Chapter 14: Coffin

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Ashley's POV:
I stood still staring at Andy's lifeless body in the coffin. He looked like he was peacefully sleeping but I knew he'd never be waking up. It pained my heart that he was gone and I'd never be able to see those blue eyes ever again. I told myself not to cry, Andy would want me to be stronger then that. I felt a hand clasp my shoulder and a small sigh escape the persons lips.

"I can't even believe this is truly real, I want so badly for him to wake up so bad." Matty said.

"I think everyone does Matty." I sighed holding back the tears that were ready to escape.

"Are you going to be okay?"

" it okay if I have some alone time with him?"

He nodded giving me a loving hug before exiting out the door. I lugged my feet closer to his coffin standing over him with a frown across my lips. I ran my fingers through his soft hair finally letting the tears fall. They rolled down my cheeks freely and plummeted onto his chest. It was all to hard to think of a future without him, I wasn't going to have another mate. Andy was my one and only love.

"I know you would want me to be strong about this but I can't help but cry. I didn't want you to die and leave me forever. This fucking prophecy ruined my life, our life. I just want to curl up in a ball and die so I'd be with you once again." I laced my finger with his limp ones letting more tears fall onto his chest.

"I love you so so much and it pains me to see you like this. I know your probably looking down at me wishing you could still be here. It's okay though, we won and that's all that matters. I'll see you again one day, I will never ever forget about you Andy Biersack." I placed a kiss on his forehead before finally closing the lid of the coffin. I set a singe black rose on top before turning around on my heel and walking out.

I pulled myself together wiping the stray tears away while trudging down the hallway. Men and women who fought along side Andy and I bowed and gave me their condolences. I simply nodded my head escaping into my room closing the door. Everything was eerily quiet, I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs to get him back. There was nothing in this world, no miracle or spell that could start his heart again. I was forever alone.

After I silently cried into my pillow for a substantial amount, I had decided I needed to go back home. Even though I was still mourning the death of my mate, my family is who I wanted to see. I knew that they would be very upset with me for leaving, maybe even a little angry. After a while everyone would be proud of what I did with Andy.We changed everything that everyone went by, we untimely changed society forever. To me it was a huge accomplishment.

I zipped up my last bag and headed out of the room and towards the stairs. The most saddening part about all of this would be me leaving Andy here.

My legs dragged down the stairs and onto the dance floor and made its way out the door. I looked up at the huge Hollywood sign letting out a long sigh. I found Andy's car parked on the side covered with dust and pollen. It didn't feel like we were here for that long but in reality it had been over a month and a half. Time goes fast when your living fear.

Before I headed back to my hometown, I made my way back into the club and up the stairs. I had to pay Andy one last goodbye before heading off for a while. I found my way to where his coffin was set up, in a small room with the drapes drawn and flowers scattered everywhere. I ran my hand against the smooth black wood, placing a single kiss on it.

"Goodbye my love, may you rest in peace for all eternity. I love you." I said whispering the last part. I let out a shaky breath heading back down to the car.

I drove in silence just focusing on the road so I didn't get in an accident. I was to upset to listen to the radio so I just shut out any sound that I didn't need to hear. Yes I was a mess but I still held my head up high. He's only been gone for a day and I already fe myself falling apart.

Driving nonstop for 12 hours really put a damper on me, but it cleared my head. I was still sad but coming to terms with his untimely death. My grandmother would be there with me every step of the way, I was sure of that. She's the one wanted me to pursue this whole prophecy!

The light to my packs bar was lit up as people walked in and out of the doors. I found a parking spot in the back, getting out of the car and running my fingers through my hair. My cowboy boots clicked against the paved parking lot as I made my way inside and to the bar area. I saw Crystal serving drinks keeping her eyes focused on the glass.

"How can I help you?" She asked placing the glass on the table ready to fill it up with my order.

"Crystal...I'm back." I said watching her slowly lift her head and her glassy green eyes meet mine.

"Ashley! Y-Your actually alive." She gasped.

Crystal ran around the bar embracing me in a bone crushing hug. I hugged her back letting my head rest on her shoulder.

"Everyone was so worried about you. Come in the back with me, everybody is there. You can tell us all what happened to you okay?"

Crystal pulled me to the back area and down the hall. It was now time to face my parents.
Okay guys this is the official done chapter. Sorry if you had problems with it, I accidentally published the unfinished chapter when I was fixing the numbers that I had messed up.
Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and I also hope I didn't make anyone cry. Tbh I cried a little reading it. Thanks to all your comments it really makes me smile reading them. Anywho
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