eyes locked with mine and I knew, it was my best friend from New Orleans. We grew up together, our parents great friends of each other.

"Grace?" My voice came out in more of a husky breath.

"Andy Biersack it's been a long time." She smiled jumping down off the railing.

"How did you become one?" I asked resting my hand on her cold cheek. She was like a sister to me, it was heartbreaking leaving the only friend I had within miles.

"Some guy lured my down an alleyway, woke up in the morning with no heart beat and a craving for blood."

"Dragomir." I whispered softly. "Dragomir is your creator, just as he is mine."

"One of the first vampires to be created from Romania, he was a good friend of mine, till he became drunk with power." A voice echoed out, a short man striding out of the shadows. His ginger hair was slicked back over his ears, a pair of sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose.

"Due tell." I said wishing for him to continue.

"Back before you were even born, there were two myths roaming the village, vampires and werewolves. Dragomir was fascinated with them, I just followed him wherever he had went. One day however he had acquired a book of magic that taught him to become one of the unliving. He followed through with it, becoming what we are all now. Immortal monsters. He changed me into one, then turned into a blood thirsty monster roaming the earth creating a vampiric army. He has long since died, a clan of wolfs hunted him down and ripped him limb from limb. After the whole ordeal we declared our hatred for the wolfs, a friendship that will never be made. If a vampire is caught with a wolf, then the council will have their head." His said in his thick Romanian accent.

"And how do you know that death is declared by the council if a friendship is made with a wolf?" I asked.

"There were two people that found each other and fell in love. Both of them held each other's mark, but the girl was a vampire and the man a wolf. Somehow the council found out and slaughtered both of them in cold blood."

"Damn." I breathed out. "Surly they showed them mercy right."

"No, they didn't give a fuck. Sliced their heads off and threw them into the burning fire."

"Wow...I learned a lot about our kind in one night."

"Your telling me Andy, now enough will the story telling, let's get something to eat." Danny clapped his hands as we all smirked evilly and ran down the dark street searching for our new victim of the night.
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