Chapter 5: You Shouldn't Be Here

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Andy's POV:

A soft knock pulled my out of my thoughts, my body froze stiff I wasn't expecting anyone over. Maybe the council found out about my little encounter with the wolf and was here to drive a wooden stake in my non-beating heart. Swiftly and quietly as I could muster up in my body, I stood in front of the door, the only thing separating me from the stranger outside. There was a another tap at the door, more or less a pounding that wouldn't cease to stop. I placed my fingers on my temple, growling softy at the headache forming.

"Stop your constant irritating bangs! I hear you loud and fucking clear!" I growled as the stranger stopped, a soft whimper coming from outside the room. My hand curled around the silver nob as I turned my wrist to the right, opening the door just a crack. It was Ashley standing outside, the one who I had met only hours prior. What was he doing here? Doesn't he know to stay away from my kind? A wolf and vamp sworn enemies.

"Your a short tempered one I must say." He said rolling his eyes and pushed his way into my house. Does he not know of boundaries?

"What are you doing here? You can't be here." I said slightly worried, looking left to right down the hallway before shutting and locking the door.

"I need to talk to you about something, something that could change everything we know." He spoke, sitting down on my couch.

"Someone's been drinking to much." I ran over to him, placing my hands on either side of my head, glaring into his eyes. The smell of wet dog and sweet honey blood flowed through my nostrils as my fangs retracted and my eyes turned an icy blue. "Aren't you scared of me? A cold blooded killer who won't think twice in drinking every last drop of your sweet sweet blood. Haven't you heard the story's about my kind?" I growled watching as his posture never faltered.

"That's just your face you show to the world, doesn't mean your actually like that. If you wanted to kill me." He stopped letting out a small chuckle. "You would have already done it."

"Your insufferable." I breathed out, pushing myself away and collapsed on the love seat, farthest away from him.

"Anyway, back to what I came here to talk about. Have you heard of a mate, it's mostly common among the wolfs, but it was mentioned to you right?"

I nodded my head slightly, tapping my foot against the floor to calm my temper. I was fuming, what gives him the right to talk to me like that in my own house to.

"Well we have a little problem...your kinda of sort of my mate and there is a prophecy pertaining to us."

"How can I be kind sort of your mate, I just met you today not even a couple hours ago."

"I know I know this all confuses me to, but I'm going to need you to listen to what I have to say."

"Go on." I sighed softly.

"I'm a wolf born on a full moon who was designed to be mated with a vampire, you were once a human born on a half moon; but later on you were turned into a vampire by the first blood line. When your creator turned you, the poison set off this reaction that designed you to be mated with a wolf, which is me. Both of us were put on this earth to find each other, fall in love, and stop the war between our kinds."

"I can't fall in love with someone I just met, do you understand the position your putting me in?" I ran my fingers through my hair trying to wrap my head around all of this.

"Don't you get it Andy, all the pieces are falling into place. The reason you can't kill me is because deep down inside your cold, soulless body; you love me."

"Get out of my apartment Ashley, your babbling is really getting on my nerves right now." I didn't want to believe what he was saying was true, he really just wanted me killed. This love he was talking about didn't exist in my body, I was incapable of feeling and giving someone love. Truly I had no idea why I hadn't killed him yet, it wasn't like I was taking what he said to heart. Even though I do believe this "prophecy" could be half true, how could one vampire and one wolf stop fighting that has been going on for centuries almost.

"I can't leave, if we are apart then we grow weak and unstable. Don't you see, we need each other to survive no matter how much you hate it, or despise it." He said, placing both of his warm hands on my shoulder.

"Alright fleabag you can stay, but I have rules. Follow me." I moved his hands off of me, pushing past his frame to walk down the short hallway. "You stay in your room which is this one, don't come in mine unless I ask you to. Bathroom is right next to my room, be sure to knock if the doors shut. Don't make loud noises in the morning if you get up early, I stay up most of the night and sleep in the morning. Finally any food you eat must be restocked within a week. Understood?"

"Yes sir Andy sir!" He stated, giving me a little salute.

"Just shut up, your really getting on my nerves right now." I groaned opening my bedroom door to walk inside.

"It's what I do, have fun sleeping in your coffin bloodsucker." He smiled, giving me a small wave.

I leaned up against the door frame, shooting him a death glare. "Coffins really? That's so cliché just like the movies. Just to let you know all those story's they tell you guys about us are all wrong. Also don't call me a bloodsucker, that's really offensive." I slipped into my room, slamming the door shut. I heard Ash mumble a soft sorry before his door closed.

Laying down in my bed with only boxers on, I thought about all the things Ashley said to me today. If theses things are true about us, then we could potentially bring peace to the world. I started to feel guilty for being so rude to him, it's not like he chose to be mated with me. What was really strange was I actually felt something towards him that I couldn't explain. That shouldn't have happened, I turned off my emotions so I shouldn't have felt anything. Maybe, just maybe deep down inside the love for him that I was suppose to feel, was locked up waiting to be set free.
Another chapter for you lovely readers. Hope your liking it :D
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Oh and I saw Panic! At The Disco Friday night, ugh it was amazing.
So wattpad hates me and won't let me post my other one I had so I'm trying to see if it would post now.

Defying The Odds {Andley} (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now